Questions With No Answers

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A/N: For the sake of this story the Indominus is still on the Jurassic World side and hasn't made its way over to the Camp Cretaceous side of the island. Also kind of skipping "The Cattle Drive" because Scar just doesn't fit into the storyline and the episode mainly focused on the relationships/friendships of the campers. Thanks to _L0ding_ for the help towards the end!

It had started to rain on Scar, it started to rain over all of the island, disrupting the campers camp fire stories more than Ben, Brooklynn and Sammy were. Scar decided to crawl down the tree, she almost slip and fell out of it. She also decided to go back on the other side of the island, where there wasn't those kids who tried getting in the Raptor paddock, you don't mess with Scar's Raptors. Scar wasn't one who liked kids that much, even though she grew up with a bunch of them. Scar's pace was slower than she had hoped.

Scar hobbled her way back to the Jurassic World side of the island, her hands and feet quickly got covered with mud. This side of the island was more familiar to Scar, causing her to get a wave of boredom, but it was better than being around the campers. Scar could sniff out a scent of blood, but it wasn't animal, rather human. Maybe coming back to this side of the island wasn't the best idea...but what could possibly scare Scar? She's been through everything...what could possibly be throwing a curve at her now? Deep down there was some humanity left in Scar, something that told her to turn back.

Scar ignored these human like thoughts, persisting on, trudging through the darkness of the wet forest.

It did get lonely, at first it was enjoyable for Scar to be by herself, it was like a piece of her was missing, besides the chunk of her ear. Perhaps, a hole in her heart, due to the betrayal of never having a proper family. What made Scarlett's parents give her up? What made Dr. Wu choose her? Would her heart ever be healed? Scar didn't exactly appreciate these human thoughts, but the forest was so quiet causing her mind to wander and think easily about it all.

Scar heard the mud slop in the distance, she stopped in her tracks, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She couldn't see anything through her night vision, just trees, grass, and more trees. The Indominus roared in the distance, that was a new sound, a sound that Scar didn't take to a liking.

Scar decided to foolishly go towards the sound, going to investigate. Scar shivered at the cold rain, she never got this cold, she's never shivered like this since she got to Nublar. The Indominus was a stealthy creature, not one to get caught. Having an similar personality to Scar, she was intrigued.

Scar's wounded leg seamlessly dragged in the mud, being dead weight to her, Scar growled out in frustration, 'Stupid, Toro!' She thought to herself. Toro...what Kenji had called the Carnotorus. The slopping of the mud sounded as if it was coming closer, but once again, Scar couldn't see anything.
What everyone else knew, besides Scar, was that, the Indominus could camouflage, only to be picked up by heat recognition, something that Scar didn't have.

Scar continued to follow after the sloshing of the mud, Scar was as curious as a cat but could be as stupid as a nat. The Indominus came out of nowhere to Scar, roaring into her direction, its breath smelling like rotting meat and fresh blood. The Indominus didn't spot her yet, but soon she (the Indominus) would've. Scar finally decided to turn back, running away desperately, pushing through the pain of her leg, hoping not to be followed by the Indominus which was way worse then the Carnotorus.

Scar climbed up a tree, trying her best to jump tree to tree, swinging from the occasional vine, her legs were already so weak and the fresh wound didn't help. Scar was suddenly....regretting her decisions. Why did she go to the Carnotorus paddock? What told her that it'd be a fun idea to go play with a predator? Why did she decide to go for a walk across the jungle? WHAT IS SHE THINKING?

The Indominus was already planning to take a visit to Camp Cretaceous, she was planning to take a whole trip around the island, even visiting one of Scar's enemies. Scar swung her way into a canopy of leaves, she miscalculated and she had to reach with her hands, dangling from the branch, using her core strength to pull herself up into the tree. She watched as the Indominus left the clearing, breathing a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding. Ever since she left Wu, she hadn't been afraid. Not of the herbivores, not of the carnivores, not of the top-dogs of the Island. Especially not for her own life. But in that moment, that one singular moment, she was more scared than she'd ever been before. That roar, that terrifying roar, echoed in her mind. That was dangerous. If she didn't hide well....a piercing sound came from the direction the Indominus had just left.

Guess that thing wasn't as, out-of-sight-out-of-mind as she had originally hoped. If she left her hiding spot, she would probably get eaten, but if she didn't, her legs would eventually give out faster than you could say "oops." It was a simple matter of how long she could last. Which was pretty darn long on its own. So, the answer was simple. Stay up here for the night, wait for the Indominus to get outside of a 1-mile range. With her mind made up, Scar started to lay down to rest in the tree, until she heard it. The same terrifying, ear bleeding roar of the Indominus.

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