Chapter 85

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Yin Quan blushed.

He heard the " " heartbeat in his chest, each sound telling his joy and his expectations.

He stared at Kan Yuancheng with his eyes open, and when he saw that he was about to turn his head, he quickly looked away and stammered: "...No, no objection."

Kan Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Well, the love between father and son is so touching that I promised..."

Yin Quan pursed his lips, glanced at him angrily, and said with a strange tone: "I can still think of An An and Xingze, and you haven't even mentioned them."

Who on earth doesn't look like a father?

Hum, it's not him anyway.

Kan Yuancheng liked to bicker with him.

After making Yin Quan scream, he no longer had time to feel sorry for himself and become depressed and negative. Many times, the condition worsens because the patient is too depressed.

He glanced sideways at Yin Quan, intending to carry out the "gangjing business" to the end: "I never said that they are the most important, of course I won't mention it if I don't mention it! Didn't you say that dad is first, they are second, and I am last? I Think about it, I'm still more important in your heart than they are! Don't deny it, don't hide it, I understand!"

Yin Quan gritted his teeth.

You know shit, you know it!

He grinned, revealing his beautiful white teeth: "Haha! Narcissism is a disease, go and cure it quickly."

Kan Yuancheng zipped up the box and hooked his little finger: "Come here!"

Yin Quan took two steps back and looked at him warily: "What are you doing?"

"You come here first."

"No, if you want to say something, say it quickly. I have to draw the latest chapter in a while."

"You can't get through?" Kan Yuancheng's voice was low and full of threats.

Yin Quan met his glowing green eyes, his heart tightened, he moved slowly and stared at him cautiously: "What on earth is going on?"

Kan Yuancheng raised the corners of his mouth and sneered.

He dropped the box in his hand and strode towards him. Yin Quan hurriedly hid outside, but he quickly caught him with his quick eyesight and hands.

"Why are you running? Can you run away from your husband's Wuzhishan Mountain?"

Yin Quan put his hands on his chest: "...Don't mess around."

Kan Yuancheng grabbed his hand, raised it high, and deliberately pressed his face against his, "We're going to cause chaos!"

In fact, how dare he?

If you don't find out clearly, you can't think of a way to solve it once and for all. He doesn't dare to touch Yin Quan now.

After becoming accustomed to eating meat, Kan Yuancheng had to endure the pain of becoming a vegetarian. But when I thought about the possibility that this stupid guy might be short-lived, that impulse disappeared instantly, and I couldn't get up like a beast at all.

At first, Yin Quan swayed from side to side, dodging left and right. After realizing that he was just rubbing his face, he lay down and let go, letting him play with him.

In the evening, Kan Yuancheng and Yin Wentao talked in the study.

Yin Wentao pondered for a long time, with a hint of confusion and exhaustion in his always shining eyes: "Is there any hope?"

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