Two Truths, One Lie

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After bandaging and cooling down his wounds all with leaves, Scar dragged Cole over to a nearby tree so he wasn't laying passed out in the middle of the jungle. His back sat against the tree as still laid motionless, Scar nudged her head against his shoulder, trying to wake him. But, once Scar realized that he would be out for a while, she accepted that fact and positioned herself to lay against him, she tucked herself under his arm so that it was touching her waist as her arms and head rested on top of his legs.

With nothing left to do, Scar could keep lookout while Cole recovered, he was her main focus for now. Wu and the hybrid, along with Ben would come later. Back with Wu, Mae had bandaged the back of his head, he had taken some pain meds, Wu sat on one of the medical beds, his legs dangling over the side as he held an ice pack to his forehead. "Thank you, Mae." Wu said, they had introduced themselves prior to this point in time, "Of course, Wu." Mae replied as she organized the portable first aid kit.

"Do you need anything?" Mae asked, turning to him. "No, no, I think I'm okay for now..." Wu looked to the side. "All right, well I'll go tell Kon your prognosis." Mae said as she turned around to walk out of the med bay, Wu grabbed Mae's arm. "Huh?" Mae asked, looking back at Wu, "You know something." Wu said, tightening his grip.

"About what?" Mae asked in a puzzling way. "About Scar, and you aren't going anywhere until you tell me where she is." Wu replied. "I don't know much about her...." Mae admitted. "But you still know her." Wu said, "You can imagine her image in your head, can't you?" Wu asked, "Yes..." Mae replied.

"See," Wu said, "How do you know Scar?" Mae flipped the switch before Wu could continue. "Mae, as a fellow scientist, you should know firsthand about confidentiality...." Wu explained. "I can't disclose my personal work to you." Wu added.

"Well, neither can I." Mae said, "So, that's that." Mae thought she would quickly put an end to this conversation. "You're just like her..." Wu growled under his breath, "Like who?" Mae questioned, slowly backing away from him. Wu chuckled.

Mae was getting an unsettling feeling from him, "I don't appreciate your games, Turner." Wu said, "I'm not playing anything." Mae replied as Wu hopped off of the medical table, his feet landing on the ground. "You shouldn't be standing up..." Mae suggested, "I actually feel a lot better." Wu replied. "Guess those meds were just enough to bring me back to my feet." He added. "I only want the truth, Mae." Wu tossed the ice pack aside, looking up at Mae with a smile.

"I can't tell you the truth, because I don't know it." Mae said, "Please, sit back down." Mae added. "And if I don't? What will you do, huh? You're a lone scientist, without Scar or the brilliant campers at your side." Wu replied, "If Scar protected the kids, she definitely protected you." Wu said, making Mae look away slightly, "Am I right? Did she protect you?" Wu walked towards Mae to provoke her. "Did you and her have some small connection?"

Mae stayed quiet, still backing up towards the airlock door. "I will do anything to get my answers." Wu revealed, "And I mean anything." Wu reached into his pocket, pulling out a necklace with a circular sapphire gem, Mae gasped without opening her mouth. "....Where did you get that?" Mae asked.

"Don't you know the saying, 'a magician never reveals his secrets'?" Wu asked, circling around Mae with the necklace in his hands. Mae elbowed Wu in the chest, making him stumble back. Mae turned to face him, "Look, I don't know what you're getting at or what you want from me or Scar, but I know for sure she had a bloody reason for attacking you if she really did!" Mae yelled, making Wu smirk.

"Mmm..." Wu hummed, "I can see why see liked you." Wu said with a small cough, "Stop it!" Mae stepped on his shoe, snatching the necklace from his hand. "You're not worthy of your doctor title!" Mae pushed him back, "If you lay another finger on me, Kon will not hesitate to make you dinosaur chow!" Mae snapped, "I'm not helping you anymore."

"Come on, Mae..." Wu cooed, "You don't really mean that...." Wu spoke softly, "You barely know me, stop acting like we've been colleagues for years!" Mae scolded, "You're a creep, Henry!" Mae yelled, "And judging by this act, a total loser too!" She added.

"Is everything okay in here?" Kon stepped in, "Yes!" Wu looked at Kon, "No!" Mae looked at Kon too. "He's trying to get answers from me!" Mae pointed to Wu, "That isn't true!" Wu snapped, "Quiet!" Kon raised his voice, "Stop fighting like children." Kon added. "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't think I can work with him." Mae said, looking down to the ground.

"And why is that?" Kon asked, "Wu has been nothing but welcoming to me and the investors, Kenji too." Kon explained, "Why are you having issues with him? Are you sure it isn't the pain meds giving him strange side effects?" Kon asked, "No." Mae replied.

"Sir....He stopped me from talking to you, I was about to leave to tell you his diagnosis." Mae began, "I don't know if it is wise for him to be an investor for your business." Mae expressed to Kon.

"...Why are you saying this, Mae?" Wu asked with big puppy eyes, "Your accusations aren't true..." Wu forced a pout, "Apologies, Wu, Mae isn't used to having lots of company." Kon apologized for Mae with a small bow, "Mae, let's go." Kon sternly said, turning around and leaving the med bay.

"This isn't over." Mae pointed to Wu, getting up in his face. "Oh, I know it isn't, Mayflower." Wu replied with a grin, "I'm going to find out your dirty truth." Mae threatened, "Mae, now!" Kon yelled, stepping back into the med bay, "Yes, sir.." Mae walked over to Kon with the necklace in her hand, she rubbed the gemstone with her thumb, searching for comfort.

"I know Wu can be an acquired person to work with, but all I ask is that you try to get along. Things are going well for all of us, and Wu still has so much to show us! We've had too many bumps in the road for us to crash now, understand?" Kon said as Mae walked by his side, "Understood." Mae responded.

"Wu hasn't had much company either, I should've known you two would have issues getting along..." Kon thought out loud, "Are you sure about that, Mr. Kon?" Mae asked, "Yes. I know all his contacts." Kon told her, "What makes you think any different?" Kon asked, "Nothing, sir..." Mae replied, they stopped walking, Kon turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Mae, you're one of the best scientists on this island, we need you." He remarked.

"I need you at your best, so you can perform your job that I hired you to do. Go clear your head outside." Kon said, "Yes, you're absolutely right, sir." Mae replied, "I will not let you down." Mae added. "I know you won't." Kon removed his hands from her shoulders, allowing her to walk out of the building.

Mae stepped outside, walking a few feet away from the compound before she fell to her knees, unable to control her own body, Mae began to cry, something she hadn't done in ages, she held the necklace close to her chest where her heart was, weeping quietly.

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