Forsaken Hope From Above

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Escape attempt one was a bust for Scar, Hawkes had knocked her out again and dragged her back to her cage. Hawkes walked back to where Dr. Wu was and explained the situation to him. "I appreciate her fighting spirit." Wu said, "It appears to be going around." Wu looked to Cole's room. Wu had examined Cole the way he had Scar, including the injection. "I'm rather glad that you decided to come out of cryogenic hibernation." Wu tapped on the glass and grinned, in response, Cole snarled and showed all his teeth. "This is the idea, Hawkes." Wu turned to face Hawkes. "You won't be surrounded by insolent children anymore," said Wu. "Let me guess, I'll be surrounded by monsters for the rest of this job?" Hawkes exhaustedly replied.

"They aren't monsters." Wu denied. "They are visionaries and true visionaries will make the world better and not worse, pushing the boundaries of science is the way to do it." Wu smiled. "Isn't that what the girl with the umbrella said?" Hawkes asked. "Was it?" Wu glanced over to Hawkes. "I don't think it was." Wu contradicted as he walked away, going to talk to his fellow scientists and look for mercenaries for hire. "Oh, shut up!" Hawkes merely yelled, hitting his elbow against the plexiglass on Cole's room. Cole backed away from the glass and his ears went back, he was actually quite scared of Hawkes, a guy a quarter of his size. Cole may have grown up psychically during his short time on Nublar, but Cole was still that scared 13 year old boy.

"He's ready to move when you are, sir." A scientist with a clipboard told Doctor Wu. "Not yet." Wu replied, "I wouldn't doubt that Claws and Scar interacted on the island." Wu said, "We have to keep them separate for the time being, understand?" Wu glanced over to the scientist. "Yes, sir." Replied the scientist as they pushed their glasses onto the bridge of their nose, "Uh, sir? Scar is positioned in the wrong sector." The scientist said, pointing to the screen in front of them.

"She's in the aquatic sector, she should be in the forest or desert sector."

"You waited now to tell me this?" Wu slightly yelled.

Doctor Wu sighed, putting his hand on his face and rubbing between his eyes in irritation, Wu was low on staff and the finding of Scar and Cole wasn't very helpful to his situation in the way he had hoped. Without the help of all the Jurassic World staff and Owen Grady, it was just Wu, Hawkes, some scientists and a few more mercenaries. Perhaps, Wu had bit off more than he could chew, but he couldn't let his visions escape him, "Alright, we'll deal with it later." said Wu.

Scar woke up the next morning, and it was still dark. Her skin on her shoulder was burnt to high heavens and she could feel every inch of pain, Scar shifted on top of the wooden board, a quiet grunt exiting from her mouth. To add to her uneasiness, both Fear and Pebbles slept with their eyes open, Scar could see that they were breathing but they never moved in their sleep and their eyes never blinked, her cage still had the bars that were stretched apart, though Scar didn't have the energy to try again, she would try some other time, very soon she could she hope? How did Scar have the slightest bit of hope left? Scar didn't have Bumpy and her own fear now returned and if her fear couldn't turn to hope, then she had none of that left. Hope was a silly thing to believe in, how could Pebbles and Fear have hope? Scar supposed that they must've had some hope, considering how positive and cheery the both of them seemed.

Scar thought that if she stayed a little faithful, she might just get herself out of here. Scar had developed some questions for her roommates, similar to how Ben had come up with questions for her, would Scar have any time to ask them? Would she even get straight answers? Questions, questions and more questions. Questions were a stupid thing in the English language, something that Scar had also found to be quite stupid. The day was boring and uneventful, Pebbles and Fear were administrated some pills and the person that gave to them was surprisingly nice. "That's Doctor Rosemary." Pebbles explained, "She's quite nice."

Scar would take note of that, Scar needed all the help she could get. Scar slowly sat up, she adjusted her arms and Pebbles could see the burn on her shoulder, "Ouch. It's best you listen to Wu." Pebbles solely said, how did she know that her wound was from Wu? It was fresh as fresh could be, but that didn't mean anything, should Scar really trust her and should Scar really ask her any questions? "You aren't much of a talker, are you?" Pebbles asked, trying to adjust herself. Scar nodded her head, "Well, I hope you warm up to us." She added.


For Cole he was left in the white room with scientists that weren't Dr. Rosemary coming up to the room and observing his behavior, Cole looked up at the sound of what he thought were a few footsteps coming from the ceiling, Cole could've been doing this just to distract himself, or there was a chance that there may have been someone up there. Someone or something to help him out of this situation, but who could it possibly be? No humans have never helped Cole.

A scientist ran over to an area that was full of buttons and switches, along with computers and other screens, "Boss!" He yelled, "Doctor Wu!" He added with another yell, "Come quick!"

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