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A/N: A flashback chapter

Scarlett was thrown into the white room, she was confused and scared. "Hello?" She said, unable to see out of the window of the room. "Dr. Wu?" asked Scarlett. The scared girl tapped on the glass, waiting for an answer, a sign, anything that would tell her what was going on. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked, hoping someone would hear her. "Wrong? Oh, no, you haven't done anything yet." Dr. Wu's voice came through the white room. "Don't worry, things will be just fine." said Dr. Wu.

Scarlett believed Dr. Wu when he said that things would be fine. A slot opened and some clothes came through it. "Put those on." Dr. Wu said. It was a semi-black crop top and olive green shorts. "Why?" Scarlett asked, picking up the shirt. "I thought you were going to show me around the park." said Scarlett. "What do you want from me?" Scarlett asked, she was always looking for an answer. Dr. Wu took that as an act of stubbornness and disobedience.

"I'll show you around the park after you change. Nobody can walk around Nublar with long sleeves and jeans." Dr. Wu partially lied, he wasn't going to give a tour of Jurassic World to Scarlett, but he brought up a good point about the long sleeve shirt and jeans that Scarlett was wearing.
"Okay.." Scarlett hesitantly said, beginning to remove her shirt, putting the black crop top on. Dr. Wu turned around during all of this, yes, he may have been somewhat evil, but he wasn't a creep.

After Scarlett put the new outfit on, she was still in the room, waiting for Dr. Wu to say something, if he was even still there. A guard by the name of Hawkes slowly creeped into the white room, grabbing Scarlett by the waist, picking her up. "Who are you?!" Scarlett exclaimed as she thrashed around in his arms. "Let go of me!" exclaimed Scarlett. "Looks like we got a fighter, aye, Doc?" Hawkes looked over to the window and grinned. Hawkes put his hand over Scarlett's mouth, muffling any screams that she was producing. Scarlett squirmed as Hawkes held her, dragging her out of the white room. Dr. Wu grinned as he watched it all, knowing he had picked the right specimen for genetically modification.

Scarlett was thrown into a paddock, the dirt was smooth, the grass was standing up straight and the branches were still on the few trees that were inside.
Scarlett stood on her two legs and looked around the paddock, 'Is this my room?' thought Scarlett. 'What is going on?' Scarlett thought to herself. "Hello?!" Scarlett yelled louder, cupping her hands around her mouth to project her voice. "Welcome to your new home, S631." Dr. Wu said, his voice coming through the speakers that were around the paddock.

"My name is Scarlett!" Scarlett yelled, looking around some more. Scarlett couldn't do anything. The doors at the bottom of the paddock were metal and locked, only to be opened by specific authorized workers like Dr. Wu or his goons, and even, Owen Grady. Scarlett sat down in the paddock, she forgot to put her black shoes back on, so now, she was barefoot. 'This wasn't what I exactly had in mind.' Scarlett thought. 'I need to get out of here.'

A trough was near one of the walls of the paddock, it was filled with water, Scarlett was hungry and a bit thirsty, she walked over to the trough, cupping her hands together and dipping them into the water, taking a sip. It tasted like normal drinking water, it felt like normal drinking water. But, it wasn't normal drinking water. After Scarlett took a few sips, her legs went slightly numb and weak, making her unable to stand or support her body weight. She slowly collapsed to the floor, she was forced to crawl around on all fours. "What the heck did you do to me?!" She yelled, looking up from the dirt ground.

This was only the beginning.

A man walked into her paddock, a rather tall man, with short brown hair and a scruffy beard with a slight mustache, wearing a off blue long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a leather vest on top of it. He wore a black watch on his left wrist, semi-black ish brown chino pants belted to his waist. And to finish the look off, combat boots that were a similar color to Scarlett's shorts but darker. The man's hands were at his waist as he breathed in the fresh Caribbean air, with a face of determination on. Scarlett backed away as he walked into the paddock, he had a similar attire to Hawkes.

"W-Who are you?!" stuttered Scarlett, backing up into the wall of the paddock. "Please, I don't know what's going on.." Scarlett muttered.

