Me & You

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Credits to _L0ding_ for the Ben dialogue in paragraph 6 ish - This whole book would be stuck without him! Jungle Girl lives on.

Scar continued to guide Ben away from the area he had fallen. Scar wasn't sure where to take him, he couldn't be up in the trees with her, and she couldn't be down on the ground with him, but she shouldn't be on the ground either, it would be easier for her to get taken out. "Hey, Scar?" Ben asked, still holding onto Scar's body tightly. Scar looked down at Ben for a second. "What are you doing out here?" Ben asked her. Scar stayed silent, looking forward, finding a place for the three of them to take shelter. "I not like to over talk." That's all Ben could get out of Scar. "I not remember everything that happened." Scar said, "It all fuzz."

"Are we still headed for the ferry?" Ben asked her.

"Like I told flower shirt, you stuck. No way off."

"No body cares about some stupid kid."

"Kids." Ben corrected her, but did Scar really make a mistake? "Kids." Scar repeated. "Stupid English. I no care for it." Scar added.

"Do you know where we're going?" Ben asked her.

"I just go wherever this place take me." She said.

"Trust I." Scar said, sniffing the ground.

Scar let go of Ben once they had reached the stream where she had ran into the T-rex. "Drink." Scar told Ben. "You need water after loss of blood." She added. "Yeah, I know.." Ben replied, still trying to wrap his head around how Scar knew all of this. Scar sat next to Ben, a couple of inches away from him. Scar dipped her hands into the water, "Since you remember park map, maybe you can remember where stream is." Scar said, scooping water into her mouth. Ben chuckled a little, looking down at the water and then back up at Scar, thinking about her.

"About the park.." Ben replied, watching the motion of Scar and following her actions. "What about?" Scar asked, Ben seemed to hesitate after scooping a couple handfuls of water into his mouth. Ben couldn't have seemed to find the words. "Were you born here?" Ben finally asked. "I mean, like how Bumpy was...though I don't you were born in an egg, were you?" Ben added to his question, hoping Scar would understand what he was asking a bit more.

Scar removed her hands from the water, shaking them off to the side of her away from Ben. Scar put her hands in her lap, sitting with Ben's question. Both Ben and Scar looked down at the rushing stream, seeing the reflection of themselves and each other. Ben didn't like how quiet it was, he needed something more than the sound of the water rushing by. "Where's your family? You have to have someone.." Ben asked her another question.

"Why are you alone out here? Don't you have some sort of dinosaur companion?" Ben asked.

"Why did you help us?" Ben asked another question. "You told Sammy yourself how we were stuck, how you couldn't help, and yet, somehow you did."

"..But why help me?" Ben asked. "I've never fit in...I've always gotten in the way. You should've just left me. Why, Scar? Why help someone like me?" Ben said, continuing the pattern of asking millions of questions.

Scar splashed her hand in the water, looking away from Ben, standing up, walking slightly away and beginning to pace back and forth once again. Scar hissed at herself, almost in a way of her disciplining herself for feeling the way she did. "Oh, Scar...I, I didn't mean.." Ben said, looking over to the girl in distress. Ben covered his face with his wet hands.

"I'm sorry, Scar." Ben said, dragging his hands down his face, but Scar wasn't listening. Instead, she quietly mumbled to herself. "No body.." Scar mumbled. Ben slowly crawled over to Scar, wincing slightly as he put pressure on his knees where the glass had been. "Hey, hey, hey.... please look at me. Scar. Scar! SCAR! Look at me. I'm sorry, It's just- It's okay. I could have never done what you did.... you helped us, saved us, without expecting anything in return." Ben started to say, struggling to find the words. "You- you're probably so scared... I- all my life, I've been afraid, afraid of my parents, germs, myself....everything! If it wasn't for you, I might've never been reunited with Bumpy."

"If it wasn't for you, there would have been nobody to fight against the dinos for us."

"If it wasn't for you, I would still be trying to crawl out of that forest, injured, tired, and alone. If it wasn't for you, I-I'd be dead. What I think I'm trying to say is, thank you, Scar. Thank you for everything. You don't have to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable." Ben finished his long run of words.

Scar had stopped pacing by now, Ben had put his hands on her shoulders, Ben looking up at her and Scar looking down at him. Scar's eyes watered as she tried blinking her tears away. Ben let go of her shoulders, backing away from the girl. Scar sat with her hands on her knees, pulling them closer to her chest. Scar's never been told anything like that. Scar rested her head between her legs. "Why would boy like you be afraid of parents?" Scar asked with a sniffle, "Most kids with bad parents become bad kid." Scar looked over to the side. "There lots of kids where I come from." Scar said, giving Ben some answers. "I not from here, but, I as well be." Scar added. "I never had family. They all disappear.."

"I help you because some where it feel right." Scar said, putting her hand on her heart. "Like I meant to do this. You know? But, that Toro is bad. Very bad."

"Sneaking into my paddock."

'Paddock?' Ben thought to himself.

"It so stupid. Why should me have feelings?" Scar asked. Ben just let the girl talk, not interfering. Scar sighed, "You gots to be careful. Leaves rub against wound, cause friction. Sometimes itch." Scar wiped her tears away, sprawling her arms and legs out. "We can stay here tonight, I stay down below with you." added Scar. As the conversation between Ben and Scar was happening, Bumpy was rolling around in the dirt, making small cooing noises, playing a fun game in the dirt. Scar pulled Ben over to her side.

Ben rested his head on Scar's thigh, Bumpy walking over to Ben, cuddling against his stomach. "'re getting too big for this." Ben muttered as Scar rubbed his head to help Ben sleep. "Leave baby alone." Scar said down to Ben. "These moments don't last forever, but we try to make it the best ever." Scar clearly said, like someone had told her this before. "It's you and me, against a tree." Ben said, rhyming like Scar slightly had. "Actually, it me and you." Scar corrected him. "And baby." Scar added.

"These moments don't last forever, but we try to make it the best ever."

"Remember that, my little butterfly, you never know if you don't try."

~ Ada

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