Chapter 122

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inside the car

Vodka took the CD out of the laptop, and asked Gin next to him with his eyes, "Brother, there is no problem with the software, do you want to give it to him?"

The gin hat covered his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression clearly. He was smoking a cigarette, and the smoke rose from his mouth and nose out of the half-open car window. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Panno leaning on his Porsche 356A superior.

He made a displeased nasal sound, "Huh."

"Big brother?"

"Give it to him." Qin Jiu finally raised his chin and gave the order.

After getting the vodka order, he put the laptop aside, installed the CD, got up and walked out of the car door, and handed the things to Pan Nuo who had been waiting for a long time.

Pan Nuo didn't look at him, just raised his eyebrows, then stared at the disc, "Is there any problem?"

Vodka thought to himself that this guy was really rude, but he still coughed to express his solemnity, "No problem, please pass it on to the boss."

Pan Nuo took the disc with a chuckle, "You don't need to talk about this kind of thing."

Vodka choked.

"Thank you--" Pan Nuo turned his back and waved his hand, put the software into his coat pocket, took out a cigarette to light it, and put it in his mouth, leaving only his handsome back.

"...It still makes people angry as always." After he walked far enough, Vodka returned to the car and complained to his elder brother.

"It's just a guy who can't see his position." Qin Jiu's voice was low, unable to hear his emotions, "Drive, follow him."

"Huh? Do you want to follow him?"


Seeing that Brother Gin had no intention of explaining, Vodka didn't ask any further questions, and drove directly to catch up with Pan Nuo's car not far away.

It's winter, and the night time is getting longer. Even though it's past four o'clock in the morning, the surrounding area is still dark, and even the boundary between the sky and the earth is not clear, blurred into the same color. Fortunately, they are walking along the direction of the port. The sea water on the left can be recognized, so not all scenes are still and pure black.

Vodka controlled the tracking distance. There were not many cars outside at this time, and their car was too eye-catching, so he had to choose his route more carefully.

He whispered: "Brother, are you doubting him?"

"It's just a sense of disobedience." Qin Jiu said, "It may also be my illusion."

"Yes, is it?" Vodka didn't think that the elder brother would be wrong, his experience and intuition in this area were unmatched.

Seeing the car in front of him driving into a side road, Vodka hurriedly followed.

However, just before their car turned the corner and had no time to adjust the steering wheel, a deafening explosion sounded over--


Immediately afterwards, the thick black night was ignited by sparks, and the orange-red flames were printed on the vodka sunglasses.

The fire flickered.

Panno's car exploded.

Vodka, who came back to his senses, subconsciously looked at the people beside him, "-Big, big brother! Pano he-"

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