The Others

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And when Scar woke up again, it was no longer brightly lit around her, it was rather dark and dirty. Scar was shackled to a wooden board, her arms and legs shut into metal clamps with metal bars surrounding her, Scar concluded that she was in a cage, some moving cage, the ground beneath her was moving, she could hear the sounds of dirt and pebbles being run over. Scar thrashed against the chains, they made a similar sound to what she had previously heard. She used every fiber in her body to break free, she strained and was unable to get out.

Scar also had something around her mouth, it was cold, must've been metal too, it wrapped around the back of her of head, Scar shook her head, trying to get the muzzle off of her face. Where was she going? Was she dreaming? Scar thrashed around once more, if she was strong enough to break a bar off of the gate back on Nublar, then she was strong enough to do this. Nobody tried to calm her down or shut her up, was anybody even paying attention?

There were eyes on Scar, she could feel them, she could hear some chatter around her, a group of chatter, small whispers, some of admiration, but who would admire Scar? With a sharp clank, Scar had managed to break the shackles that were at her wrists, that was still no good, she needed her legs, as much as they were useless and paralyzed, she needed those legs. Scar needed to get out of here.

Wherever she was, she needed to escape, it was worse than Nublar, she hadn't even been here a full day, or that's what she thought, Scar was unsure how time worked, with no way to track it, she simply had to guess. Scar had to get out and not just for herself, she needed to get out for Cole, that's who she needed to fight for and get to, and with the knowledge of the campers on their way home, Scar had no one left besides Cole, he's been by her side ever since the orphanage and she couldn't abandon him or disappear from his life. Death was inevitable in this situation, it would happen at some point and nobody knows when it's going to happen.

Scar pulled on the chains some more, hoping to hear the sweet sound of clanking as the shackles would snap in half, Scar groaned as only one of her legs broke free, she couldn't continue her escape, what ever was driving her began to back up, making a beeping sound as it did. Scar's cage was pushed in between two tanks, dark tanks, the vehicle drove away and Scar was left in between the tanks.

"Ebs! Psst, Ebs!" A soft voice whispered across Scar's cage. A mermaid in the tank on Scar's right relieved herself, a girl that appeared to have a tail of a fish that was dark grey with lighter accents, her scales
shined in the small lights that were around this...warehouse. It was a warehouse, but that didn't make sense, Wu's lab in a warehouse? Scar was awfully confused. "Shh..don't disrupt her." The mermaid spoke, she was blind in one of her wide yellow eyes and she had these gills that stuck out of her neck, her dark hands were slightly webbed and her long black hair whisked around in the water, flowing smoothly.

"But, it's her!" The soft voice replied, Scar covered her ears, burying her head into her arms, Scar felt around the back of her head, trying to grab the metal of the muzzle and pull it off of her mouth, she could still talk with in on but it would become extremely
uncomfortable. "Give her some space, Fear." The mermaid replied, looking through the bars to Scar.

"There's a button in the back." The mermaid said as she tried to swim around in her small cage, she appeared to be average height, similar to the campers. Scar looked up and over at the mermaid, "What?" Scar asked, "For the muzzle." The mermaid replied, "Press the button and it'll fall off." She added. "Wu's not a very smart man." Something was sinister about her words, as she spoke Scar could see her razor sharp teeth. Scar's pupils seemed to get smaller in shock, "Oh, little one, we won't hurt you." The mermaid said, "I apologize if me and my friend startled you, it's just so exciting because you're Scar from Isla Nublar! It has such a nice ring to it!"

Scar was double confused, how did they know her? Was Wu going around bragging about her? Was she suddenly king of the jungle? But, none of that made sense, but in this moment, nothing was making sense to Scar. She wasn't big on making any new friends, could she really trust this mermaid and her friend with the soft voice? Scar's finger found the button that the fish girl had told her about, and sure enough the muzzle fell right off, she guessed that the mermaid was only trying to help her. Scar threw the muzzle in front of her, pushing it away from her as far as she could, her left leg was still shackled up.

"I'm Pebbles." The mermaid introduced herself, Scar looked over to 'Pebbles', who seemed to be slouched in her tank. On her tank, there was a chart and Scar could make out some things, Pebbles' number was R, 5, 0, 2, her assigned name was 'Syrenisaurus' but Scar was unsure how to pronounce that word. "And that over there is Fear." Pebbles said, gesturing her head up to the tank on the left of Scar, "Awe, I wanted to say my name!" Fear exclaimed not too loud.

Pebbles chuckled softly, some scales falling off her tail. Scar looked to her left to see Fear, who didn't look all that scary to Scar, compared to the Indominus and the Scorpius Rex, Fear was nothing. Fear was a small boy, his eyes were a little strange, his sclera's were black, closer to a navy blue rather then white like Scar's and Pebble's were, the main part of his eyes were white and he had no pupils.

Fear's skin was a light blue complexion, almost alien like, he had some scales that popped out of his face, his arms and his legs. Similar to Pebbles, his feet and underarms were webbed and his teeth were jagged and uneven,"You don't look uh...very fear inducing." Scar replied, some part of her didn't want to be rude and another part of her was very weirded out by all of this, this was the first time she's seen other experiments with such drastic changes.

Cole had his Carnotorus horns and his Compy venom, but nothing else really changed about him, he only gained muscle and a couple of feet to his height, other then all of that, he still appeared very humanly. "I can do scary things." Fear said and his eyes glowed on command as he grinned, he seemed very proud to admit that. Fear made Scar a little uneasy...though, Scar distracted herself by observing another chart.

Fear's number was Q, 8, 7, 3 and his assigned name was 'Elisaurus' which was a little easier for Scar to pronounce. "He can." Pebbles backed her friend up. Scar slowly nodded, she didn't know what to say, nor did she have anything to say. "Lights out!" Hawkes yelled and all the lights had shut down. Wu must've been low on mercenaries, he had lost two during his trip back to Nublar and it might've been hard to find mercenaries that were as good as Mr. Hawkes.

Like two kids at a sleepover, Pebbles and Fear whispered back at forth and played childish games with many gestures. It was a little annoying, though Scar wondered how these two creatures could find so much happiness in so much darkness, these experiments seem to have it worse then Scar, even Cole had it worse. Scar was just paralyzed, that was the worst of it for her, Scar breathed in and out.

Scar wasn't tired, and she needed to escape. Scar used her hands and pulled at the shackle that was around her left leg, she was able to pry the shackle away, she tried her best to stay quiet, but her roommates would cause more noise than she would.

When the day died down, Scar grabbed two of the metal bars and began to pull them apart, she channeled all of her upper muscle strength and managed to pull the bars apart enough for her to slide through. This seemed too easy, an escape too good to be true, even escaping her paddock back on Nublar was harder than this. Scar squeezed through the bars and jumped down to the dirt floor, the dirt was surprisingly soft as if it was freshly laid out.

Scar shook her whole body and slowly moved across the ground, she could see a few headlights, construction machinery and a couple of goons, including Hawkes walking around. Everything was going well and for a moment Scar thought she was getting out of here, she thought she'd get to Cole and be able to break him out too. Scar felt a burning sensation at her shoulder, "I'm sick of you." Hawkes muttered as the electricity from the prod burnt into her skin. Scar hissed loudly, she was unable to react, the burning sensation was essentially stopping her, pinning her down on the dirt.

Wu was never going to let Scar out of his sight again, he'd do everything in his power to keep her in one place, and he meant everything.

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