Chapter 115

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"I'll arrange it now."

Tsuda Masato clearly distinguished the priorities, he walked out of the room to make a phone call to arrange matters, and he did not forget to call the nurse and ask her to invite the doctor on duty.

"You are still in an unstable situation, stay here first, and we will go there."

Zhu Fu Jingguang tried to appease Yu Shuilian who was about to get up from the bed in the infirmary, and he promised: "We won't let that mother and daughter have an accident."

Yu Shuilian opened his mouth, but what came out was a coughing sound, "Cough, cough cough..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang patted him on the back, he finally found his voice, and said angrily: "...I have something to confirm with Pan Nuo."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "Then wait until we catch him."

Yu Shuilian immediately vetoed it: "People in the organization will become suspicious. Once they become suspicious, the next plan will not be easy to implement."

"What plan?" Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned, and his intuition told him that it would not be something he could listen to with confidence.

"Did I tell you? I'm going to pretend to be Pan Nuo to talk."


Do you know how dangerous it is?

Zhu Fujingguang suppressed his urge to ask this sentence, he didn't want to make himself appear aggressive - especially since Lian had just recovered from his weakness, he shouldn't use caring as an excuse to force him.

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "I know."

Yu Shuilian looked at him hesitantly, "...I thought you would object."

He clearly should be happy that he was understood, but he felt depressed for no reason.

"I'm just being patient."

Zhu Fu Jingguang stood up, walked to the side and took a glass of water for him, "...Because Lian is such a person, everyone likes him, even though I said selfishly several times that I hope you don't do this, you It seems that I don’t intend to change it, no, maybe I can’t change it at all.”

He hated the wheel of fortune, but he had to admit that Yushuilian's character trait was like divinity and curse in one.

While Yu Shui Lian attracts those around him, he also bears the corresponding curse, reminiscent of those good people and heroes who did not die well.

Yu Shuilian clutched the corner of the quilt guiltily.

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed: ", at least let me be by your side from now on."

Yushui Lian looked up at him.

He actually heard a little helplessness from the other party's tone, which made him fidget and reflect on whether he was too stubborn to go his own way and caused unnecessary troubles to Jing Guang.

Zhu Fu Jingguang seemed to smell the uneasiness he was covering up.

"Since your decision will not be changed, let me share with you the difficulties you will encounter." He said with a sincere expression, "If the same fate is carried by two people, then the burden on you will be lighter. some?"

"No...but, I..." Yu Shuilian couldn't control his expression.

He has long been determined to accept the danger, but if he wants to involve others in this fate, he is not yet mentally prepared.

But he had to admit that Jing Guang's words moved his heart.

The memory of my unfulfilling and unresolute hope that the other party would look back at him when we parted again a year ago resurfaced.

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