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"Yo, dino nerd! What the heck is that?!" Kenji exclaimed.

Scar hissed and the Raptors growled, slowly moving closer to both of the kids. "I don't know...but..she looks..human?.." Darius backed up, catching up to Kenji who was still backed up against the metal security door, backed up against the door with him. Owen's motorcycle was loud in the quiet jungle, accidentally amping up the creatures even more. Owen ran up the stairs of the paddock to quickly assess the situation. "Move it!" Owen pushed Brooklynn out of the way, looking over the side of the paddock. "Uh, did you just push me?" Brooklynn asked Owen. Owen jumped down, over the pipes like Kenji had, landing hard on his feet in front of Kenji and Darius. "Who is that?!" Kenji exclaimed.

"Owen! Owen Grady! The best dinosaur trainer in the world!" Darius exclaimed to Kenji. "Get outta here, NOW!" Owen said, not looking back at the two campers. "Oh, yeah." said Kenji. "How do we do that?" Kenji asked. Owen rolled his eyes. "Just, stay right there." Owen said to the two of them. "Don't make any sudden movements, stay quiet."

Owen brought his attention to the girl and the four Raptors. "Hey, girls..." Owen put his hands out in front of him. "Echo, Delta, I see you, don't move." Owen clicked his tongue. "Blue, Charlie, don't give me that attitude." Owen extended his hands out more. "Scar, look at me." Owen gestured his left hand from his face to Scar, giving her the 'I'm watching you' motion. Scar just hissed, giving him another warning, she was going to launch forward to Owen, but she stopped herself.

Scar was not going to hurt Owen, but, it was coded into her DNA that she would. "Scar, I know you don't want to hurt anyone." said Owen, focusing on Scar more than the Raptors. "Back up, you four." Owen commanded the Raptors. "Back..." Owen didn't have any meat on hand, or else he would've thrown some by now. Suddenly all the lights flashed on, the Raptors looked up and around, "Hey! Come and get it!" The female camp counselor, Roxie, yelled from up above, throwing large chunks of beef down to the other side of the paddock. The Raptors, except for Scar ran after the meat. "Get out of there!" yelled Roxie, leaning over the side of the paddock. The other camp counselor, Dave, pulled Darius and Kenji out of the paddock, the gate shutting behind them.

"Owen! Get out!" Roxie yelled from above.

"Give me a second, Roxie. I'll be okay!" Owen yelled up to Roxie. "Just turn the lights down." Owen said. Roxie nodded and pressed on a button to lower the brightness of the lights in the paddock, she then rushed down to Kenji and Darius, getting ready to scold the two of them. The campers were dragged away from the Raptor paddock in an Jeep, a bit discouraged, Darius wanted to talk to Owen, Brooklynn's photos didn't come out good and Kenji was going to yelled at, something that rarely happens to him. "Scar, talk to me." said Owen.

Scar huffed, shaking her head. "I won't take you back to your paddock. I just...want a proper goodbye." Owen said. "I'm done with Dr. Wu, and I know you are too." Owen knelt down on his knees. Scar's pupils moved from slits to circles, over and over. "Come on, Scarlett." Owen called her by her full name. "Remember? Scarlett Dimitri, she wasn't sure what she was...she laughed when I accidentally rhymed.."

Scar shook her head again. "O-Owen.." She stuttered, speaking for the first time in a while. Owen's face lit up with some hope, his body filling with warmth. "Yes, Scar, it's Owen."
"I'm right here."

"Go." said Scar. "Leave I."
"I happy."

"I hurt no one."

"No one hurt I."

"I'll leave you alone, Scar. I promise." Owen was trying desperately to not get choked up, it was like if he had to leave Blue or any of the other Raptors. "I only wanted to make sure you were all right." He smiled. "And it appears that you are." said Owen.

Owen stood up. "I guess, this is goodbye, Scarlett."

"I guess it, Owen." replied the girl, trying to stand up, the only thing she struggled with doing. Instead, Scar crawled over to Owen, and rubbed her body up against his legs, like a cat would do. "Thank." Scar said, rubbing her head against his thigh. "You're welcome." Owen stroked her head. "You've been a very good companion." said Owen. "Have fun with the Raptors and the rest of the jungle. Be safe."

