Emotional (Scar)ring

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Darius continued to struggle, holding desperately onto Ben and Scar desperately held onto Darius. Everyone else just sat back in the other monorail car. "Help!" Ben yelled again. "Hang on, Ben!" Darius yelled down to Ben, both of there hands slipping. Darius reached both of his hands down, no longer hanging onto the monorail anymore. Scar held onto Darius as best as she could, it was awkward and uncomfortable considering the height difference.

Darius got both hands onto Ben's hand, and for a moment, everything was at peace. Darius exhaled in relief, happy to had caught his friend. A few Pteranodons came flying over, Scar had to prioritize over Darius, Ben or the Pteranodons. Scar chose the humans over the dinosaurs, a decision she made later regret. One of the Pteranodons flew under Ben, bumping into his legs, making Ben let go of Darius.

Darius quickly grabbed onto Ben, but, Ben slipped away faster than Darius had grabbed him. Scar and Darius watched as Ben slipped away, the Pteranodons flying after him. The monorail was silent. No lights, no sudden movements or sounds.

Scar's eyes quickly filled with tears.

Why? Scar wondered to herself.
She barely knew Ben.

Scar's tears turned to anger, passion, rage.

Scar knelt back, her teeth no longer imbedded into Darius' shirt. Scar's body tensed up, her veins popping out of her skin, her pupils going into thin slits, new fangs protruding out of her bottom teeth, aligning with her top fangs. A few Pteranodons still lingered around the monorail. Scar's eyes glowed in the night as she charged forward, jumping out of the monorail, onto the backs of one of the Pteranodons. "Scarlett!" Kenji painfully yelled. But, it was too late.

Scar dug her claws into the back of the Pteranodon, trying to seek revenge, revenge for herself, vengeance for Dr. Wu, revenge for Ben. Why did she have to have these stupid human feelings? Why did she have to run into the campers? Why? Why did...

Scar fought with the Pteranodon, that was flapping its wings, quickly crashing to the ground, the Pteranodon and Scar crashed to the floor, rolling around in the dirt and grass, Scar felt her legs rheumatism in pain. Scar let go of the Pteranodon, the dinosaur screeching at her and weakly flying away. Scar's eyes continued to burn with tears, her lips quivering, the waterworks began to overflow as small wails escaped her from her shaky mouth.

Scar's voice sounded all high-pitched.

Why did she feel so upset?

She didn't want to feel this way anymore.

Scar placed her hands against her face, kicking her feet against the grass in a form of frustration. Scar needed something to destroy, something, anything.
A person, a tree, a dinosaur. Something to distract her. Scar attempted to prop herself on her arms and legs, but she couldn't. Scar's Toro bite opened, though, it had never closed, Scar army crawled over to a nearby bush, doing a half-ass job when ripping the leaves off. Scar placed the leaves over her leg.

Scar secured the leaves with some of her fabric from her shirt, she didn't feel like climbing a tree and collecting a vine like she previously had. A cry of a baby Ankylosaurus happened in the near vicinity of Scar. "Baby?" Scar yelled into the direction she had heard the sound coming from. The baby Ankylosaurus cried again, the sound almost sounded closer. Scar hissed towards the direction of the sound, hoping Bumpy would recognize her hiss rather than her voice.

Bumpy came running out of the bushes. "Baby!" Scar quietly exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Bumpy. "Baby.." Scar uttered, feeling absolutely defeated. "Anyone else with you?" Scar asked. Bumpy looked up at Scar. Scar growled at Bumpy, followed by a hiss. In response, Bumpy made a sad moo sounding noise, telling Scar that it was a 'no'.

Scar laid under Bumpy, Bumpy's legs on the either other side of Scar's waist. Scar didn't want to a thing. Scar was tired, although, she had just slept on the monorail, but, it was a different type of tiredness. That same feeling from the other day with the deceased full grown Ankylosaurus came back.

The feeling surrounding Scar, inside and out.


Scar was mourning.

As Scar fussed around on the floor, gravity took course, causing her salty tears to drip down her nose.

Scar curled up into a ball, not caring if she were to get eaten by a dinosaur. Scar could have never made friends, she couldn't keep Owen, so why should she have gotten to keep Ben? Or, Yasmina? Or, Kenji? She didn't deserve it. Scar was a monster. Nobody could ever love and care for someone like that. Everyone needed to shoot and throw at Scar for a reason, Scar was dangerous, to herself and to others.

Scar felt her newly grown in bottom fangs, making her conclude on her thoughts that were right to her.

Bumpy nudged at Scar's arms, her head and her waist, not touching her legs, Bumpy could sense that something was wrong with them. Scar looked away from Bumpy, why was something so fragile and weak attached to something so sinister and monstrous like Scar? It made sense to why something so fragile and weak was attached to something also weak and fragile...but now that was gone. Bumpy had no reason to feel hopeful, yet, she still was. Scar was drained, thinking how maybe it would've been better if she had just stayed in her paddock.

Maybe it would've been better for Scar to have died.

Scar should've gotten broken and bent into whatever Dr. Wu wanted, but for whatever some foolish and stupid reason, she didn't. Bumpy kept nudging at Scar, groaning and roaring at her. Scar looked at Bumpy, starting to get angry with her. Scar looked at Bumpy with all that rage in her eyes, Scar's face producing an aura of an emotional rageful temper. Scar's had been glowing in the night, becoming even brighter with every ounce of angered she created.

Scar snarled towards Bumpy. The Ankylosaurus jumping back, responding in another series of groans an roars, this time, they sounded questionable. Scar hissed loudly to Bumpy.

It was a different hiss, it wasn't Scar's ordinary hiss that she'd make towards Bumpy, but, it was rather the same hissed she made when interacting with the Indominus, the Carnotorus, even Hawkes and Dr. Wu. Bumpy understood the hint, and ran away.

Scar was left with her thoughts, her feelings.

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