Terror Of The Night

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For no given reason at all, the Scorpius perked its head up and stared off into the forest before growling, the growl turning into a roar and jumping over the fence that surrounded the camp, the campers sighed in relief, feeling grateful that nobody was hurt, well, except for Sammy, Sammy had been punctured with some of the Scorpius' quills, the campers didn't know what to do, they didn't have the resources to help her.

They all frantically ran around camp, desperately trying to figure out what to do, what to get, where to go, "Somebody get some bandages!" Darius yelled.
"Guys..." Kenji said. "Sammy, everything's gonna be okay." Ben said to her."You know, some supplies we can get or something?" Kenji asked. "Does anybody know?!" Kenji asked. "Maybe we should go." Kenji said. "Where are you going?" Ben asked. Scar and Cole looked to one another, they saw the uneasiness amongst the campers. They couldn't help the children, not even with the little of Scar's medical experience, she nor Cole could do anything to help.

There was the option of going after the Scorpius, it was a long shot, but, it was certainly a possibility. As Darius, Brooklynn and Yasmina tended to Sammy, in reality, everyone was making sure she was alright, still, as everyone was taking care of Sammy, Scar made the executive decision to go after the Scorpius. Cole would go with her, Scar didn't care if he didn't, she actually preferred if he wouldn't. Scar jumped down from the base of the structure, making sure not to get in the way of the campers.

Even if Ben could stop Scar, would he? Did he care enough to do that? Scar had to block out all the memories that held the evidence to those questions, Scar had to, she must, prepare for the future. But, it wasn't like Scar could hop the fence like the Scorpius had, it was a great height that fence was, not even Cole could hop the fence, and he was as tall as it. They had to be inconspicuous, get away, don't get caught, get away, and don't get caught. The door to the fence wasn't open, it may creak at the slightest movement, it could shock Scar if she happened to touch it.

What if she needed to comfort Ben if Sammy were to die? What if she needed to comfort them all? What if she didn't leave? What if she let the Scorpius get away and kill more dinosaurs? No, she couldn't do any of that, she wasn't good at any of those things, she couldn't provide comfort, but she could provide protection, Cole gave Scar another look of 'What now?' Scar couldn't afford to wait, so, she couldn't give him that same look that'd give him the same answer.

The campers whispered down below, to them it was a whisper, to Scar, it wasn't. "Taking out the quills wasn't enough." Darius whispered. "The poison's already in her system. She needs an antidote!" added Darius. "Oh, sure, yeah, an antidote." Kenji whispered sarcastically. "That'll be easy to find, considering no one even knew this thing existed."

Scar debated whether she should stay and listen, she was apart of this disheveled yet tidy team, she had made bonds with all the campers, the thought of abandoning them crossed her mind...Scar shook these thoughts away, she couldn't possibly have become friends with humans, she needed to protect what was right, and that was, the dinosaurs, Scar knew that the campers would think of a way to help Sammy. There was no time for Ben and Scar to chat, they both just had to act, do what was right for everyone, Scar backed up before jumping over the fence, Scar was very impressed with herself, she thought she couldn't make that height.

Scar jumped over the fence, ending it with a summersault, Cole followed her actions, but, he was a little less graceful, and he happened to kick up dirt into Scar's face, they were running out of time, the Scorpius was fast, Scar saw how fast it hopped over the fence, and she saw how fast it could disappear into the darkness. Yasmina had ran through the door of the fence, she was sprinting away into the jungle, looking for something to help Sammy. Scar assumed that it was all apart of the plan, and it was important to have one.

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