Chapter 131-Extra

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On the day of their reunion in Italy, the two could say nothing.

They tacitly agreed not to mention anyone else's affairs, and just spent half a day in the precious two-person world——

Toss coins in front of the wishing pool to make a wish, and hold hands while strolling in the street square. I don’t know how many leisurely pigeons on the side of the road have been startled. They have no purpose, and they have no travel plans. They just feel the existence of each other. .

This emotion is so simple that it is enough to satisfy.

They stayed at a nearby hotel at night, and the task of negotiating was naturally handled by Yu Shuilian, who had no language barrier. He asked Jing Guang, "A standard room?"

Zhu Fujingguang looked at the billboard above. Although he couldn't understand Italian, there were English labels and pictures below. He tilted his head and whispered to Yu Shuilian: "It's a double bed."

Yu Shuilian's heart skipped a beat, "...OK."

He was so nervous that his hands were sweating, he looked at the front desk, tried to keep his eyes from wandering, and asked, "Are there any rooms with double beds?"

The receptionist gave them a slightly surprised look.

It's not because he hasn't seen same-sex couples, it's just that he has seen less Asian same-sex couples.

"Yes." Noticing his impoliteness, he quickly lowered his head.

After checking in and getting the room card, they entered the elevator together.

In front of the word "double bed", the pink bubbles that emerged from the atmosphere so dreamy that it seemed to float into the clouds a few hours ago burst one by one.

Yushui Lian jumped from the illusory sense of happiness to the roller coaster full of ups and downs in a romantic comedy.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Fu Jingguang held Yu Shui Lian's hand that was not holding the room card, and felt that the other's fingers had been tapping his palm.

Yu Shuilian quickly stopped his movements, not wanting to reveal that he was inexplicably nervous because of such a trivial matter.

Next, he didn't know which nerve he had a problem with. He looked up at Zhu Fu Jingguang and asked, "Do you want to know what I'm thinking?"

"Huh?" Zhu Fu Jingguang stared at him seriously, waiting for his next words.

Yu Shuilian: "...I was wondering what kind of dick I was wearing inside."

Then, he saw his lover, who was usually gentle and steady, and fell into a loss just like himself for a moment.

...Although he said such things out of his wits, seeing Jing Guang's expression made him feel like he made a profit—he thought to himself.

Zhu Fu Jingguang adjusted his expression and said, "...Why did you suddenly think of this?"

After Yushui Lian saw Jing Guang's expression mixed with bewilderment and bewilderment, he also became incoherent——

"Because I made a wish to God, I suddenly appeared in the wishing pool. My clothes should be arranged for me by that kind god. The outer clothes can be seen at a glance, but I don't know what I'm wearing inside -"

At this moment, the elevator rang with a "ding--".

Yu Shuilian pulled Zhu Fu Jingguang out of the elevator quickly, then found the room with lightning speed, swiped the card, pushed the door in, and closed the door in one go.

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