"Woah, woah. I'm not going to do anything to you." The man said, he expected a dinosaur to be in this paddock. "Y-You're not?" Scarlett asked him, feeling a bit of relief. "No, no. I didn't mean to scare you." replied the man. "I'm Owen Grady, the tra—" Owen got cut off. "The trainer! You're Owen Grady the best dinosaur trainer in the world! I read about you on the flight down. Oh, it is an honor to meet you! I would shake your hand but uh....I didn't mean to cut you off." Scarlett said a mouthful of stuff, the most she's said after coming to Isla Nublar. "Yeah." Owen smiled almost softly, letting out a small chuckle.

"And you are? I expected another Velociraptor in here.." Owen rubbed the back of his neck. Scarlett gulped as she heard the word "Velociraptor" come out of Owen's mouth, she knew there we dinos on Nublar, everyone did, but she's never seen one in person. "I'm Scarlett Dimitri. I don't really know what I am." Scarlett shook the fear away and managed to reply to Owen. "I'm sure you're something." Owen replied. "I have some time if you care to share." said Owen, it was a bit awkward for Owen considering the only people he interacts with are other park workers, he's barely worked with kids.

"You rhymed!" laughed Scarlett. "It appears I did." Owen response was followed by a laugh. "I come from an orphanage, Doctor Henry Wu adopted me, and he said I could live on the island with him—"
Scarlett's words were stop as a dart flew into her neck, putting her to sleep almost immediately.

Owen whipped his head around, looking up to the large windows above the paddock. Dr. Wu looked frustrated, motioning his finger for Owen to come up with him. Owen looked back to Scarlett who was fast asleep, her body had slid and now she was laying on her right side. Owen began reaching for the dart in her neck, "Mr. Grady. Come up here now." Dr. Wu's voice came into the paddock.

"Leave the girl alone."

Owen didn't listen and gently pulled the dart from Scarlett's neck and stuffed it in his pocket of his pants, making sure that the needle of the dart didn't impale him. Owen arrived to the top of the building. "Will you please explain to me what is going on?" He asked Dr. Wu. "You said you had a new assignment for me." said Owen. "I do." Dr. Wu replied, looking down to Scarlett. "That's her." added Dr. Wu.

"I don't need you at this exact moment." Dr. Wu said. "I just wanted both you and S631 to get used to your new areas." He added. "Her name is Scarlett." Owen replied. "Ha, that's funny. 'Cause she said the same thing." Dr. Wu chuckled darkly. "This is Jurassic World! We don't have animals with the names such as 'Scarlett'. We have strong, powerful, interesting names, like 'Echo' and 'Delta'." It was a bit out of character for Dr. Wu to say something like this. "If you need information about her, you come to me, got that?" Dr. Wu turned around to Owen.

"Fine." Owen had to agree, he was curious about Scarlett, worried about her too and he didn't want to lose his job, Dr. Wu could do crazy things if Owen were to refuse. "Good. Now go back to the Raptor paddock. I'll call you if I need you." said Dr. Wu. "It is feeding time for them, yes?" Dr. Wu looked over his shoulder to Owen. "It is." replied Owen, who hesitated to leave but he followed the orders given to him and walked down to the Raptor paddock. For Scarlett on the other hand, she didn't see Owen for days. Owen tried to go over to her paddock, but was stopped by Hawkes or he was given another task by someone else. Scarlett missed the feeling of having someone to talk to.

Dr. Wu didn't like when she talked because animals only talk in the movies, Scarlett wasn't an animal, at least, not yet, she wasn't. Scarlett was beaten with a stick of electricity or as the Jurrasic World workers call it, a Telescopic Shock Prod, she either got tased or got hit with the end of the rod. When Owen did eventually come back, Scarlett looked different. Her eyes were a darker shade of blue, her clothes were dirty, her nails were longer, and her hair was in a ponytail instead of a bun. She was also taller than before. She looked like a completely different person. Scarlett was now 'Scar', a much better name according to Dr. Wu. It fit the theme of Jurassic World and the rest of the dinosaurs.

Owen couldn't believe his eyes.

"Owen.." Scar managed to say, her mouth was sore, given the fact that she had some dental work done to give herself fangs.

The only word she could and wanted to say.


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