Scar backed away from Owen, the both of them giving each other one last final look before Scar disappeared into the night. Owen sniffled, wiping the small tears that had formed in his eyes. Scar appeared to be crying too, though, she had forgotten what that was. She was confused why she was raining from her eyes. "Gotta go talk to Dave and Roxie, jesus, talk to Dave and Roxie." Owen muttered to himself, giving his mind something else to talk about. Owen left the Raptor paddock, walking over to the structure of Camp Cretaceous, he zipped up his leather jacket. Owen wasn't really in the proper attire to talk to anyone.

"What do we do?" Roxie asked Owen.

"I assure you that she will not go near the campers again, she was only trying to protect the Raptors and herself." Owen replied, giving them his word. "May I ask, who 'she' is?" Dave asked. "It's uh..classified." Owen said, that was the best excuse he could give. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." said Owen.

"You tell us not to worry, but that certainly doesn't cut it for me. Should we be worried? We're taking the kids to the genetics lab tomorrow, any chance she'll follow us?" Roxie asked, crossing her arms slightly, almost hugging herself. "Not one bit." Owen was sure of that. "I am sure of it. Considering this is new territory for her she may not like it, go back over to the Jurassic World side."

"You've had a hell of a night, Roxie and Dave. Get some rest, this'll blow over." Owen said. "Well uh.." Roxie started to say. "Darius couldn't stop talking about you on the ride back, he desperately wants to meet you! So, uh, you know, you know!" Dave said, sounding idiotic. Roxie scoffed, covering her face in embarrassment. "What he means is that, will you stay and talk to the campers for a while? Just to settle them down." Roxie clarified for Owen.

"It wouldn't hurt to get to know the ones who broke into the Raptor Paddock." Owen dryly replied.

Before going to meet the campers, Dave had given Owen one of his camp counselor shirts so that Owen wouldn't be shirtless in front of a bunch of kids.

Red was not Owen's color.

After talking to the campers, who had fallen asleep on the couches, Owen got an unexpected call.
"Owen, get your ass down here, right now." It was Dr. Wu. "Thanks, Owen." Roxie gave Owen and small hug. "It's no problem, Roxie." Owen hugged her back. "Be safe." Dave held his hand out for Owen to shake. Owen shook his hand. "Always." Owen replied, letting go of Dave's hand. Owen now had to deal with the doctor, he walked down to Dr. Wu's penthouse. "What happened at the Raptor paddock?" Dr. Wu asked Owen. "Oh, so you heard the alarms? That figures." Owen replied sourly.

"Was it Scar? I told you how I can't lose my visionaries!" Dr. Wu replied. "Why didn't you come talk to me sooner about this? She still has show much potential." added Dr. Wu. "I tried talking to you yesterday but you were too busy organizing amber and dinosaur eggs." Owen's hand were stuffed in his pockets, trying not to beat Dr. Wu to shit.

"What? Why didn't you say anything?" Dr. Wu asked. "Are you making this out to be my fault?" Owen asked. "You were the one that wanted to do this to her. I don't know what you expected. You were the one that wanted no cameras, you were the one that wanted to do everything you did." Owen said, being tired of fighting. "I can't believe you just let her go!" Dr. Wu changed the subject ever so slightly. "You let her run away! How could you do that?" Dr. Wu asked, "You should've done something!" He yelled. "You're right. I should've done something." Owen replied, "Thanks for agreeing with me." Dr. Wu thanked him. "I should've tried harder with protecting her." Owen said.

"Oh, here we go again! Did you really form a connection with her?" asked Dr. Wu. "Owen, is your head screwed on enough?"

Owen punched Dr. Wu in the face, shaking his hand that had made contact with Dr. Wu's face. "Maybe it isn't." Owen said as Dr. Wu held his nose to stop the bleeding. "Goodbye, Henry." Owen turned around and began to walk out of the penthouse, "You can't do this, Mr. Grady!" Dr. Wu yelled. "Watch me."
Owen left the house.

And watched he did.

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