Chapter 123

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"...Anyway, that's what happened. I'm with him."

"Congratulations, it's better to say 'you are finally together'."


In Dr. Ali's home, the brown-haired girl is sitting on the sofa. Because of her height, her feet are still hanging in the air, she looks very cute-but under this cute and cute appearance is the soul of an adult, and she is still posing Holding a few luxury paper bags, these gifts came from the black-haired young man sitting directly opposite her, who was leisurely sipping black tea.

"At that time, I had a faint feeling, but you two parties didn't notice it at all." The girl sighed in an old-fashioned tone: "However, even if you express your heart at that time, it will only increase your troubles, after all, he is an undercover agent."

She seemed to be thinking of some unhappy memories, and murmured: "... If you were together at that time, maybe... Forget it, if you spoil the fun, just pretend that I didn't say it. Anyway, I wish you all the best."

Yu Shuilian guessed what she thought, "...I'm sorry about your sister."

"This has nothing to do with you." After Hui Yuanai finished speaking, he realized that his statement was too strong and could easily cause misunderstandings, "I mean, this is not your fault, and you have nothing to apologize for."

She thought: Anyway, Ley is also being hunted down by the organization now, so let's hide his identity and live in a disguised form.

She harbored a grudge against the organization, but despite her lofty social positivism, she hoped that the man would suffer a little.

However, there is no need to say such things.

"Sorry, I came to see you so late." Yu Shuilian said, "Although it sounds a bit like making excuses... But I think it is best for you to stay away from your life."

Hui Yuanai joked: "Then why did you appear in front of me again today?"

"The organization is looking for you." Yu Shuilian said the cruel news, "...on the current search list, you are number one."

"how do you know?"

Yushui smiled, but did not explain: "It's just some personal means. By the way, the news that I'm not dead has been dug up recently, but the organization is not sure whether the news is true or not. So today's disguise is the same as usual. Done differently."

Hui Yuan Ai: "... No wonder you dressed so suspiciously when you came to see me today, Dr. A Li almost stopped you at the door."

Dr. A Li, who came over with snacks, put down the tray and touched the back of his head: "Ah... this gentleman is wearing an exaggerated mask and strangely shaped sunglasses." He waved his finger, "It looks like A musician in an underground band, I thought I was looking for the wrong door. I didn’t expect it to be Xiao Ai’s friend, hahaha..."

Yu Shui Lian: "..."

Hui Yuanai took a cookie, "Doctor, did I say that sweets should be strictly controlled?"

"Didn't you see the guests...haha..." Dr. Ali smiled dryly and changed the subject, "By the way, Xin and Conan-kun are coming soon."

His original intention was to remind Xiao Ai whether this friend of hers needs to avoid.

"Isn't that good?" Hui Yuanai looked at Yu Shui Lian, and said in a calm tone, "He is very interested in you."

"Huh?" Yushuilian pretended to be surprised, "I've been waiting for Edogawa-kun to send me an email, but I haven't heard from him for a long time."

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