Chapter 116

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This is an abandoned workshop. It is said to be a workshop, but it is actually no different from a warehouse. The rusty gray-black walls seem to be able to compress the space, and the front of the crooked metal plate is the partition of the room.

There were two bodies lying on the gray-black and rusty floor, and the ups and downs of their chests proved that they were still alive and had just fallen asleep.

One is a middle-aged woman with sound hands and feet, and the other is a girl who lost a leg due to amputation. The eyes of the two were closed, and the middle-aged woman frowned. It seemed that something happened in a dream, which made her extremely disturbed. thing.

A black-haired man not far away is playing with a knife. The sound made by the connection between the blade and the handle of the knife is repeatedly amplified in the silent room, making one almost feel like hearing an echo. After a few back and forth, The blond man who was sitting on a waste cardboard box in the corner and playing with his mobile phone spoke.

"Pan Nuo, what are you going to do next?"

The man named Pan Nuo didn't answer him, and went straight to the sleeping girl, and pressed the flat surface of the cold blade against her cheek, pressing down a little depression, the tip of the blade was touching the girl's protruding eyeballs. Directly below.

If at this time, the girl feels uncomfortable and turns over, or makes any movement, she may be scratched by the knife, and if she is unlucky, her eyes will also be injured.

Rei Fuguya retracted his gaze deliberately not to look at Pan Nuo.

He learned from Belmode that Pan Nuo is willing to "be watched by others". If he stared at Pan Nuo the whole time, maybe he would become emotional and impulsive because of his gaze, and do something that would make Jiang Gu Ling irreparable. things come.

After the dead silence.

Pan Nuo clicked his tongue and withdrew his knife, " fun. This brat really slept like a dead man, well, ignorance is also a kind of happiness."

He held a knife, and said in a cold tone, "Bourbon, you just asked me what to do? Of course, let them suffer enough pain before they die. My brother died because of them."

"—Your brother has nothing to do with them, it's better to say that your brother is the one who deserves to die." This sentence, Fugu Ling wanted to say it very much, but he still kept his poker face and suppressed his heart.

Pan Nuo seemed to be displeased with everyone and wanted to find fault, "It's Belmode, what does she mean?"


"She fell in love with you?" Pan Nuo looked hostile, "Are you deliberately asking you to provoke me?"

"That's not the case."

"I heard that I was going to avenge my brother, so she asked me if I needed help, tsk... I thought she would come to help me in person, but I didn't expect you to come to me." Pan Nuo didn't believe it, "I'm I heard, you guys are going very close."

Fugu Rei: "It's just because of work, sometimes we meet more often, what's wrong?"

"Your attitude of reticence is disgusting, Bourbon."

Having said that, Pan Nuo couldn't do anything to him.

Jiang Guling: "You can rest assured, I didn't come here because I was entrusted by Belmode, but I need to find you for other things. I need your assistance in my work here, so I came to you, maybe It's just a coincidence in time, so you misunderstood, right?"

Jiang Gu Ling continued to add: "What's more, the meeting place was designated by you. After I came here, I found that you actually hid someone... It's better to say that I was the one who was shocked."

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