Chapter 56

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Yushuilian speculated with his own thoughts: Maybe Matsuda Jinpei didn't have medicine on him at all.

As for why he lied to Jiang Gu Ling... maybe he didn't want Jiang Gu Ling to buy him medicine.

Matsuda Jinpei should have guessed that Rei Futani was performing some kind of dangerous secret mission, so he used his own way to protect this friend.

Yusui Lian looked at the curly-haired man lying on the bed, and after thinking for two seconds, he went to the bathroom to wet a towel, and then covered Matsuda Jinpei's forehead.

"It's so hot..." He subconsciously said.

Will a fever burn my brain out...?

What if Zero's friend is burned into a fool?

Yushui became sad, he knew that he should buy antipyretics for Matsuda Jinpei, it would be impossible not to take medicine in this situation, but this is a hotel, once he leaves the room, he can't come back, if Matsuda Jinpei If he fell asleep like this, the fever-reducing medicine he bought would not be delivered.

what to do?

At this moment, Matsuda slowly opened his eyes, he felt something cool on his forehead, and then saw Yu Shuilian who was looking at him worriedly.

His voice was very weak, but the words he said were not weak at all, "...Little ghost, you haven't left yet?"

Seeing him waking up, Yu Shui Lian hurriedly said, "Can you hold on? I'm going to buy antipyretics, so don't fall asleep."

Although Matsuda Jinpei has little strength, his intuitive ability has not degraded: "--so enthusiastic about someone who has only met a few times?"

Yushui Lian was stunned, but he felt that Matsuda Jinpei's words were neither malicious nor teasing—more like pointing out some kind of loophole.

Before he could think, Matsuda Jinpei said again: "Bring me my wallet."

Yu Shuilian looked at his suit jacket hanging on the side, it was still wet, and he could still smell the smell of beer a few steps closer, and suddenly he sneezed when he smelled it.

He turned his head subconsciously, and saw Matsuda Jinhei's expression of "what do you want to do when you sneeze in front of the patient".

Yu Shui Lian: "..."

He silently took Matsuda Jinpei's wallet out of his coat and handed it over. The man got up from the bed with support, leaned against the head of the bed, and took out a few banknotes from it.

"...Most are your errand fees."

"No, I don't need to..."

Matsuda Jinpei interrupted him: "Let's make use of this reason first."

Yu Shui Lian realized what he meant.

This is to patch up the matter of "I have only met once or twice, but I care about each other so much".

If it is for running errands, it seems, maybe, probably the rationality will increase a little bit?

——However, there are only the two of them here, so what's the use of acting!

Yu Shuilian really wanted to tell him that the wages offered by the organization were actually quite high... This reason is actually not that tenable.

So, is it really still burnt?

"...I'm not blind, put away your expression, I'm very awake." Matsuda Jinpei could see through his expression completely.

Yu Shuilian: "Generally sober people don't say they are sober..."

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