Chapter 3

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Kan Yuancheng drove aimlessly for a while.

In the end, I don't know where I stopped.

He felt that the surroundings were very noisy. Not only was his mind so noisy that he could not find peace, but the surrounding environment was also so noisy that his ears hurt. His mind was filled with messy thoughts that he could not resolve.

He put one hand on the steering wheel and the palm of the other hand on his temple.

The car window was half open, and the cool breeze poured into the car gently, dispelling the heat and restlessness in the body.

Noisy voices could be heard faintly.

The elderly square dance in the morning and the royal BGM of Tai Chi Sword also rang in my ears.

This is all truly terrifying.

It was hard for him to imagine that what he saw before his eyes and what he heard with his ears were all virtual worlds created by the author at will. This obviously exists!

After a while.

He took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket.

Fingerprint unlocking successful.

Kan Yuancheng smiled bitterly. He should be lucky that this was a work completed in the past two years. Otherwise, what would have appeared in his hand was not a fingerprint smart unlock, but a manual password input...

He will definitely collapse.

Thanks to the author for keeping up with the times.

When he opened the chat software, he felt strange. These names, in his memory, can't even be called virtual symbols.

He didn't know who each name represented.

He turned over it for a long time.

The unknown frustration made his face look very ugly, and his unreasonable anger could no longer be suppressed.


For Kan Yuancheng, who was restrained and indifferent, the word "fuck" was not enough to describe his embarrassment at the moment.

The disturbing music continued outside the car window.

The early morning sunlight danced and rustled on the leaves.

Minute by second, in addition to suffering, it is still suffering.

In a short period of time, many people died on the earth, and many more were born. His death was not unique. Perhaps he was one of the lucky few who was able to regain life in an unimaginable form in a desperate situation. .

Intellectually, we know that being alive is a blessing among misfortunes.

But faced with a situation he knew nothing about, Kan Yuancheng's mood was extremely bad, as if he had been forced into a dark cave, swallowed by shadows at any time.


Before your patience runs out.

Kan Yuancheng found the information he wanted to know.

【C University 2012 Pro 8】

He closed the group chat and opened the calendar.

June 15, 2019.

5+3, very good, he should do an internship in the affiliated hospital in his final year.

Kan Yuancheng took a deep breath and continued to look for useful information through the memos, latest contacts, and latest chat records on his phone.

The scumbag who abused his writing has become a good person.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora