Afraid Again

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A dinosaur ran past the three of them, freaking Darius and Kenji out, causing them to look around frantically and breathe heavily as they held the wooden crate tops for shields. And after the slight spook, Kenji and Darius continued to walk through the not so mysterious biome, what Kenji called the 'swamp' biome. Scar could hear the faint sounds of the dinosaurs that lurked in this biome, it was a different sound from any kind of dinosaurs she's heard, and yet, it didn't phase her one bit.

There was more than one dinosaur in this biome, "We just have to make sure we don't run into the building..." Darius whispered to Kenji, "Yeah, I got that part..." Kenji whispered back to Darius, the both of them seem to tiptoe together through the forest, Scar still sniffed the ground despite the disruption of the fog which was causing her heightened senses to weaken.

A Dilophosaurus jumped out of the tall grass with a chirp, Darius quickly jumped in front of Kenji and Scar quickly jumped in front of the both of them, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Dilophosaurus.." Darius whispered as he shielded himself and Kenji, the dinosaur chirped again and a second Dilophosaurus popped up from the tall grass, followed by a third.

The Dilophosaurus in front of them jumped, and Kenji and Darius jumped back too, Scar examined the body, the pattern, the shape of the dinosaur, thinking of what she should do and if she should attack. The main Dilophosaurus stared at Darius, Kenji and Scar, tilting its head and thinking about what to do with the fresh meat that wandered in its territory.

With the last tilt of the head, the Dilophosaurus roared and frilled its neck, flashing colors of yellow, orange and red, all creating a pattern of staggering stripes that looked like lightning. Along with the roar and the neck frilling of the Dilophosaurus, it had also spit venom at the two campers and Darius went to cover his face with his shield, while Scar ducked her head, this venom was different from Compy venom and Scar wasn't immune to it, so she couldn't throw herself at these dinosaurs in a way she normally would. "They spit poisonous venom!" Darius said in a low voice as he and Kenji hid behind the shield.

More and more Dilophosaurus' came out of the foggy air, roaring and frilling, spitting and intimidating. Kenji and Darius decided to run, Scar following after the two of them with the Dilophosaurus' running right after them. As they ran, Mae, Ben and Pierce came lifting out of the ground, on a platform, this was all part of the plan. Darius, Kenji and Scar ran onto the platform with them, still protecting themselves with makeshift shields, Scar ran over to Ben, shielding him with his body as the Dilophosaurus' spit some more.

Kenji attempted to throw one of the circular shocking devices that were in the BRADs at one of the dinosaur, he managed to hit it but it had no effect, "Uh.." Kenji uttered as he realized he just made the Dilophosaurus' angrier than before. "Guess they only work when the BRADs charge them and open fire." Darius said as they were faces with no other options. "So not cool!" Kenji exclaimed, having to shield more venom away from their faces.

Scar began to hiss at the Dilophosaurus', but her hisses were cracked and broken sounding, "Easy, Scar..." Mae whispered and Ben crouched down to Scar's side, Ben was...scared, he was clinging onto Scar for some comfort, Ben buried his head into her shoulder, looking away from the roaring Dilophosaurus'. Ben was never afraid anymore, not after the monorail fall and not after his fight with the Compies, Scar almost wanted to pull away, push Ben away from her, showing him that he needed to be tough, but she could feel his heavy breaths against her skin, his hands tightening on her arm and she could hear his small and quiet whimpers of fear.

All Ben's fear came back....It no longer was turned into survival instincts or any survival at all, Ben wanted Scar as his protection, he needed Scar as his protection, Scar sighed off to the side, all the advice she gave Ben was gone...He was back to his old self, his 'scared of everything' ways, Scar didn't know what she expected, Wu must've put the campers through a lot and this new island must've too.

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