A Feeling, A Voice

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Scar fell out of her tree canopy, crashing down into the dirt, Scar was shocked with a feeling that didn't feel right, it came in a large wave and it felt that it wasn't going to wash away any time soon. Scar shook her body, getting the dirt off of herself, while also waking herself up some more. Scar stretched her limbs out before walking towards the compound.

Scar kneeled up to be sitting on her knees, she pushed the door open, making sure it closed behind her, she walked through the cold and quiet hallway, all she needed to do was find the investor suite, it was on the second floor, meaning Scar could take the elevator or stairs. Once she reached the suite, she nudged the door open with her shoulder and when the doors opened she saw all the campers....expect one, sleeping together all around the couch and the table. Darius with one eye open was sleeping on the floor near the couch that Ben was curled up on.

Brooklynn slept on the floor, her arms tucked up under her torso with her legs curled, and next to her was an empty pillow. Sammy was nestled against her pillow, she was munching on the top of it like it was hay or grass, her yellow pillow was slightly discolored from her drool. Yasmina laid motionless on the floor next to Sammy, their hands slightly touching. Scar slowly entered the room, climbing up on the couch, moving towards Ben. Scar gently grabbed Ben and pulled him over to her body, Ben softly groaned, his body squirmed ever so slightly.

Scar's arms were wrapped around Ben's arms, her hands were placed on his elbows, Scar pulled him closer, leaning her head on top of his. "...Scar?.." Ben asked with his eyes still closed. "Something's wrong..." Scar whispered, Ben slowly opened his eyes, "What?" Ben asked in a whisper, his voice was sleepy, "Did you have a nightmare?" Ben wiggled one of his arms away from Scar's grip so he could rub his eyes. "No..." Scar said as she grabbed Ben's arm, pulling it back to his side, "I don't know..." She whispered. Scar was rarely this clingy, "Well, you can stay here for a while..." Ben whispered and yawned.

"Ben..." Scar said, "Yes, Scar?" Ben asked, looking up at her, "Kenji's missing." Scar finally spit out. "What? No, he's not. He's with his dad..." Ben disagreed, "Right?" He asked himself, "What time is it?" Ben asked, "I not know..." Scar replied. "Can you let go of me? I appreciate the cuddle but this could be serious." Ben said and Scar immediately loosened her grip and laid back on the couch. "Dar—"

"I heard everything." Darius sat up, "What makes you think he's missing, Scar?" Darius whispered, trying not to wake the others, "He not here and I was sleeping for while..." Scar whispered, hopping off the couch, "I have this feeling..." Scar said, "A feeling so bad that it woke me up." Scar added. Darius looked around for a clock on the wall or on a table, nothing.

"Basement, reached." Kenji groaned at the voice, "You said that already.." Kenji stood up, "I'm not stepping out of this elevator." Kenji went to press another button but the doors never closed. "Come on!" Kenji yelled, pressing a different number. "Basement, reached." Kenji dragged his hands down his face, Kenji didn't want to break the elevator, Kenji could just take the stairs to the lobby if his body could support for him that long.

Kenji took a deep breath and stepped out of the elevator, the doors finally closing. Kenji looked around for a door that might've said 'stairwell' or 'exit', but there was nothing. Kenji was forced to walk down the hallway full of dinosaurs, a Monolophosaurus roared at the sound of footsteps.

Kenji stood in front of the room with the Monolophosaurus, "You don't scare me!" Kenji said and the dinosaur repeated in a roar, "Huh?" Kenji asked as he noticed that the dinosaurs were repeating themselves after 30 seconds or so. Kenji tapped on the glass and watched as the Monolophosaurus glitched, "What the?"

Holograms. All the dinosaurs were holograms. "Psst!" A sudden voice called out, Kenji flinched,"Who said that?" Kenji asked, spinning around 360.

"It is late..." Darius said as he finally found a working clock, "Kenji should be back by now..." Darius added, they were away from the others and they didn't need to whisper, Scar bumped her head against Ben's leg, "I'm worried about him too, Scar.." Ben sighed. "Could you track him?" Ben glanced down to Scar, "His regular clothes should still be in his room." Darius added, "That would provide a smell for tracking." Darius said. "Good idea!" Ben exclaimed, "Are you up for the challenge, Scar?" Scar responded in a nod and a small smile, for a moment, everything was back to the way it was.

