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I hid around the tree trunk as I watched Madi drift past. Her feet soft and quiet but still loud enough for me to hear.

For today's lesson, I was teaching her how to hunt. Her goal was to stalk Clarke and catch her in a trap. The twist was I was doing the same thing but to Madi.

We had told Clarke about the lesson and she took off with an hour of preparation. Clarke was able to fight back and set her own traps to make this harder for Madi and I. Because Clarke's goal was to catch me before I caught Madi or Madi caught her. Basically we were playing one huge game of hide and seek tag.

Only with consequences and with a slightly dangerous twist. Madi was next to head out. Another hour head start for her which gave Clarke two hours to prepare for me if she managed to avoid Madi.

An hour after the ten year old disappeared beyond the tree line, I made my way into the forest with my dummy gear. I made quick work of setting a net trap in the direction of camp. The rope overhang tucked neatly into a tree for whenever the time was right.

After the trap was set I grabbed my pouch of stones and my slingshot before running after the two sets of tracks. The rest of my gear tucked away safely in my tree house on the far side of the forest.

It took me ten minutes to find Clarke and fifteen to find Madi. The two on completely opposite sides of the woods. A laugh escaped my lips as I watch Madi slide down the trunk of a large tree. