Chapter 25

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Kan Yuancheng finished his bath with a bath towel wrapped around his waist. Being familiar with each other, I went to the bedroom closet and took out a set of home clothes. When my fingers accidentally touched the clothes tag on the collar, I thought that this was prepared by Little Curly for someone else, and my face instantly darkened.

The energy came quickly and steeply.

He raised his hand and threw the clothes back.

Go directly to the living room, open the suitcase and take out your own change of clothes.

Yin Quan came out of the kitchen with the lion's head in his hands. He raised his eyes and was immediately stopped.

A body full of hormones suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Kan Yuancheng's skin color is not as fair as his own, but it is not as bronzed as a man who is keen on fitness. The arms are not full of explosive muscles, and the body is toned but not overly burly.

His upper body is slightly arched now, and his back is smooth, forming a crescent-like arc. Although his back is thin, it gives people a very explosive beauty.

If we say that fitness muscular men are greasy fat.

What is in front of you is a piece of high-quality pork belly.

Yin Quan was stunned.

His throat seemed a little itchy, and he swallowed subconsciously.

Except for that night, this was the second time he saw Kan Yuancheng after taking off his clothes, which made people unable to take their eyes away.

His gaze was too hot, burning on the exposed skin.

Kan Yuancheng turned his head sharply.

He faced the little Curly Hair who had a dull look on his face and was in a state of infatuation.

He frowned, his eyes as dark as ink, and a few rays of light quickly jumped in the silence.


"Uh..." Yin Quan looked away awkwardly, trying to explain that he was not a lecherous person, but that he was just too good-looking and couldn't help but look at it for a while. His eyes rolled a few times, and he quickly put the dishes on the table.

Then he walked over, squatted in front of Kan Yuancheng, raised his little head, and said flatteringly: "What are you looking for? I'll help you find it."

Kan Yuancheng's eyes darkened.

My heart felt itchy.

The index finger bent and hooked, "Come here."

Yin Quan stupidly leaned forward, but Kan Yuancheng pinched his cheek. As soon as he was startled, he wanted to get up and run. Kan Yuancheng, with quick eyes and quick hands, quickly dragged the person back and held him in his arms.

A big palm was pressed against his abdomen.

Carefully feel the touch under your palm.

Very flat, do you really have a child?

"Let... let go, it's time to eat." Yin Quan blushed with embarrassment and didn't dare to struggle hard. He stared at the bath towel on his waist, fearing that if he moved a little too hard, he would pull the towel off and when Chun... Light leaks.

That scene...

So shameful.

Although Kan Yuancheng has it, he also has it. What Kan Yuancheng didn't have, he still had, but just thinking about it made Yin Quan feel inexplicably wretched, and his eyes couldn't help but wander around.

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