Remember Him And All Of Them

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Ben, it was Ben, Ben yelled Scar's name and she was unsure how to react, the sound of her name screamed by Ben instantly brought back memories, the memories she tried to forget, the memories that her stupid mind decided to keep and think about often, Scar covered her ears, closing her eyes, shaking her head, this wasn't real, it couldn't have been, the campers escaped the warehouse and now they were out here all alone for who knows how long.

Scar abandoned the campers, Scar had hurt the campers, how could she do that? What kind of person....Scar stopped herself, she figured it all out. Only a monster does that, only some selfish, no good, worthless experiment does that, leaving some kids in a forest! Leading some kids into a filthily and dangerous lab! Allowing them to get experimented on! How could she could this? Why did she do this?

All she ever wanted was to protect these kids, and she stopped that all because of Wu? A guy in a stained lab coat, just a simple human, she let all of this happen over a simple human, all of her feelings were because of humans. Perhaps Cole was right, what have humans done for them? Nothing. Nothing good, just memories, lots and lots of memories.

You could say that Scar was going into a mere rage, more of a manic episode, manic panic, if you will. Scar pressed her palms against her ears harder as her nails dug into her hair, dragging along her skull.
And as all of this was happening, Kenji must've lead the group of remaining campers over to Scar, Kenji gave Ben a redirecting push as Ben raised his arms out to look feel around for Scar, "Told you." Kenji said to Yasmina, Sammy, and Brooklynn.

"How do we know that this is the same Scar from Nublar?" Yasmina asked, "We could just split up!" Brooklynn was getting flustered at the current moments that were unfolding, "Relax, this'll be fine." Kenji replied, sounding completely confident in his answer and how this would go down. Ben felt around for Scar, slowly walking forward, it was a bit of a asshole thing for Kenji to do to Ben, considering how he is ever so blind.

Ben felt Scar's hairy arm, "Scar!" Ben exclaimed again as he wrapped his arms around her, Ben now only reached up to her stomach. "Oh! I knew you were okay! are okay, right?" Ben began to exclaimed, Scar lowered her hands from her ears, she figured it wouldn't hurt to let it unfold in whichever way it would. "Scar?" Ben asked.

Scar looked down at Ben with a rather blank but unapproachable expression on her face, Ben reached up to feel and hold Scar's face, due to the height changes in the both of them, Ben was unable to reach her face, but he hoped that Scar would lean into his touch. Scar only breathed down upon him.

"Scar, please..." Ben pouted and he sniffled. "I'm so so sorry..." Ben apologized, why was he apologizing? He didn't do anything wrong, it's not like he ordered Wu to capture her. "Say something..." Ben looked up at her, even if he couldn't see her, he still had a mental image of what her face had looked like. Scar's small teal eyes, her pointy nose with a long nose bridge, her snaggletooth that overlapped her bottom lip and her black hair that cascaded down her body.

Ben couldn't help but hug Scar again, trying to rejoice her spirit, Scar couldn't smell a whole lot of Wu on Ben, he smelled more like ham sandwiches mixed with leaves and sweat, but he still had that hospital gown on, he no longer wore his ripped tank top that he made out of his undershirt, and he didn't even have his fanny pack....Wu stripped away his identity, along with the fellow campers.

"Ben, maybe we should go..." Brooklynn approached Ben and put a hand on his shoulder, "No!" Ben protested, "She's gotta remember us! Remember me..." Ben exclaimed, "She has to..." Tears started to role down Ben's cheeks, Brooklynn sighed and backed away, Scar and Ben had a special bond that Brooklynn and the rest of the campers knew not to mess with.

As soon as Scar heard the crack in his voice, the ache of his pain, she slowly blinked her eyes, as her pupils turned to small circles, Scar remembered how she hated hearing Ben cry, and she remembered how she was always there for him went he did, Scar began to reach her hands out to Ben's face, slowly placing her hands on each of his smooth cheeks, "Scar?..." Ben asked between his sniffles and quivering lips.

"...Ben..." Scar uttered, "It's all my..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Ben demanded. "Y-You and I both know whose fault it is." Despite what Ben had said in attempts to convey Scar's thoughts, it didn't help. If Scar had never acted the way that she did, refusing to believe Wu when he offered her six chances, the campers would never be in this position, they may have still been stuck on this island, but not in the state that they were in now. Scar could sense that someone was off about Ben, and it was if she knew exactly what Wu had done to all of them. "Don't cry, Ben..." Scar said.

"...I-I can't help it...I was so worried about you...I didn't know if you were okay on Nublar and now that I know you weren't even...." Ben couldn't finish his sentence as he started to sob more consistently.
"E-Ev—Everything's all messed up, Scar..." Ben cried into her body, his voice was muffled to the average person, but to Scar, she heard him all loud and clear.

"D-Darius is gone....And we're all weird..."

Darius is gone?

Scar sighed, revenge was desperately due.

What could Scar possibly say in this moment?

"I—I didn't mean weird as in...." Ben realized he might've made a mistake, he might've offended, based on the silence Scar was having. "No worry." Scar said, "Calm down, deep breaths..." Scar gently rubbed Ben's back, trying to calm him down. Ben took some big and deep breaths in as he backed away for Scar, Ben inhaled and exhaled, wiping his tears. Scar produced a small smile, leaning her head closer to Ben, allowing him to reach for it.

Ben felt around Scar's face, he gave her nose a slight squeeze, "Yep..." Ben seemed to smile as well, "That's you, Scar..." Ben sighed with relief. Scar looked over Ben's shoulder to see the waiting facing of the campers, they were happy about this little reunion, but Scar had interrupted whatever they were doing. "Come on." Scar said, grabbing Ben's arm as she crawled passed him, Scar would take the place of Kenji in guiding him around the island. "Scar!" Kenji exclaimed, "Yes, yes! We're all happy to see her! Now, let's move it." Brooklynn pushed at Kenji's back, prompting him to move.

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