Chapter 83

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Yushui Lian raised his head, and from this angle, he could just see the light falling on the gap between Jing Guang's eyelashes, dyeing it with color.

He really cared about Kudo Shinichi.

Yushui Lian felt that his performance was too explicit, and it would not be good if Kudo Shinichi noticed it, he asked in a low voice: "...Did I behave very obviously?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded.

Lian... didn't deny it.

He didn't change his smile, and at the same time began to observe Kudo Shinichi carefully, and asked, "Is there anything about that child that you care about?"

Yu Shuilian: "He was also present in the bombing case last year."

Zhu Fu Jingguang paused, "Have you met him before?"

Rei is worried about being recognized, so has been staring at Kudo Shin?

Is he alert?

... not like.

He looked at it so seriously, obviously wanting to keep it in his heart.

Yushui thought for a while, and said: "I have seen it. To be precise, I helped Ms. Mao Lilan—that is, Kudo Shinichi's childhood sweetheart. They were both present at the banquet at the Cupido Hotel that day. Kudo Shinichi came over and said hello to me."

Speaking of which, there is none.

Zhu Fu Jingguang listened quietly, but he didn't expect it to stop so abruptly. He asked, "...and then?"

Yu Shuilian glanced at him with a strange expression, "...There is no more."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "?"

Yusui Ren glanced at Kudo Shinichi one last time, he was talking to Mao Lilan.

"The interaction between me and him is only for those few minutes. I really care about him, because he is a celebrity in our circle recently. Whether it is an intelligence dealer or a private detective... everyone is familiar with the name Kudo Shinichi. Curious - me too."

Yu Shuilian raised her head and murmured to the ceiling: "Other than that, I don't have anything special to care about..."

At this moment, that perfectly curved smile disappeared from Zhu Fu Jingguang's face.

In its place was another, more relaxed smile.

"Well," said he, "he seems to be a very good detective indeed."

Yu Shuilian nodded: "Well, otherwise I wouldn't pay attention to him."

After all, that is the designated protagonist of Conan's manga, the man who will smash the organization's conspiracy and darkness in the future.

While talking, they followed the steward who led the way, and came to the living room again.

Matsuda Jinpei crossed the crowd and was the first to see Yusui Rei's head. To be precise, it was the light blond hair growing from the top of his head.

It's too eye-catching.

Seeing the butler bringing such a large group of people over, the man with glasses suddenly felt hopeful.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Tsuchiya coming out?!" He immediately asked the steward of Shenshan.

The butler answered without leaking any water: "I don't know, the master just said that I will take you all back to the living room. Everyone, please sit down, the tea just now is cold, right? I asked them to prepare new tea, please stay here Wait a moment."

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