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"So. Who wants to start?" I voiced as I sat on the corner of the windowsill, my back turned slightly so I could look out and see a burning earth below us.

"It's gone, guys." Bellamy directed to Monty and Harper, the two staring intently at the glass and planet below.

"Close it up, Shaw." Raven directed, making me sigh. The one time I'm able to look out the window on a ship and they're shutting it.

"Like our ancestors on the Ark," I closed my eyes, someone give this man a public speaking gig, "we're the last of the human race."

"Our ancestors were wrong. We're not." Clarke spoke up before Bellamy continued.

"412 people on this ship. Thanks to Madi, we saved who could be saved. Now it's our job to keep them alive. How do we do that?" Bellamy asked causing Monty to step forward.

"Algae?" Emori piped up.

"Oh, float me now."

"That could be arranged." I taunted Murphy as he rolled his eyes at me. I saw a hand rise beside me causing me to look at Shaw, I knew I'd like him.

"Can I?"

"Go for it." I spoke up before Bellamy could wanting to have some presence.

"From what we know about the half-life of Hythylodium," that's a mouthful—Damn, "it'll be at least 10 years before that Valley comes back. This ship does have a small water recycler and a few weeks worth of rations, but that's it. Cryo is the only option. There are 500 pods, which is more than enough for what we need." I listened intently. If we were in Medieval England I would have cursed magic.

"I agree with Shaw." Raven jumped in a smile on her face. "The tech is amazing. We go to sleep, we don't age, we wake the next morning, it's 10 years later. And Bob's your uncle."

"Sounds like a middle aged woman's dream." I joked though clearly jokes weren't appropriate in this setting save for Murphy giving me a laugh.

"I thought you hated that phrase." Monty spoke up.

"It's growing on me." I rolled my eyes at the exchange. Clearly I'm just not allowed to poke fun at the situation.

"It's up to you, Madi." My eyes widened, the hell? I held my tongue as I stared at the girl.

"Ok." She uncrossed her arms, "I guess it's time for bed."

"That was terrible." I groaned pinching my nose.

"I see where she gets it from." I gasped and backhanded Bellamy's arm.

Now the room laughed, I guess it's only for my misfortune.


"Are you sure?" I asked sitting down beside the woman.

"I'm certain, Persphyni. We will be okay. It'll be ten years. I can manage." I narrowed my eyes. "And if I can't, I'll wake you up." I grinned.

"Damn straight." She laughed at me as she cradled Spring.

"We're going to be okay, Persphyni." She assured me.

"I know, Molly. I just, I don't want to miss anything. I, I made a promise to Lyla I'd take care of her. I know you're more than capable— way more than me. I just can't help but feel that I need to stay as well."

"No, honey. Absolutely not." She pointed a finger at me. "You are going to get some well deserved rest. You here me?" I chuckled, smiling sadly.

"Molly, what if— what if she won't want to be associated with me? I, I'd be a stranger. Someone who killed her parents." Molly's face fell into pity before turning slightly angry.

"You listen here. You did not kill Gideon or Lyla. In fact you saved them multiple times. More times than you probably think. And you've just saved their child, their legacy. So don't you think for a moment that this little girl right here will resent you for something you didn't do." She took a breath, sighing as she became somber, "as for knowing who you are, I'll make sure to wake you up on her birthday each year. And when you're not around, I'll tell her all about you. You will not be just another face— you won't be a stranger."

"Thank you, Molly." I whispered standing from the chair. "Thank you for making it here."

"With your help. I wouldn't be here without you."

"I'll see you during her birthday."

"Until then."


"Bellamy!" I shouted as I weaved through the hallways, not certain where the cryopods were. "Bellamy!"

I frowned, stopping in the middle of an empty corridor. There were three ways I could go. Straight which led to a steel door. Left which appeared to loop back to the right. Or right which seemed to go on for ages. Obviously I could go backwards as a fourth option, but I know he wasn't back that way. If he was then he's an asshole who didn't want to respond to me.

I turned right but stopped when I heard a loud yell. My body turning to face the metal door which stared straight at me. I walked closer, hearing the yell again.

I decided that this was definitely not where Bellamy was, but it had peaked my interest.

I looked at the small pin pad beside the door, my eyes narrowing on the keys before I yanked my dagger and used the hilt of it to smash the pin pad from the wall.

With the wires free I yanked them successfully disconnecting the locking mechanism, much to my amazement.

"Watch out, Monty. There's a new hacker in town."

My joking mood soon vanished once I saw what was in the room. A darkness forming around me as the yell once again breeched my ears. It was muffled due to the gag which hung around the chained figure's head.

Despite the room being dark, I knew whose head that was from a mile away. I often wondered how many throwing knives would fit if I squeezed them together.

I took a step into the room. The door shutting descending the room into darkness once again. He knew  someone else was in here. He saw my shadow when the door opened.

But he had no idea it was me.

"Lights out, McCreary." I hissed as I slammed the hilt of my dagger into his head, knocking him unconscious.

On second thought, maybe I was in a good mood. I found the asshole responsible for this ending. For destroying my Valley, for killing my father and Lyla. If I couldn't kill Diyoza. I could damn well kill McCreary.

Only, I didn't want it to be swift.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now