"Hey, kid! Get over here." The same sudden voice called out, the voice was slightly muffled. "Last room on your left!" The voice yelled, "I know you can hear me!" The voice yelled again, Kenji turned to his left, walking down to the last room, Kenji tilted his head, "A talking Compy?" Kenji asked, "No, you idiot!"

"Disable hologram room 5, basement level." And as soon as the hologram disabled, Kenji could see the person that was talking, it was a woman. Her messy hair that only reached her shoulders was cherry red, her eyes were small and spread a couple of inches apart from her nose, they were apple green, covered by cracked glasses. She appeared to be wearing a ripped dark blue t-shirt and some flowy black pants, she wore a lab coat over it which was stained with blood and dirt, one of the sleeves was torn off.

"Press the button so I can hear you better." She said.

"W-Who are you?" Kenji asked, pressing the button and talking into the speaker, "I'm Doctor Rosemary James." Rosemary introduced, "But that isn't important!" Rosemary's voice sounded a bit off, it had a tinge of craziness mixed with exhaustion. "Can't you just get out like we did?" Kenji asked. "Oh, no, no! I can't, you wanna know why?" Rosemary sounded hysterical, her eye twitched. "Wu removed the damn doors! No way in, no way out!"

"I don't know how the hell he got me in here!" Rosemary laughed neurotically, Rosemary coughed as she was out of breath, "It's been a month since you escaped, and I took the blame for it!" Rosemary said after catching her breath. "I've been trapped in here for a MONTH, and you think he does anything about it? No!" Rosemary added, "So, do you want revenge?" Kenji asked and stepped back. "Revenge on you? Revenge on a bunch of kids? Let's be real."

"That's his job." Rosemary grabbed her knees, there were holes in her black pants, "This job..." Rosemary rocked back and forth, "Why did I choose this job?"

"Because you thought it was going to be like any other sciencey job with vials of colorful liquid and explosions?" Kenji questionably replied. Rosemary laughed normally, "Funny, but no." Rosemary let go of her knees, "Anyways, listen to me, kid, I need a favor, it's urgent." Rosemary said, "Do you want me to get you out?" Kenji asked. "No, don't worry about me..." Rosemary sighed, reaching into her pocket.

Kenji could see her do this, she pulled out a capped needle filled with a pinkish red liquid, "I know what you're thinking...It is not blood." Rosemary said, holding the syringe out in her hand. "You're with the kids who know Scar, right?" Rosemary asked.

"Yes..." Kenji replied, "What do you have to do with her?" Kenji suspiciously asked, "Were you the one that gave her all those scars? Huh? Were you the one that hurt her?" Kenji angrily yelled, banging on the glass with one of his fists, "No, Kenji? Right? It's Kenji, or as Wu called you 'Talons' and 'Alisaurus' or when he used your number..." Rosemary explained.

"I promise you, Kenji, I never hurt that girl or any of Wu's experiments. I only worked with Wu because he had threatened me and my partner at the time..." Rosemary sighed once again, "I've been helping them and that eventually caught up to me." Rosemary continued to explain, "I was there when Scar escaped, I was the one that tended to her many wounds. Wu never cared how bad an injury was, he would haphazardly knock them out and slap some bandages on them when they needed more medical attention.."

"I am the reason why a few of these experiments are so happy in these horrible circumstances." Rosemary looked to the side and smiled, her eyes filling with tears. "But, happiness never lasts. Some of us are happy and others aren't, Wu is overjoyed about all of this." Rosemary said, "He just wants money."

"Anyways! Jesus, I am sorry that I got so sidetracked..." Rosemary put a hand on her chest. "You must be in a hurry!" Rosemary exhaled. "You have to give this to Scar so she can give it to Claws."

"Claws?" Kenji asked, "And how am I going to get it from you? If you say Wu removed the door and if this glass doesn't open..." Kenji added. "Claws...Cole. I'm not sure how familiar you are with him, but he needs this antidote, there isn't time to explain why."

"Click the speaker button four times." Rosemary said, Kenji clicked the speaker button four times as instructed, Rosemary covered her ears at the static sounds coming into the room, a couple of pencil sized holes opened around the door of the room. Rosemary slid the needle through one of the holes, "Be careful with it. It's the only one I've got."

Kenji nodded, holding the needle firmly in his hands. "Are you sure you don't want my help in getting you out?" Kenji asked, "I'm sure, now go!" Rosemary yelled, Kenji was about to sprint off but he stopped, "Wait—" Kenji said, "What now?" Rosemary replied, "Thanks for being sincere." Kenji said, "You're the second one who's been truthful."

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome." Rosemary said.

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