Phase Three

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It was the next morning after the campers escaped, Wu could only be frustrated for so long, though he thought about it, the campers did him a favor by escaping, it gave him less on his plate, and now he could focus on the bigger picture of it all. Wu was talking on his cellphone to an old friend, "Yes, sir." Wu said, "We had some setbacks." said he. "Minor things. But, everything will be in motion now, and it will go according to the plan. You'll have your high fighting dinosaurs, I'm sure of it." Wu stated.

Makes you wonder who he's talking to, doesn't it? "Yes, we are entering phase three." Wu said over the phone, "Big things for the future." Wu chuckled and ended in a grin. "Sir?" A scientist came shuffling over. Wu put his hand up to stop the scientist from speaking, "Mm-hm." Wu agreed. "You have a good day, sir." Wu said before hanging up. "What is it?" Wu asked as he put the phone into the pocket of his lab coat. "The arena for land animals isn't fully built yet. Those kids..."

"Sucked up our resources, don't tell me." Wu said in annoyance, "We have to take the next steps now." Wu ordered, "You know what happens if we don't meet our time stamp, don't you?" Wu glanced over at the clock, "Yes, sir, I do." The scientist seemed to bow. "Good, we'll use the arena." Wu said.

"But—" The scientist tried to protest and project another opinion. "But nothing. They're used to the muck and ick, they'll do fine in battle." Wu responded. "Don't EVER question my decisions again." Wu glared deep into the scientists eyes. "Do you know how hard I worked for all of this? How many meaningful hours I've spent?" Wu walked towards the scientist, forcing them to walk backwards. "I've seen and done everything, I can turn the weak into the strong, don't think for a second that a half built arena is going to stop me!"

"I'm—" The scientist tried to budge in, "Sorry?" Wu asked, still seeming to intimidate the scientist, "Aren't we all?" Wu asked. "I'm just sorry I didn't start this sooner, I've waited more then fifteen years for this!" Wu yelled and pointed to one of the white rooms. "I've wasted too much time for it all to crumble in front of me now. So, you'll do your job, mind your own business and get out of my face!" The scientist nodded frantically and sped away.

Scar's new roommate shifted in their cage, their spikes clanging against the bars, Scar didn't get a whole lot of sleep due to this issue of Prickle constantly moving around in their sleep. Scar couldn't blame them though, their cage was too small for their stature, it was just a bit odd laying around in silence, no stories by Pebbles or Fear.
But today, a bigger noise disrupted Scar's slumber.

The beeping of a truck, the clanking of chains, the snarling of Cole, and whatever else Scar's ear made out. Wait...the snarling of Cole? Scar perked up, looking around to try and spot out her brother like friend, and that's when she realized, the empty cage next to her was missing. The beeping got closer and the cage parked in the right spot, Scar waited for the truck to drive away before reacting, "Cole?"

Cole turned his head and he hissed, his yellow spit coming off his teeth, spraying through his muzzle. Scar looked through his dull eyes with his slender pupils, "Cole..." She said again. Cole shook his head, the chains around his arms clanked and rattled around, what had Wu done to Cole for him to react like this? Could Scar get him back?

"Oh, jesus, Scar."

Perhaps there was some hope, "I'm sorry, I didn't.."

"Cole!" Scar exclaimed, "I could hug you right now!"

"Yeah, slight problem with that.." Cole said, gesturing down to his chains. Prickle kicked against one of the bars of their cage, "Prickle likes quiet." Scar whispered, "Never says a word." She added. Cole glanced over to Prickle, they weren't human so Cole was okay with them. "Where the hell are we?" Cole asked, changing the volume of his voice. "Uh, a warehouse, ran know." Scar whispered. "I know, he put him into solitary.." Cole replied in a whisper, "I thought...I thought I lost myself." Cole voice seemed to break. "I don't..." Cole whispered.

"You won't." Scar said, "We can't...we can't let him." Scar didn't know the campers escaped, as much as she didn't want to listen to Wu, she was left with no choice, as long as he had the campers. But, that didn't mean anything to Cole, yeah he bonded with the campers a bit, but Wu didn't know that, at least, Scar didn't think he did. Cole could do whatever he wanted, if that's how he were to act out his time here. Though, Scar didn't know what Wu wasn't going to do next, she nor Cole could anticipate his next move in a way she might've back on Nublar.

Candidates, Wu had to pick candidates for the arena.
Wu didn't have as much as you would think for experiments, they were being sent away or dying within days. Wu needed good candidates, he needed the ones he thought would win and bring in good quality entertainment for the island, the investors, and his boss. And Doctor Henry Wu knew just who.

'Course the ones he chose didn't know this. But after their cages were gassed up by Wu's sleeping drug, they could form some sort bad hunch about what was going to happen. Both of the experiments awoke on the dirt, that was surrounded by a half built stadium, which there were traffic cones and construction signs placed around, neither of them wanted to fight, but one was more amped up than the other, the both of them were left with no choice.

Scar and Cole, it was Scar and Cole, Cole was all pumped up by Wu's special drug, and Scar was cowering with unimaginable fear because the thought of hurting her friend was way too hard on her. But looking through Cole's dull eyes, Scar didn't see her friend anymore, she saw what everyone else did, a monster, a cold blooded killing machine. Scar blinked her small tears away, if this was how she'd get to Ben or if this was how she'd escape, then, so be it. Cole was the first one to charge at Scar.

Scar was the first to draw blood on Cole, Scar sunk her teeth into Cole's neck and the taste of his blood almost made her gag, he may have been an experiment that was no longer attached to humanity, but his blood was the same as everyone else's, and Scar has never liked the taste of human blood.

Claws was hitting Scar harder then she had ever faced, Claws was stronger, angrier, and a better fighter then some dinosaur. Claws didn't need to have good fighting skills or abilities, he did surprisingly have some skill, but that was besides the point. All Claws needed to win was full force hits.

Scar looked up at Claws, breathing heavily with blood dripping down her face, her back and her shoulders, Scar needed to survive this. Scar was still alive and fighting with no sign of stopping, she'd fight through this. She'd fight harder than she ever had before. Scar couldn't let herself go down like this, Scar couldn't let Cole lose her and she couldn't let herself lose him, unfortunately, Scar was starting to lose herself, attacking friends, following orders.

Scar had to fight, fight, fight and more fight. Scar's head swiveled back and force as if her vision was going out and her body was going to give out.

This was just phase three of Scar's story.

"Scar, get up!"
Owen's voice called in the back of her head.

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