Chapter 17

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Rum hoped that Curacao and Scotland would be like wolfhounds grinning at their prey and suppressing their prey, completing the task with lightning speed. For him, "fast, accurate and ruthless" is the highest code of conduct.

After seeing "ARA", Zhu Fu Jingguang thought that Rum's good expectations would probably come to nothing.

The man who opened the door to greet them wore a water-colored shirt as his outerwear, but his exaggerated muscles almost tore apart his clothes. When the other party opened the door, Zhu Fu Jingguang glanced at his hanging other hand from the corner of his eye—it seemed that every inch of skin had been tempered, rough, firm, and callused.

As soon as the other party spoke, the voice was as loud as a built-in amplifier, "Please come in, you two, there is nothing to entertain at home, but I don't think you dare to drink what I give you? Haha——"

At the moment when the man turned his back, the two bottles of wine and the glance at each other all read the same meaning from the other's expression—this person is not ARA himself.

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked around and tried to find information while thinking.

—Where did ARA go?

--who is he?

Is it an agent of ARA?

No, it's not reasonable, ARA doesn't need to meet them directly, does it? Since we want to meet each other, why bother to find an agent? Could it be that he was watching nearby?

Curacao kept a close eye on the opponent's every move, not wanting to miss any information.

The well-built man seemed to be used to this kind of gaze, and he didn't find it offensive or too hot. He even raised his eyebrows and said in a ruffian way: "Since we've seen enough, should we talk about the price?"

One of Curacao's jobs is negotiation.

However, it is a fake negotiation, as long as you ask where the things are, the survival value of the other party will come to an end.

She took out the speech she had prepared long ago, and her smart attire made her look like a professional woman who is used to the negotiation table, "Our Boss thinks that the terms you offer are not sincere."

The other party's eyelids twitched, "Are you kidding me? You guys have something in my hands to say that I'm not sincere enough?"

"—Have you figured out your position?" She pressed slightly, "Now you have provoked the coveted eyes of many forces, and your life is in danger, so you made an appointment with us, trying to show your sincerity and let us protect you."

"Boss means: as long as you have enough chips, not only can you forgive us for stealing our information, but you can also be allowed to join our organization."

There was no flaw in Curacao's cold expression, only Zhu Fu Jingguang knew she was talking nonsense.

This is not the same as the conversation that was said earlier, he thought.

Curacao...was testing this fake ARA. Let's see if he is an agent sent by the real ARA, or someone else is trying to cheat by pretending to be ARA.

——Then, let’s add more fire.

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled and put his hands on his lap, "As long as you have those materials in your hands, you will always be the first prey on the assassination lists of multiple organizations. If there is no organization strong enough to protect you, There are only two fates for you—”

He tapped his knuckles lightly on the table.

"Sent to prison and died for no apparent reason."

"Or be imprisoned by their organization and work for them for a lifetime in a small dark room."

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