Forgetting And Not Forgiving

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After Wu acknowledged and took in his progressiveness of this project, Wu decided to provide Scar and Cole medical attention, he wasn't going to let his top two creations bleed out or get nasty infections, now was he? He could, but he still had some decency left in him. Wu could respect his creations if he thought they deserved it, Scar and Cole did in some way, they've been his most compliant and compelling experiments, they've  survived this long for him to express such feelings. But, don't think for a second that Wu had bonded his creations, "Only the stupid and weak bond with such creatures." Wu would say if anyone happened to ask him.

So, according to Wu, Owen Grady was a stupid and weak fool, Ben Pincus was a stupid and fragile child and whoever else got attached to Scar or any of his experiments were imbeciles for letting his creatures into their hearts. As Wu had said, this job is not for the weak, if you're soft, you don't belong in the business, if you're weak, Wu could turn you into the strong, even if you weren't one of his experiments. With the recovery of Scar and Cole happening slower than Wu anticipated, Wu set up other fights without allowing his team to continue building the arena.

The issue of Wu not listening to the scientists and construction workers would mess up the future of Wu and his projects, but in this moment, Wu was the boss of this whole operation and he needed to gather and get record of who his best fighters were and who his worse fighters were. None of his experiments were bad fighters, they just would never live up to the standards that Scar and Cole had set for them, speaking of Scar and Cole, they sat quietly in their cages.

Even after the drug had released from Cole's body, neither of them spoke a word, Scar barely talked when she first got here, no chance of her doing it now, they couldn't comprehend the act of looking at one another and starting a leisurely conversation, both of them could understand how they didn't mean to hurt one another. Cole lost control and Scar was just trying to stay alive, it didn't matter, the scars on their bodies would last forever, along with the memories that Scar had because of all of this, those would haunt her every waking hour. The fact that Cole couldn't remember what he had done would eat away at him, picking away at his brain, in a careful yet confused manner, inspecting each inch of what happened during the event.

No matter how hard Cole picked, he couldn't remember and the guilt consumes him more and more, Cole thought to himself how he and Scar ended up in this position, it was all because of him. If Cole had responded to Scar's loud calls faster, perhaps Wu wouldn't have gotten her or perhaps Wu would've gotten Cole and stopped at him, going back to this warehouse without Scar. Scar thought to herself in a similar way about how she could possibly have ended up here and what had happened. If Scar wasn't out in the open for whatever reason she was on Nublar, perhaps Wu wouldn't have gotten to her or the campers, if Scar didn't decide to help the campers during the computer for Brooklynn swap, perhaps she would still be free on Nublar and Wu wouldn't have Cole, Ben and the rest of the campers. Scar dug a little deeper, formulating a few questions...

If she kept dwelling on all the sorrow of her past would she survive? Could she keep going?

Did she need to forget? Move on?
Lose all memory and recollection?

Could she even do all of this?
Moving on...Forgetting...

Scar had to suppress her feelings, all her memories, all her recollection, everything and anything in order for her to survive. Scar's mind would kill her before her injuries, both present and future, would. It was always better for Scar not to think, Scar performed at her best when she acted and never thought before doing, she was better when she was all fighting and not all feeling. Feelings never helped Scar, she didn't know how to express them and what even was the point of having them? Scar couldn't survive with the touchy feely senses that she had developed. Scar had to move on, it was in the best interest for everyone.

Scar's next thing to do was to escape, she'd find a way, she knew that Wu would screw up. Wu could get consumed with power, too much power can make a person lose themselves, and how hard could escaping really be? It would be really hard, but she could find a way, she had to...Scar's thought were interupted by Wu, he approached the three cages with a small black case in his hands.

It was no surprise where this was going, Wu knelt down on the ground, flipping the top of the case open, "Double doses." Wu snatched the needles up in his hands, he displayed them as a magician would show a set of cards during the 'pick a card' trick.
Wu went by order of the cages, he gave Prickle their two shots and he moved over to Scar, who willingly put her arms through the bars of the cage, Wu observed and took note of this action, she only put enough of her arm out so her wrist was accessible for injection. After he was done with Scar, which was fairly quick considering she didn't protest or fight.

Wu moved over to Cole's cage, and it was easy for Wu to give Cole his injections as well. The both of them appeared to have given up and they appeared to have given into the ways of Doctor Wu, and for the most part, that was the case. Wu collected the empty syringes and placed them back in the case as he began to walk away, "Got to love progress."

At night it was quiet, it never got fully quiet enough for total silence, but it was quiet enough for Scar, Cole and for Prickle, Cole was turned away from Scar, looking towards his left, Scar assumed he was sleeping, though he wasn't. Cole rested his head on his hands as he simply stared off into the distance. Prickle could care less about everything, in reality, they were really done with life, they had just got done with a fight that was being watched by Wu.

Scar looked straight ahead as she laid down, similar to Cole, Scar's head rested on her hands, Scar wanted to sleep, it'd speed up the process of all this, bring her closer to escaping, closer to her death. But, she couldn't sleep, Scar could hear the murmuring of Pebbles as she tried to talk to the damaged Fear. Scar didn't have a whole lot of time to listen to these conversations in the past, but now, she supposed it wouldn't hurt, it might help her sleep after all.

"Those kids..." Pebbles said, "If they escaped, what says we can't?!" Pebbles asked Fear as she waiting for him to respond. "E-Ev—Everything..." Fear whispered, "E-Everything will stop us...." said Fear.

Kids? Escape?

It suddenly clicked, the campers.

Ben and the campers, escaped.

Escaped? But, could they have gotten out before Scar? If this was true, Scar was proud of them for escaping and since they did escape, they may still be wandering around the warehouse. Scar abruptly sat up, her head banging against the top of the cage with a slight clanging noise, making Prickle shift in their sleep and Cole look over to her, perhaps Scar had gotten too big for this cage and perhaps Scar had gotten her hopes up, Wu would've found them again.

Who was Scar kidding?
Wu still had them, he wouldn't let them go.

Why should she believe Pebbles?

Scar had to forget, forget about what she overheard, forget about the others that had formed bonds with her and forget that she had form bonds with them, it was in the best interest of everyone for her to do that. Scar only had to remember one thing, her escape plan, that's the only thing that was worth remembering.

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