Interrupted Silence

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A/N: Sort of skipping "Casa De Kenji", the episode still happens, the campers still go to the penthouse but Scar does not go with them, so this chapter does not fully align with that episode, just wanted to say this to avoid possible confusion. Enjoy!

The yacht drifts back and forth on the water, the island seeming to become smaller and smaller as the move away from it, Darius, with the help of Yasmina and Sammy, attempts to patch the hole in the boat in a better way, but, all they had was some duct tape and swimsuits. "Hurry up, Darius! With the engine off we're gonna get swept out to sea or smashed on the rocks!" Kenji yelled from the wheel. "All right, pull me up." Darius replied, telling Yasmina and Sammy he was ready to come up, the two campers struggle as they pulled Darius up from the side.

On the back of the boat, was Ben, Bumpy and Scar. Bumpy might've had a small case of motion sickness and Scar had a small case of homesickness, her home being the island. "Ben." Scar said, the slight urge in her voice concerned Ben, making him stressed. Ben looked up from Bumpy to look across to Scar, he doesn't say anything, just, looks at her, waiting for what she might say next. "I can't stay on boat." Scar said, looking to the island for a moment.

Ben understood what Scar had meant, she didn't have to say much more than that. "Oh, yeah, I get it." Ben replied, "You can go back, I'm sure we won't go far. If we do, we'll find each other." Ben added, did Scar really want to be found? "Stay safe, don't get into trouble." Ben said, almost sounding like a familiar person, an ex-best friend with dull eyes. Scar nodded, "I mean it." said Ben. "I know." Scar replied, "I will, thank, Ben." added Scar.

Bumpy groaned to Scar, who gave her a reassuring hiss. Scar was about to head to the stairs of the yacht, so she could swim away, "Wait, Scar." Ben came up to her, Scar looked back at him, tilting her head in confusion. Ben gave Scar a quick hug, "Please, be careful." Ben said as he gave Scar a tighter squeeze, for a scrawny little kid, Ben sure could give someone a good clutch. Ben let go of Scar, watching her jump into the water and swim to shore, making sure she actually made it to the dock.

Scar pulled herself up on the dock, she didn't wait for the boat to move, instead, she gave the boat one last final look before disappearing into the daylight. It was as if Scar was preparing herself for the future, for the time that she really would have to say goodbye to Ben, a person that she didn't want to let go of, but, she knew that it was something she had to do. It was a similar situation to Owen, she didn't want to leave, but, the both of them knew that was what needed to happen. Scar walked through the quiet jungle, it was odd, it was quiet, too quiet.

The jungle was normally quiet, except for the occasional dinosaur roar or cheer of park guests. However, there were no more park guests, just dinosaurs, lots and lots of dinosaurs. Not even a roar of the Indominus, which, Scar hasn't seen in a while. No roar of the T-rex or squawk of a Pteranodon, nothing. Scar didn't know where she was going, she just knew that she was happy to be off the yacht, even though it was a bit strange walking around without Ben or Bumpy, it was even stranger walking without the laughs and excitement of the campers.

Scar never liked a lot of noise, normally, she'd enjoy the silence. Scar breathed in the fresh Caribbean air, feeling it go through her nose and down into her lungs, it would only be a few hours of silence, Scar supposed that she should enjoy it. Scar almost felt out of place walking around and going nowhere, she'd normal follow around Ben or Bumpy, she hasn't had freedom in so long. Scar shook her head.

Something zoomed passed in the bushes, making a loud rustling sound, interrupting the silence. Scar stopped in her tracks, trying to look around or hear what had ran so fast. Scar couldn't see anything, but, she felt that she was being watched, she felt eyes on the back of her head, Scar figured if she could slowly get away, maybe, she wouldn't be found by whatever lurked around in the shadows of the forest. The same mysterious creature caused the leaves to rustle, Scar stopped in her tracks once again, looking around, Scar's eyes met with another and once she saw those eyes, her heart nearly stopped, she didn't know how to feel. Should she have been happy?

