Chapter 66

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"BOSS asked me to take you to meet your biological mother."

Belmode blew out a smoke ring and said it again.

Yu Shuilian froze in place, not knowing where to put his eyes.

This news is like the spring thunder in March, not only it sounds, but it also means that there will be a torrential rain that soaks the heart and spleen.

What's the meaning?

Take him to see his biological mother?

There is too much information contained in this short sentence—how did the BOSS know about his background? What's the point of him arranging for himself to meet his biological mother? If the organization already knew the identity of his relatives, why didn't they tell him?

...what the hell are they trying to do?

Does Belmode know? How much does she know?

Once the seeds of suspicion take root, they will germinate, expand and grow outward at an incredible speed, and become a hideous tree.

Yushui also tacitly avoided Belmode's eyes.

Holding the gift that he hadn't had time to give away, he realized that he had missed the best time to give it.


Belmode took him to a small bungalow with a garden.

From the outside of the main entrance, you can see the exquisite and beautiful small garden that has been taken care of. Unfortunately, it is deep winter, and the leaves protruding from the gaps in the iron net to the window are drooping, showing a sense of decay.

It was still morning, and the sunlight poured into the gray-white stone road in the courtyard from the gaps in the branches and leaves. There is also a row of deliberately crooked stone steps in front.

Like a courtyard somewhere in the Italian countryside.

Belmode put on black sunglasses, tied up his hair, and made a simple appearance cover.

After getting off the car, she glanced across the garden path, looked at the open space in the middle, and said, "If I had come earlier, I could have seen roses in the yard, but it's a pity that all of them have been shoveled."

How did Belmode know?

"Have you been here before?" After asking, Yu Shuilian felt that this was really an obvious question.

Belmode seemed to be explaining something, the sound of her high heels stepping on the steps slightly overwhelmed her voice.

"...I came by myself."

Yu Shuilian stared blankly at Belmode's back.

Has Belmode met anyone in the house in private before? Did she just stand outside and watch?

The position where they entered the door happened to be able to see the area that should have had roses.

If you can see roses, at least it must be spring and summer, right?

What was Belmode thinking when he came here a few months ago?

Why is she here?

What Yu Shuilian imagined was Belmode standing quietly outside

Do not understand.

...He doesn't understand.

"Come up." Belmode reminded: "Don't you want to meet your biological mother?"

All the thoughts Yushuilian once had about "should I meet my mother" were swept away, and at this moment he walked into that door with great fear.

He looked at the gray and crooked stairs, and he had to search every corner of his body to find the courage to support his body to run. His steps became incomparably heavy, like being tied with lead weights and thrown into the water. He felt like drowning like never before. It is even more uncomfortable than being in real water.

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