One Last Escape

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Scar ran out of the compound, she didn't think about the campers, she just thought about herself and her next moves. She thought and thought and thought about Wu's words, was he right? Was he telling the truth? It was all Scar's fault that everything happened with the campers...If Scar didn't interfere the other day with Kenji and his dad, would the campers have been locked up? If Scar just cooperated the campers wouldn't be experiments.

Maybe she should've totally left them alone. She didn't intend to 'help' the campers, she was out for vengeance and entertainment. But, that was the old Scar of Isla Nublar....So, perhaps things will be different.....Who really knows? Scar sure doesn't.

There wasn't much she could do in the jungle, she didn't want to bump into Cole, although she now had what she needed to potentially fix him, but, should she trust Rosemary? Everyone can put on a nice act, though that never meant that they were as nice as they seemed, and when Scar thought about Rosemary, she thought about Pebbles, Fear and even Prickle. She figured that with Wu out of the warehouse, and now since he was passed out, she would be able to spare the lives of the remaining experiments, actually helping them.

Scar didn't exactly know which way to go, she supposed she could follow the scent of Wu, but that wasn't a smell she wanted to get all up in her nostrils. It wasn't that Wu smelled bad, he just....smelt like Wu. Scar didn't know that the swamp biome held the warehouse biome and she couldn't go looking for the campers for answers.

She had to remember her first day out, when she had finally escaped from the warehouse biome and entered the forest biome...That was the only way that she would be able to make it back to her fellow experiments, Wu would only be passed out for a couple of hours and if he were to be roaming around this island, the campers would be in serious danger.

Scar remembered the stadium with the traffic cones and construction signs, she breathed in the smell of the laid out dirt and she remembered the tired out, unamused, and fed up look of Prickle, her unwanted opponent, who she never wanted to fight, not in the first place and not in the last place either.

The hardest part was remembering what the forest looked like when she ran out into it, her mind was so shocked with thrill and excitement at her escape that she didn't seem to remember anything special about it, Scar used to be pretty good at understanding the jungle, she could navigate like the back of her hand.

And the only thing she seemed to remember was a berry bush that she ate off of that day, it was a couple of steps away from the airlock....But, there could've been a lot of berry bushes in this forest. This was a long shot and could become a complete waste of time and energy, though, Scar didn't have much to do, the campers would be fine without her.

They would find her or she would find them. Ben was the only one really concerned about her, everyone else just wanted something from her, but then again, so did Ben. He wanted her comfort and safety, and everyone else wanted her skills to help them, however, they always wanted her help.

Someway or another, Scar had found the only berry bush in sight and that must've been the one that would lead her to the airlock, now she had to remember if she took a left or right or if she walked straight from the airlock. She began sniffing around for herself, a bit weird but it was the only way she would be able to find her way back to the airlock.

Scar picked up a scent, and it smelt like the campers more than her, she followed the scent, hitting her head up against the airlock door. Even with her bump on her head, it was still a success, Scar watched as the airlock door opened and the lights flickered on, she took a deep breath in before entering. She put one hand into the airlock, feeling the cold metal on her hands, she had to get in, get out, and never return back to that place ever again.

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