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A/N: Third Person Prologue

Scarlett Dimitri was once a girl who hoped to live a normal life, as a normal girl, with normal parents. She lived in foster homes for most of her life and it seems nobody has ever wanted her. But one day, she got her hopes up when the famous doctor, Henry Wu walked into the foster center. Everyone ooed and ahhed, wondering who'd he'd take, if he was even here for a kid. When Scarlett got picked, she couldn't believe it and it made her wonder why he'd pick her.

Scarlett has always been a quite intelligent girl, very athletic and fit, all the good qualities of a perfect daughter. But what she didn't know was that Dr. Wu did not want her to be his daughter, instead he wanted her to be a test subject. It was the perfect plan, taking a child that nobody wants or cares about. Nobody would've noticed if she had vanished.

In order to keep his reputation in check, Dr. Wu needed to get rid of the foster care workers who'd come around for home visits and other services. Henry Wu used the thing that could buy anything, money. Dr. Wu bribed the foster system to erase all records of Scarlett Dimitri, they did need to get her out of the system to make room for younger children. One way or another, Scarlett made it to Isla Nublar, the home of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. She thought it'd be fun. She thought it'd be safe. She thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to bond with her new "parent".

Scarlett could talk about science and DNA, if she ever needed to. But she'd prefer to talk about other things. That was not what happened, that was not what Henry Wu wanted. Scarlett was shoved into a room, a shiny white room, Ms. Dimitri was scared and confused. Eventually after some poking and prodding, beating and breaking, Scarlett was "tamed". Now, Scarlett is 'Scar' or as Dr. Wu calls her S631. Nobody ever approved of this work.

Dr. Wu went on with Scar anyways, getting the help of Owen Grady to tame her. Owen didn't approve of this work but he liked Scar, and wanted to give her a chance in trying to have a good life. It's been a few months, and Scarlett has nearly reached her full form or so Grady hopes. Scar hated getting needles jabbed into her skin, or swallowing some pills.
Nonetheless, she can't remember who she was before, Scar has these fangs in her mouth, long nails on her hands, and soon elf like ears.

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