Chapter 41

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"—with you guy?" Chianti looked at Bourbon who was coming from behind.

Her natural radar makes her have a physical rejection of people like Bourbon, yes, it's not hate, but rejection, which belongs to the kind that wants to separate from the other party in the same space as soon as she sees it.

However, Chianti felt that it would be embarrassing for him to leave like this, so he had to find something to say and prolong the communication.

Chianti: "Is it the job assigned by the above?"

Bourbon was as good as he was, "a job that Rum sent straight."

Although Chianti and Cohen also have code names, their positioning determines their job content. They have a certain degree of freedom in job selection. As long as it is a task issued by the organization, they can do it if they meet the conditions.

But if you want to be able to get into the sight of higher-level personnel, you must be an expert in at least one aspect. Such people are usually directly assigned to work, giving people an "elite" impression.

For some members who advocate violent aesthetics, although they don't say anything, they are actually somewhat dissatisfied with members who rely on their non-combat abilities to rise to the top.

surveillance? Disguised and sneaked in to gather intelligence? Isn't this kind of thing as long as an individual can do it?

Why do I have to work so hard to kill people, these guys can be promoted just by talking?

... There are some complaints about this style in it.

Although the comprehensive ability required for intelligence collection is also quite complicated, not only must one have an outstanding ability to observe words and emotions, but also have an extremely flexible mind. On the premise of never stepping into the thunder pool, a little bit of probing will be used to draw out useful information.

But for some people whose career path is not smooth, it is impossible to find reasons for themselves if they do not belittle their colleagues.

Chianti didn't miss that mark, but she certainly didn't quite match up with bourbon.

"...tsk." Chianti snorted, and she looked at Bourbon unkindly, "...Rum really trusts you."

Bourbon ignored the stinging tone of Chianti's words and said casually, "Really?"

This level of cynicism was commonplace for him, and Bourbon's experience was to let these people worry about themselves.

Going along will only make them more excited.

Seeing his calm attitude, Chianti felt that Bourbon had an excellent talent for "calmly provoking others".

He stood there calmly, and a few words could create an unpleasant atmosphere.

She didn't bother to say any more, and finally said to Taiska: "Hey——if you think this guy is annoying someday, don't be merciful, and just 'bang—' on his head."

She made a shooting motion to the temple.

Bourbon said with ease: "Are you instigating members to fight among themselves?"

Chianti was completely dumbfounded by Bourbon's iron-walled way of speaking, and left with a displeased face.

Before leaving, he said harshly: "You bastard, don't let me have a chance to catch your fault, I will definitely finish you with my own hands when the time comes—! Goodbye, Taiska!"

In the end, I still haven't forgotten to say goodbye to myself... Yu Shuilian stood beside her, thinking to herself.

But Bourbon's performance today gave Yushuilian a new understanding of him.

How Cannon Fodder NPC Becomes White MoonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora