The Time Has Come

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Quick A/N: This chapter starts the Camp Cretaceous episodes, but I will not go into full detail of the episodes like I am doing with my other Camp Cretaceous story, hence why it isn't titled "Camp Cretaceous" as the first episode of Camp Cretaceous is. I don't know if that made sense but just beware. Know that it is the beginning of the Camp Cretaceous timeline. I'll change this once I have a better explanation. (Or not)

The month had come and Scar was still out loose in the jungle, but, everything was still in motion. The six campers were still coming to Jurassic World which held Camp Cretaceous on the other side of the island, and Claire's two nephews were still coming to Jurassic World along with the thousands of park guests. Scar was sleeping in a tree like a jaguar, the birds chirped peacefully as she slept. Scar was happy with her life at the moment, she got to do whatever she wanted, she didn't have to talk, she didn't have to fight, she didn't have to get tested on.

It was almost if her life was back to normal.

Though, her happiness couldn't last forever, she missed the Raptors, and she was starting to come to her senses about Owen, who she also missed. But, Owen himself had bigger issues ahead of him, everyone who entered Jurassic World today and the following days did. There was so much more of the island the Scar had left to explore, she's never been down to the docks, she's never been on the other side of the island where Camp Cretaceous is. She's barely been around Main Street because of the lack of hiding spots, you could say that Scar was getting bored and with boredom brings stupidity.

Scar decided to do something new for a change; kill a dinosaur. Scar snuck into the enclosure of the Pterodactyls, some were flying around, others were just hanging about. Scar snuck up on one of the Pterodactyls and bit its neck, sinking her fangs into the scaly flesh of the dinosaur, causing it to shriek out loud. The shriek made the other Pterodactyls begin to fly around, they were in distress. Scar dragged the now dead Pterodactyl out of its enclosure, leaving a trail of blood behind her, which worried the park workers, no dinosaurs had escaped so why was there blood? Was it animal or human?Nonetheless, they poured a bucket of chemicals over the blood, they couldn't risk the blood scaring away the guests.

Scar dragged the Pterodactyl up into a nearby tree and began chowing down on her fresh meal. Dinosaur tasted a lot like chicken or steak. Blood dripped down from her mouth, beads of blood dripping down her teeth. Scar cleaned the bones, leaving nothing but a skeleton, she kept a few small bones to create new arrowheads, even though she didn't they were called "arrowheads". The skeleton of the Pterodactyl dropped from the tree, clattering into a bunch of bits and pieces, the head being the biggest thing. One of the park workers watched as the bones fell from the tree.

"Requesting backup to the Pterodactyl Aviary." said the worker into a walkie talkie as she slowly walked over to the tree. The worker moved her head up, looking into the tree, some blood dripping down from the branches onto the shoulders of the worker. "I repeat, requesting backup to the Pterodactyl Aviary. Possible creature escape." She said into her walkie again. Scar slowly poked her head out from the leaves of the tree, her mouth covered with blood, her hands and nails too. Scar's eyes were slits, nothing behind them. "A kid?.." asked the worker. Scar growled down at her. "What the.." said the worker. Scar crawled down the tree, keeping her eyes on the worker, sniffing the air. Scar snarled, causing the park worker to scream and run away.

Scar grinned, enjoying the feeling of scaring her prey.

The worker ran to go look for someone. Owen had heard the announcement of the backup required and made his way to the Pterodactyl Aviary, bumping into the worker. "Ah!" screamed the worker. "You're the one that called for backup, right?" Owen asked her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You have to focus. Tell me what happened." said Owen. "There—There was this girl! In the tree! I think she ate one of the Pterodactyls!" The worker frantically explained. Owen's eyes widen, "Scar.." He mumbled to himself. "Which tree?" Owen asked her. The worker began to run back towards the Aviary and Owen followed her.

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