Chapter 37

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Jiang Guling rushed to the scene, only to see Taiska lying on the ground curled up like a baby, with messy blond hair covering half of his cheeks, he could only see Taiska with his eyes closed and his chest faintly ups and downs.

Like a dying bird exhaling its last air.

The last scene just now jumped out of his mind, and a crazy guess emerged from his mind.

Taiska shot himself on purpose, could it be...

While his thoughts were racing, he suppressed all his emotions and immediately contacted the medical team.

After Jiang Guling picked up the phone and dialed, he immediately said: "—emergency."

"Taiska was shot, and he needs to be sent for treatment immediately. I'll send you the address."

He hung up the phone and began trying to administer first aid.

Taiska seemed to hear his voice, and pulled out a sliver of consciousness from the dream-like state. He moved his lips, but he didn't make any sound.

Jiang Guling understood his lips, it was: "--you saw it?"


...he could see clearly.

Jiang Guling still has many doubts, many uncertainties, and many dare not bet.

But the two parties involved at the moment, Hiro has already left here, and Taiska's current state can't solve his doubts.

His confusion and contradictions were like butterflies flying out of his heart, and were firmly captured by Tayska.

Jiang Gu Ling heard the boy's voice, and realized that Taiska still had something to say.

But he still only conveyed his meaning with his lips——

"Let Scotland, run away."

Taiska's hand holding the gun no longer had any strength, and the gun just slipped from his hand. He spread his palm and tried to squeeze out the strength to hold Jiang Gu Ling's hand.

Like to say - this is my answer, so, do you choose to believe me?

Jiang Gu Ling sensed his intention, he bent down and suppressed all his emotions rationally.

" are badly hurt, Taliska."

"Now, don't say anything, I'll send you to treatment."

Taliskar didn't wait for a response, but his strength was running out.

The boy slowly closed his eyes.


Jiang Gu Ling is under various pressures at the same time——

Did Hiro escape successfully?

Will Taliska be in danger?

How will Rum fool him?

... Does Taiska also know that he is an undercover agent? That's why you put your trust in yourself?

There are too many questions, but only one thing is certain.

Taliskar did help them, helped the undercover.

Jiang Gu Ling was waiting for rescue, and he reported the situation to Rum immediately, preemptively, so as not to fall into passiveness.

[Bourbon: Scotland escaped, Taiska was injured by him, and is now being sent for treatment. 】

He expressed the information as concisely as possible, and then nervously waited for Rum's reply.

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