All She Wanted, She Didn't Know, If She Could Just

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Wu couldn't be more frustrated about his whole situation, his lack of experiments, his lack of scientists, his lack of mercenaries and most of all, his lack of time. Wu dragged his hands over his face as he stood in his office that was similar to the one he had on Nublar, with a desk and a rolling chair, along with a few filing cabinets around. Wu looked at the computer that was built into his desk, and he thought for a moment...

Wu opened one of the draws from his desk and took out the laptop he had brought back from Nublar, "If he wants a high fighting dinosaur, then one he gets." Wu said as he sat down at his desk and opening the laptop, which was dead at the moment, he grabbed a charger and plugged it in, tapping on the desk as he waited. "Depending on which biome she enters, she won't last long." Wu muttered to himself about Scar. Wu knew that he'd have her once again, not that Scar would come crawling back to him, they'd just find a way back to each other as they always have.

All of the construction was a go, and all of the experimental fights were put to a stop. Wu had a slight change of plans, he needed money if he wanted to continue his work with experiments, so he had to do what the man over the phone had asked. Once the computer powered on, nothing was done to it, all of Wu's files were still there, nothing was wiped and if anything was copied, he was unable to tell. Wu cracked his knuckles and began getting to work, clacking on the keys and forming his plot for the upcoming events that would unfold.

Scar emerged from the airlock door, stepping down onto a fresh patch of grass, it was soft and it made Scar light up inside, she hadn't touched real grass in such a long time and she couldn't be happier. The airlock door closed behind her with another small bang as Scar was happy she managed to escape and managed to make her way through that strange metal hallway.

Though, there were a few issues, Scar didn't know where she was, she had entered a jungle, a jungle like Isla Nublar, but it was different from Nublar, Scar couldn't quite explain it. Another issue was that this jungle was brighter than the warehouse, the sun was shining and there weren't any street lights around. Scar had to take a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the new surroundings that she was faced with, she also had to try and contain herself for a while, she was excited but she couldn't express it.

Scar didn't know what was around her, she didn't know if it would be more of Wu's people, she didn't know if it would be dinosaurs, and she didn't know if it would be nothing. All she wanted to do was run around, stretch her body out, get a lay of the land, and just let go and be free. All she wanted was to have some freedom, some peace, and some fun.

But, she couldn't possibly do all of that, at least, not all at once, she needed to take it slow, having some precautionary measures as she always had. Scar placed her arms in front of her, stretching her body out, waiting until she heard a pop or a crack, letting her know that she had did a good job of extending.

Scar slowly began to crawl around the jungle, sniffing the ground to try and figure out what may be lying around in this place, so far, no smells of Wu, or Hawkes, not a whole lot of people, which was a good thing. However, Scar wasn't just looking for humans, she was also trying to look for something to eat, something as small as a berry bush would satisfy her hunger, and soon enough, she found a good looking berry bush with the red berries that looked just like they were from Isla Nublar, Scar picked from the bush.

Somewhere in the forest biome, it was Kenji, Yasmina, Brooklynn, Sammy and Ben, they were without Mae or Darius, Kenji was guiding Ben in the place of Darius. It was unclear to say what they were doing out here, but you could say it was the right place right time. Kenji stopped short, causing the rest of them to stopped abruptly with a few of them bumping into each other, "W-Why'd we stop?..." Ben asked, "Did we stop...or was that just me?"

"No, no, Ben, we stopped." Brooklynn reassured him, "Kenji, what's the matter? Why did we stop?" Brooklynn asked, "So abruptly too." Sammy sassed as she brushed the bottom of her tank top off. Kenji stared off into the distance, "Hello? Kenji! What are you looking at?" Brooklynn waved her hand in front of his face. "Scar..." Kenji quietly said to himself.

"Scar?" Ben was abled to hear him, his voice was laced with concern and confusion at the thought of Scar being here. "I don't see anything, Kenji." Yasmina put her hand over her forehead to shield the sun and hopefully see whatever Kenji was seeing.
"We're wasting time, don't you think?" Sammy asked, putting one of her hands on her hips.

"...Guys, I can see her and she's eating berries, like the one's we used for Angel and Rebel. I'm not making this stuff up." Kenji began to reply, "Nobody said you were, Kenji." Yasmina replied. "But, why would beastie be here?" Yasmina asked, "Let's keep moving." She finished. "Yaz is right, Sammy too, we can't waste time, it's not her, let's go." Brooklynn insisted that they continue their journey through the biome.

Back with Scar, she was done stuffing her face with berries, it didn't fill her up as much as she would've liked, but she was still grateful that she got to indulge in some food after a little while. Scar cleaned her face off, wiping the sides of her lips with her fingers, water, Scar supposed the next thing she needed to do was find some water. Scar looked around, opening up her ears to figure out if she could hear for a rushing stream or a nearby river.

As Scar listened, she heard something rather...

"Kenji! Let's go!" Yasmina seemed to yell at him, but Kenji wouldn't budge, he stood still as if his feet were stuck in drying concrete, he wasn't imagining this, it was Scar, and he could see her, and he wondered if she could see him, Kenji was the co-leader, and the campers couldn't continue without him.

Yasmina? But....Scar gasped, Pebbles wasn't lying!

Should Scar go near them? Could she control herself?

Did they still want...

No, they couldn't possibly still care about her.

Forget, Scar, forget.

She worked hard to go through all of that forgetting and she wasn't going to let it all the memories come back if it was going to be all for nothing, Scar could just be imagining this, the way she thought she was imagining Cole, she could just be developing a new coping skill, she could just be developing crazy tendencies that ran in her family. Scar smacked her forehead with the palms, trying to convince herself.


That voice...

That voice was real.

That voice wasn't inside her head.

She wasn't hearing things, her mind wasn't replicating that voice out of memory.

It was that person, it was him.

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