Chapter 63

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On Christmas Eve.

Yu Shuilian woke up from bed alone, he woke up very early that day, as if something was calling from somewhere, his joyful mood seemed to escape from his chest, he didn't know what he was expecting .

He is going to buy presents today.

Last night, he searched a lot of information on the Internet, found a lot of references, and looked again and again on the shopping website, and finally finalized the gift for someone to give.

First of all, it was Belmode that I mentioned yesterday, Yushui Lian originally wanted to give her perfume.

But she didn't know anything about perfume, thinking that Bermoder often had to disguise himself to perform tasks, and wearing perfume would give her a loophole, Yu Shuilian had no choice but to give up this.

watch? No, it's too big, and it's not easy to hide in case it needs to be removed.

necklace? No...if someone grabs her neck with a necklace it will kill her.

clothing? ... not so good either.

It doesn't need to be too conspicuous, it needs to be convenient, and it needs to be easy to hide and take it down...

Then the ring.

"And Shirley..." Yu Shuilian looked at the doll beside the bed, it was just an extra, not a formal gift.

Yu Shui Lian remembered that she read fashion magazines and knew a lot about luxury bags... How about sending a bag?

Also, Shirley has very few entertainment activities every day, so I should give her an electronic paper book reader.

What really worries Yu Shui Lian is actually Jiang Gu Ling.

"...What should I give him?"

What would a person like Zero like?

Until Yu Shuilian woke up today, she still had no idea about this matter.

But in the afternoon, I will meet Zero.

...Is there really time to go shopping before then?

Yesterday, Yu Shuilian and Jiang Gu mentioned that the day after tomorrow would be Christmas, and asked him if he had time, and he wanted to give the gift to Jiang Gu Ling face to face.

When he was about to fall asleep, Ling Gu Ling said that he would try his best to finish his work this afternoon and come to him in the evening.

That's why Yu Shuilian woke up extra early today, he was always thinking about it.

There was one more thing that bothered him.

After he opened the forum last night, he found that the official announcement was being discussed enthusiastically in the forum-the official announcement that this new chapter is a special one linked with Wen Ye.

【Linkage special chapter: Ability disputes, explosions, sparks and the balance of fate~】

Yushui Lian flipped through the manga, and the last normal chapter was in the game hall, where the suspects chose one of the three.

At that time, I gave a shot of Dazai who was mistaken by myself as an Internet addicted boy, but only half of his face was shown-it turned out that this was the foreshadowing of the linkage.

Yushui Lian recalled that when he was in Italy, the faces of Pengo Lie's people were blurred every time they appeared... Could it be that it was another comic?

He frowned, something seemed wrong with the world.

Generally speaking, there are very few cases where multiple comics are mixed together... Is it because of this that bugs occur?

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