Chapter 98

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Yu Shuilian was a little dumbfounded, why would Belmode think about this?

"I'm just stating the facts. The child was hiding from the beginning, and when I finished my mission and was about to leave, she jumped out of the room. At that time, Bourbon was already outside. I didn't know there was another survivor. By."

The most convincing thing is always the truth mixed with lies.

The previous affair between him and Belmod, at most, just let Belmod put water on her, but she doesn't have any love for Jianggu Ling - not to mention that in Belmod's eyes, Fugu Ling and herself are also It's not close, maybe it's not even "wu".

I don't know if Belmode believed it, but she put down the hand that raised the gun, and this topic was exposed by her.

"That guy Maeda betrayed the organization as expected."

Yu Shui Lian was not swayed by her words at all, he continued the topic with a calm expression: "Will you report it to the organization?"

"—why not? It would do me no good to know."

Belmode smiled with the corners of her lips curled up, and Yu Shuilian felt that she was almost holding a cigarette in her hand.

He sank, and said: "...This is not a place to talk."

Belmode raised his eyebrows, "Do you still want to be alone with me?"

"Can't you?"

Yushui Lian took a step forward and walked in front of Belmode, but she didn't take care of everything when the other party changed his face. When she raised the gun, Yushui Lian saw her wrist and forearm, and there were fresh scars on them .

Seeing that Belmode didn't waver, Yu Shuilian continued: "...I still have something to tell you."

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Belmode exhaled, "Lead the way."

She compromised.


Yu Shuilian took her to another room, where he had checked in advance that there were no monitoring and listening devices, but he checked again before coming in.

Belmode rested her chin in one hand, and sat lazily on the single sofa chair. She now has a plain face, but her temperament is not diminished. She just sat out of a big-name magazine shooting scene The taste comes.

She didn't take the water, she just let Yu Shui Lian put it on the table next to her.

"I thought I made it very clear last time. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"What's the matter with the injury on your hand? Is it serious? Did you take medicine?"

The two spoke at the same time.

Yu Shuilian was on his right hand, and then pointed to the position of his right wrist with his left hand to show Belmode.

Belmode rolled up his sleeves, exposing some of the skin under his wrists.

"This is the injury left by the previous mission."

Yu Shuilian became nervous, "Is it the injury left in the United States? It's the Syndra Building..."

Belmode put down his sleeves, "What if I say yes?"

Yu Shuilian moved his lips dryly, "...I'm sorry, but I must take Sawada Hiroki away." He walked up to Belmode and squatted down, and asked, "Does the wound still hurt now? "

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