Just Another Day

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Kenji stared in shock at the empty nursery with the blueberries thrown across the floor and the misplaced drain cover, "He may have a concussion." Mae said, looking up towards Kon, "Who would do this?" Kon muttered under his breath. Wu began to groan awake, "I'll take him to the med bay." Mae said, even though she had no clue who Wu was, she still had to help him because he was with Kon.

"Give him a second." Kon replied, "If he wakes up, maybe he'll tell us what happened." Kon added. Mae helped Wu sit up, "Easy." Mae whispered to Wu. Wu placed a hand on his head, blinking his eyes a few times, "Wu? Are you alright?" Kon asked. "...Of course I am." Wu replied, shielding his eyes away from the bright lights, "What happened?" Kon asked.

"Kenji, can you please go get a first aid kit?" Mae looked over to Kenji, who stared at Wu as his hands began to shake, feeling his body start to melt, "Kenji?" Mae asked, "Uh, yeah! I'm on it..." Kenji replied and quickly scurried out of the nursery.

"It was this savage girl...." Wu said and both Kon with Mae gave him a confused look, "I only came to watch after the children as you instructed...." Wu guiltlessly told them, "And she attacked me..." Wu had a slight look of horror, "You mean that girl with the ripped clothes and long black hair?" Mae asked.

"Mae, you know about her too?" Kon asked Mae, she nodded then shook her head, "That doesn't make sense....Scar wouldn't attack someone with any rhyme or reason." She said, "You don't know that!" Kon said, "She almost attacked Kenji and I!" He raised his voice. Kon sighed, "Get Wu to the med bay, we'll discuss about this 'Scar' later." He said.

Scar ran from the thunderstorm, running back through the cave and hopping down some rocks onto the desert sand, being quickly dried off by the sun. She felt the sun beaming down on her skin, a harsh feeling really, she wasn't all that used to the heat and she didn't notice it until now, before when she was helping Pebbles, she was running on adrenaline and didn't care what she might've encountered.

But now, she needed some shade and she needed it fast. Scar's bare feet and hands pressed up against the hot sand, her hair draped down her neck, falling over her back, the charcoal color attracting the sun like a magnet, she felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead, she had never noticed her sweat before...

Scar managed to get herself to the airlock without passing out on the way, she laid on the cold floor for less than a minute, it was just enough time to cool her off. Scar walked through the forest biome, not really looking for the campers or expecting to bump into them, a part of her wanted to find them but another knew it was best if they were to find her.

Scar thought about that roar, she thought about how Wu could create something so terrible while still making experiments and holding them captive. She wondered if Kenji and his father, Mae too were back from Nublar and she thought about what that island was like now...Was Nublar the same as it was? Was it okay without her? Did Scar want to go back?

"Scar!" Ben ran up to her and hugged her, "Darius!" Brooklynn yelled, "Sorry...He must've slipped away." Darius replied as they quickly caught up to Ben and Scar. "I was so worried that Wu..." Ben began but stopped as he felt Scar push him off. "Scar?" Ben asked, Scar huffed out her nose, there was no time for small talk or friendly gestures, Scar needed to be on high alert for the sake of herself and these kids too. The hybrid dinosaur was out lurking, everyone knew about it, but not everyone heard it.

Not all the campers heard that roar....Only Kenji and Scar, along with Rosemary and the experiments. Their minds could only imagine as much as they were told, they didn't really know just how terrifying the Indoraptor was, Kenji was very discreet when he told the campers about it and Scar could only go off the roar but if it was made up of Indominus...a slight mental image could be formed in all their heads.

Scar's eyes were narrowed as she looked around, she was quiet all over again, keeping her lips sealed and the antidote firmly placed between her teeth, she needed both her hands to crawl around and she wouldn't let something that might not actually work get in the way of her mobility. Scar would jump at the slightest of sound, even if it was only a leaf blowing in the wind, she didn't ask any questions about what the campers were doing, where they were going, why they were going....Nothing like that.

The campers, not even Ben, didn't question her either, they figured it was best not to know and if she wanted to tell them, she would've, but since she didn't, the campers knew not to ask her anything. It was as if her and the campers interaction with Wu never happened, as if Scar never helped Pebbles, having one last happy moment with her, as if she never saw Prickle sprint away to the desert, a place where they belonged and yearned to be.

All Scar cared about was that hybrid and Wu, both things she needed to get rid of and both things that she needed to keep the campers away from. But, she knew that the campers could protect themselves if needed....Ben fought off Cole without Scar, they survived on Mantah Corp island with the help of Mae, they even found better shelter because of Kon.

They could get by without her, Ben could be led around by Yasmina or Darius, comforted by them too. And if the Indoraptor was still in its enclosure, Scar supposed that the threat of the new hybrid wasn't all important as of now....Cole and the antidote, Scar and her complicated feelings...that was important, those things were happening now.

There was no point to look towards the future ahead, a future which had destitution and death to follow, Scar and the campers had to think of their now, not their later and not their tomorrow, but right now. They had to focus on what they were doing and try their hardest not to think about their potential futures.... "Do you guys hear that?" Brooklynn asked.

Scar's ears opened, adjusting up and down, listening for the sound that Brooklynn and possibly the others heard. Slowly, the campers stopped to listen. And there it was.....a crackle sound almost of electricity...It wasn't of a shock prod because a zapping sound came before the crackles....

"BRADs!" Yasmina whispered, "A bunch of BRADs..." Darius mumbled, "We should get outta here!" Sammy said, "Right." Darius replied. Darius and the others began to jog off, turning into a run, Scar stayed still to stare at the BRADs and their zaps, she could see a silhouette in the distance, a large shadow which wasn't a dinosaur......

"Scar, come on!" Brooklynn said, stopping in her tracks to see Scar staring off in the distance. "Leave her, Brooklynn." Sammy said, pulling on Brooklynn's arm, "She'll be fine." Sammy added. "But, Ben..." Brooklynn began, "He'll be fine too." Sammy replied, "You trust her, don't you?" Sammy asked, Brooklynn thought for a moment then firmly nodded her head, "Good." Sammy said as she began to run again to catch up with the campers.

Scar's body got into a running position and she sprinted off towards the zaps and crackles and as she approached she nearly stopped short at the sight of who it was, it was no dinosaur, no Kenji or no other human being....Yet, he was still humanlike, barely though. BRADs zapped him over and over and Scar was about to sit back and relax....It was her enemy Cole, his skin was being burned and the smell blew towards Scar, a disgusting smell of burning flesh.

And that smell made her remember the fight back at the beta arena, she remembered how much she hated the smell of human blood and now she hated the smell of burning flesh....She had to do the same thing before....attack Cole and live. Could she do it?

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