Should she have been sad? Angry, perhaps.

It was those dull eyes, those dark green eyes, that had just gotten darker, her friend didn't get a better life than her, rather, the same life as her, an even worser life than her. Cole, her ex-best friend for all this time Scar thought that he was a figment of her own ten year old imagination, it couldn't have been him, Scar didn't want it to be him....he still had that same brown hair, it was just messier and longer.

Cole jumped from the bushes, Scar had fast reflexes, just, not today, Cole jumped on top of her, Cole was stronger, muscular from head to toe, taller too, taller than Scar, much, taller. Cole growled in Scar's face, those dull eyes filled with rage and anger, Scar looked away as she felt the particles of spit hitting her cheek. Cole appeared to have shards of glass in his skin. The boy had these small horns that were similar to the Carnotorus, his ears were like Scar's but longer and more curvy, his spit had a yellow tint to it, Cole didn't say anything, he just growled in her face as he gripped his large hands on Scar's shoulders, slightly digging his long and sharp claws into her skin, shaving the skin off like it was cheese.

Cole wore off blue shorts, a shorter lengths to Scar's, Cole wore no shirt, perhaps, at one point he did, now, he was just wearing shorts and his muscular abdomen was showing for the whole wide world to see. Scar looked back at him, desperately trying to shake away the horror she possessed, Cole was the one making all those horrible growls she had heard, at the gondola, on the yacht, everywhere...but, why now? How now? Where did he many questions, too little time to ask or answer them.

"Cole.." Scar said, she tried to sound less scared, but, it was no use, her human feelings were getting in the way, pushing through her thoughts. Cole hadn't heard that name forever, he was called something else by the ones who created him. For a moment, it was if his eyes softened as he loosened his grip on Scar's shoulders, his lips returning to a closed state, no longer growling in her face. "It Claws." Cole spoke for the first time in years, Cole, now 'Claws', was miraculously the same age as he was all those years ago. Scar took his vulnerability as a sign to get the hell away from him, Scar pressed her legs up against Cole's stomach, pushing him off of her by giving him two sharp kicks to the stomach.

Cole went fumbling into the bushes, Scar didn't want to accept that this was what her best friend had turned into, Scar ran away, the blood dripping down from each of her shoulders, rolling down her arms, stopping at her hands and leaving a trail in the woods. Scar did not want to call Cole, 'Claws'. As of now, it didn't feel right. Cole wasn't going to give up so easily, he became filled with rage and anger again, running after Scar, even if Scar had got away, she still would have been found due to her trail of fluids she was excreting from her arms. Cole jumped on top of Scar's back, making the both of tumble around on the dirt and into the grass, Cole bit down on Scar's shoulder. His teeth were sharp, injecting venom.

Scar now knew why his spit had a yellow tinge to it, Cole had Compy venom in his mouth, little did Cole know, Scar was not affected by such venom. The only issue now was, Scar was a bleeding mess, Scar had to get away, she couldn't run back to the dock, she'd only lead Cole to the campers, she couldn't risk their safety, endangering their lives. Even if Scar jumped into the water to get away, her blood would attract sharks and other deep sea predators, and Cole could just jump in right after her.

Besides, Scar could handle this herself, she just had to pretend that she wasn't fighting her friend, her closest thing to family back at the orphanage, Cole didn't recognize Scar as Scarlett, but, why would he?

Cole's pupils were thin as they fought, both of them were slashing at each other, Scar didn't want to hurt him, but it was coded in her DNA for her to attack.

Scar was just glad it was her going through all of this, and not Ben, Bumpy, Kenji or any of the campers. Scar deserved this, she was born for this, all her training was for this day, this time, this exact moment. You have to wonder, is she going to make she going to survive?

She's survived everything else, why not this?

Jungle GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora