Chapter 102

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"...I see, you are going to find the missing girl."

After Yushuilian hurried over, he was surprised that the protagonists Edogawa Conan and Shirley were in this large expedition team.

I still have a stomach for what I want to say to Shirley, but in this case, I can only bear it.

When he met the girl's eyes, he gave a faint smile.

In the next few minutes, he finally figured out what happened amidst the voices of a group of children chattering.

As usual, it is more appropriate to call the police for this kind of thing, but Qian Huimei's disappearance time is too short. According to little sister Yingchuan, she disappeared for less than eight hours.

From the point of view of most people, they would think that the child may not be in danger, but may just lose contact temporarily.

Because everyone was by her side, Ying Chuan gradually became more courageous. She said, "I, I will take you to Qian Huimei's house first. Don't you start looking for clues from these places in TV dramas?"

"Well, you are right." Yu Shuilian encouraged her thoughts, "Then I will trouble you to lead the way."

The young man's warm smile is a great weapon for a child of this age.

Sakura Chuan stammered: "Okay, okay!"

Then he took the initiative to go to the front to lead the way, Yushui Lian saw her in a hurry, and also walked to the child, the two of them acted as the leader, and Mie Nai Miku looked behind and squeezed in.

Yu Shuilian looked at the girl who was squeezing beside her with a helpless expression.

When everyone arrived at Qian Huimei's house, Yushui Lian realized that Sakura Chuan had said that the environment in her home was not very good. It was more polite to say that the door of the cheap rental house was piled up with garbage like a hill. It's been a long time since I took out the garbage, and even some garbage bags have been broken, exuding a disgusting sour smell.

Yoshida Ayumi pinched her nose, "It's so ugly... Ah Choo."

"Stand a little farther away." Yu Shuilian said to the children.

Conan pulled Hui Yuanai beside him, and the two took half a step back towards the railing. He asked Sakuragawa, "Is Qian Huimei's family like this before?"

Sakura Chuan shook her head, she bit her lower lip, feeling very uneasy: "No... I was fine when I came last time."

Yu Shuilian tried to knock on the door, but no one opened the door.

This time is most likely to be working outside, and it is normal for no one.

"—Hey, what are you doing here?"

The door of the room next door opened suddenly, and a young man in his twenties walked out. His blond hair, which had become extremely rough after bleaching and dyeing, stood in a mess, and there were four or five earrings hanging on his ears.

He looked up and down the large team with a vigilant expression, "Why are you looking for this family?"

"Excuse me." Yushui Lian pulled Mie Nao Miku, "The child of this family is my sister's classmate. I heard that she didn't come to school today. My sister is very worried about her and wants to visit her."

"Oh..." The man nodded, "What about these children?"

Conan snapped and said, "We are all Qian Huimei's classmates. I was worried that she might be sick, so we proposed to visit her together."

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