Chapter 119

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Yu Shuilian's first reaction was not to agree, but to worry about whether he would trouble the other party.

In the instant he heard the invitation, he shamefully admitted that his heartstrings were plucked, and if he hadn't had any qualms, he'd have wanted to say "yes, I agree" almost immediately.

Zhu Fu Jingguang saw his hesitation and decided to push him, "...Only this time I want to be tough. Can you give me the answer now?"

Yu Shuilian repeated, "Now...?"

Apparently, he hadn't figured out the answer yet.

"Yes." Zhu Fu Jingguang analyzed, "Well... Maybe I didn't think carefully just now, after all, the place where Lian lives now also takes care of the functions of the studio, if you go to my house, it will affect your daily work, right? So, can I have the cheek to come to your house?"

It's all said for this sake, if he is rejected, he will feel a little sad.

That must have been a mistake.

Feelings that have not yet been expressed will also be hidden, and it will become more difficult to express.

"...But I don't know how to cook, and my life is more casual, and my habits may not be good." Yu Shuilian said a lot of words to persuade her to quit, "Will I not cause you trouble?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Fu Jingguang said with a smile, "If I move here, I will cause you trouble, right?"

However, judging from Lian's attitude, he probably won't refuse.

Zhu Fu Jingguang said: "Lian, don't you like living with me?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"That means you can 'agree'?"

"Well... agree." Yu Shuilian's answer finally fell to the ground.

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: " sometimes say some very cunning things."

But it’s not annoying—he said in his heart.

After dinner, Zhu Fu Jingguang went home and brought a change of clothes. At night, Lian sat in front of the computer in the living room and worked, and Jing Guang stayed with him on the sofa next to him until the time was almost up. , he would send a concerned smile, reminding Yu Shuilian to go to bed early.

Yu Shuilian was still not used to the sudden addition of a long-term cohabitant in his room, and he was a little numb when Jing Guang reminded him.

...It's so unreal, Jing Guang actually lived in my house.

This idea hovered in my mind all night, until I woke up the next morning and found that there was already a ready breakfast on the table, and this light and floating feeling became thicker.

Yu Shuilian watched as Zhu Fu Jingguang took off the apron he found somewhere, and served himself a bowl of rice.

He said: "I originally wanted to make a sandwich, but the Japanese breakfast can be made more substantial. When you want to supplement nutrition, I made my own decision."

"It smells so good..." The smell of hot food rushed into his nose, and Yu Shuilian let out an honest sigh.

Zhu Fu Jingguang pulled away the chair, "I'm satisfied to hear you say that, let's eat first after washing up."

After a quick wash, Yu Shuilian went back to the table and sat down. Jing Guang had already placed the dinner plate in front of his table.

Rice, miso soup, tamagoyaki and fried salmon, and a small platter of vegetables...

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