A Final Form

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It was the next night, Scar was sleeping in her paddock, lying on the dirt. Though, she was sleeping, she was still on high alert, at night was when all the scheduled appointments with Dr. Wu would be. Of course, Scar didn't know what days she'd be tested on, she just knew they happen on some nights.

Tonight was one of those nights.

Scar perked up as she heard something coming above her. Owen would not be apart of these testing processes, he'd only find out something happened to Scar the next day. Scar hissed in the darkness. Scar began to look around the paddock. Scar had developed a sense of night vision, hence why her eyes got darker during the months.

But when Scar looked around she couldn't see anything. She was about to look up when she felt this pinched in her neck; she had been tranquilized. Scar shrieked in pain and snarled in anger. The drowsy Scar tried desperately to refuse the drugs that were going to make her sleep, but her efforts failed as she lost her balance and fell back down on the dirt. Up above were two tackle men in which worked for InGens and Dr. Wu. "She's down. I repeat she's down." One said into a walkie talkie. The other walked down to the entrance of her paddock and threw the passed out girl over his shoulder.

It took a lot more than some dart to keep her asleep, so when they arrived at the testing center, she was awake, still drowsy but awake. Scar laid in a white room, the same white room that started it all. "Easy, my Cicasaurus." Dr. Wu said into the speaker that would make Scar hear it inside her containment. Another nickname for Scar, was 'Cicasaurus' essentially meaning 'scar dinosaur' or 'dinosaur scar' even 'scar of the dinosaur'.


Scar hissed as loud as she could, she only talked around Owen. Dr. Wu was talking behind the glass, Scar couldn't hear or see him. "We tranqed her, Doctor." Mr. Hawkes, the one who told his team that she was down said. "Then why isn't she asleep?" Dr. Wu asked. "I don't know. But maybe this a good thing, you know? Shows us she's really strong." The second tackle guy, Mr. Steele said. "You bring up a valid point, Mr. Steele." Dr. Wu put his hand on his chin.

"Mills sure would love her." Mr. Hawkes said as they all looked at Scar through the glass. "Well, he isn't getting her. They'll be future projects that he can have." Dr. Wu said. "Now, I'd like to get this done in a orderly fashion." He added, with the slight issue of Scar being awake, they needed to be extra careful when dealing with her. Scar hissed and growled weakly, she knew that if she tried attacking Dr. Wu or any of his men, she'd be in much more trouble.

Dr. Wu had a case full of needles. Scar struggled against the catchpole (what people would use to capture stray dogs) that was around her neck. Hawkes was holding onto the catchpole, to stop her from moving around too much. "You're going to be just fine." Dr. Wu said to her in a tone that suggested he cared. Dr. Wu took her arm and began inserting the syringe into her vein, pushing the plunger down so that the serum goes into her system. He did this several times and not every syringe went into her arm. For this next step, they needed her to be asleep.

Scar was transferred to one of the med bays, surgical equipment was required. The surgeon who was not Dr. Wu or any of his men, made Scars ears all pointy. Scar than had her nails and fangs sharpened, as routine maintenance. After it was over, her ears were covered in bandages and she was put back into her paddock. These nights always left Scar in immense pain, her body would be sore from all the needles, she wouldn't be able to move around. Scar also would be fatigued as the chemicals shocked through her, changing her DNA.

Nobody really cared, except for Owen Grady.

It was the next morning, but for Scar, her morning already started as soon as they pulled her out of her paddock. "Good morning, Scar." Owen walked into her paddock. Scar looked up at him, she'd always feel betrayed by Owen when he didn't do anything to stop Dr. Wu from testing on her. Owen could always tell when Scar got experimented on.

"I'm sorry, Scar."

There was nothing Owen could do, except for comforting her as best as he could. "The pain is only temporary." Owen knelt down a couple inches in front of her. Dr. Wu's goal wasn't to turn her into a dinosaur, but rather into some other beast. Scar slowly crawled over to Owen and rested her head on his thigh. At first, this affection would make Owen uncomfortable, considering that she is a child. But now, as the months go on, Scarlett becomes more like an animal and less like a human child and Owen doesn't mind the occasional affection given by her.

"Bad.." Scar muttered. "Hurt.."

"I'll try to get you some pain meds." Owen stroked her forehead. "You need to rest." He looked down to her. "Owen Grady to the Raptor paddock. Owen Grady to the Raptor paddock." The PA system over the whole park said. "I gotta go, Scar." Owen slowly stood up. "Stay." Scar said. Owen's face saddened slightly. "I can't. I'll be back soon." Owen said to her. "Okay?" Owen smiled. Scar nodded her head but even that hurt. Owen walked off to the Raptor paddock. Sometimes Owen never came back.

Only to return the next day.

After a few weeks, the bandages around Scar's ears were removed. Scar actually liked her new ears, the best part about them was that they moved with her emotions, if Scar was sad or in distress they'd go down, if Scar was shocked or confused they'd go back, etc. This was hopefully, her final form.

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