Chapter 118

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Before arriving home, they went to a nearby commercial street to buy clean trousers.

The old-fashioned commercial street next to the residential area has a warm atmosphere like a winter quilt. When they passed by the fried stalls that smelled of oil, Yu Shuilian couldn't help but stop and look at the newly baked croquettes in the display cabinet. The oil particles fell on the pad paper, and the nerve-stimulating aroma could be smelled through the glass cabinet.

No, no, now I have to go back to take a shower and change clothes.

Not the time to be gluttonous!

"Speaking of which, we haven't eaten yet."

Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't know why he hesitated, so he smiled at him, and then took the initiative to go to the counter and bought two croquettes.

He handed the paper-wrapped croquette to Yu Shuilian, "Be careful it's hot."

Yu Shuilian: "...Thank you."

Zhu Fu Jingguang has always been the most sensitive one when it comes to detecting other people's emotions and understanding their thoughts.

Yu Shuilian sometimes wonders if he is too dependent on him?

Is it really okay to just accept the other party's kindness with peace of mind...?

He took a bite of the crispy croquette, and the hot air made him involuntarily stick his tongue out to test the temperature. After confirming, he carefully bit off the deep-fried dough and ate the dense inside.

It's delicious.

Zhu Fu Jingguang carried the shopping paper bag and said as he walked: "...It's a bit of an afterthought, but it seems that I don't have to buy a pair of trousers. I can put on my pajamas and wait for the clothes to dry first."

Yushui Lian: "This sounds like living in a primeval forest or an isolated island, because there is only one set of clothes for washing, so you have to wait by the fire for it to dry."

Zhu Fu Jingguang snorted, "Hmm...? What a wonderful metaphor, but it sounds very interesting."

"Isn't there often on wild survival programs?" When talking about something of interest, Yushuilian started talking endlessly: "I don't bring anything and then go to an uninhabited island for a survival challenge. After the clothes get wet, I have to use them." Ye Zi weaves a pair of shorts, then sits by the fire while grilling fish and clothes..."

Sensing that the other party's emotions had obviously become elevated, Zhu Fu Jingguang responded with a soft smile: "Do you usually like to watch these programs?"

Yu Shuilian gave a "huh", as if to say "that's not the case".

He was silent for a few seconds, trying to organize his words, and then said: "...It's really interesting to see things on TV, on mobile phones, and on the Internet that I may never experience in my life."

Zhu Fu Jingguang said, "The future is unpredictable now. If there are things you want to do and places you want to go, when you have free time, try them one by one."

"Yes, I hope to be free soon." Yu Shuilian nodded with emotion.

Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't want him to think about work again during his hard-won leisure time, so he changed the topic: "Lian, is there any place or thing you want to do now?"

"...I want to visit Italy."

"Italy?" Zhu Fu Jingguang said, "Have you been there before? Is there a specific city you want to visit?"

Yu Shuilian bit the croquette until it was crunchy. He looked at the children playing in the distance and said, "...I want to see the place where I lived when I was young."

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