Chapter 22

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He thought Taliska would say they were just "roommates."

Logically speaking, this is more in line with the relationship between him and Tayska. In the future, after he succeeds in breaking into the interior, he won't be embarrassed when getting along with Taiska in front of others.

The gap between roommates and friends is not a star and a half, just like incombustibles and combustibles.

Does Talisker prefer the "friends" option?

...Is it because he thinks this option is more beneficial after weighing the pros and cons?

Or... he desires such a relationship more?

Before Bourben could think about it, he heard Kono Masato ask, "Do you have any special skills, brother? We don't recruit people casually."

He seemed less interested, and just asked Bourbon casually to save face for the newcomer.

For people with the personality of Kono Masato, before he is recognized by him, he must be humble and follow his hair. If he raises his posture too high, the other party will feel offended.

Bourbon smiled gently, and began to set himself up for the meek person.

"Let's not talk about such small things as serving tea and water and running errands. Once it is handed over to me, I will take care of it without complaint. In addition, I am also competent in the maintenance of commonly used household machinery, and I can also repair cars... "

When Masato Kono heard about the maintenance, he raised his eyelids, as if he had a little interest, but it was only a little interest.

He said "Oh" and asked again: "What else?"

His tone was blunt, and Bourbon didn't mind hanging out with him for work.

Yushui Lian rubbed Andre's hairy head beside him, thinking of Kono Masato's incompatible attitude with other seniors in the office just now...

Kono Masato is single and weak, including himself as a temporary worker, he looks incomparable to Yishui's strong man in a suit.

Yushui Lian felt that he had grasped the crux of the problem.

He offered to say: "Mr. Kono. My friend...he is good at fighting."

Bourbon: ...? ? ? ?

Yushui Lian saw in the forum that a reader called Detective Conan's combat power rankings. Although there are many characters he doesn't know, Bourbon seems to be ranked relatively high.

What Bourbon didn't expect was that Masato Kono actually showed signs of being persuaded. He walked up to Bourbon, raised his hand and patted him, then "hissed" and smiled happily.

Kono Masato: "I can't tell, you are quite strong."

Bourbon resisted the urge to avoid physical contact with the other party, pretending to be embarrassed and replied "Where is that?"

Kono Masato winked at him, "Are you really good at fighting?"

Bourbon directly began to weave truth and lies interspersed with the content, "As you can see, I have such a conspicuous appearance... I have had conflicts with others because of this matter before, and it was inevitable to get angry and fight. After all, the person who provoked the trouble There are many of them, and escaping can only be useful for a while, and in the end you have to resist yourself."

"That's's not easy for you."

Kono Masato didn't think there was anything wrong with his reasons. In this xenophobic country, especially more than ten years ago, it was actually very common for mixed-race children to be excluded because of their looks.

How Cannon Fodder NPC Becomes White MoonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora