Chapter 117

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The impact of the fall is even more exaggerated than imagined, like a can being thrown from a height.

Yu Shuilian felt that his gastric juice was about to be stirred evenly. He resisted the strong nausea, quickly unfastened his seat belt, and opened the car window before falling completely into the water. He held the window frame with one hand and tried to let himself Without losing his sense of direction in the dizziness, he looked backward.



His voice was drowned out in the last impact, Yu Shui Lian felt jolted up, his head humming from being hit by the roof of the car.

The water rushes in through the window violently, and everyone in the car is enveloped in icy cold water.

His vision was blurred by the water, and he could only see the phantom behind him.

Is it Jing Guang?

The back door seems to have been opened, he should be able to get out, right?

Tsuda-san seemed to be leaning out too.

Just when Yu Shuilian was relieved a little and was about to get out, he saw Pan Nuo, who was also handcuffed in the back seat, go forward together to pull Jing Guang's clothes, trying to drag him back into the water, Zhu Fu Jingguang turned back Go to push him away, and the two of them just got entangled like this.

Yu Shuilian endured the pressure on his lungs, grabbed the seat with one hand, sneaked forward and grabbed Pan Nuo.


He tugged on the other person's collar, trying to get stuck in the gap of the seat pillow so as to restrain his movements.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhenren Tsuda quickly pulled Zhu Fu Jingguang out.

Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was floating up, waved his hands towards the inside of the car, as if he wanted Yushui Lian to come out, but his thoughts could not be conveyed through the deformed car door and roof, Tsuda Zhenren saw this and pulled him The collar reminded him to go up first.

——If this drags on, they will all drown!

The water here is not deep, and there is still time to go up to take a breath before sinking down!

However, when he turned his head, Zhu Fu Jingguang who didn't see Yu Shuilian coming out of the car turned back again.

Yu Shuilian felt that the air in his lungs could hardly support his will, he let go of the hand holding Pan Nuo's back collar, and supported the surrounding obstacles to float up.

Just after swimming out for a quarter, his movements froze——

His shoelaces got caught in the metal buckle on his seat belt. Although it was only slightly twisted, it was enough time for the urgent situation.

After coming out of the operating cabin, although he said bravely that he was fine, he was still somewhat weak.

The scenery in front of me became more and more blurred, and it was about to become foggy. Yushui Lian was struggling to float up almost relying on the instinct of his body. Suddenly, he felt that the light around him dimmed, and then he realized that he was being embraced by someone——

The shoelaces had already been untied during his struggle just now, and he just returned to the human world from the cold water in the arms of others.

Tsuda Masato, who dived back into the water, also brought the exhausted Pan Nuo out of the water.

"Ha, cough cough,... cough... cough cough..."

Returning to the ground from the water world, there is only pure air around, and Yu Shuilian is breathing in the air, and the coughing sound falls in Zhu Fu Jingguang's ears, even though he is also wet at the moment, and there is not much strength left. , as if his lungs were about to burst at any moment, but after seeing Yushui Lian's vivid expression, the pain caused by the flood was all reduced.

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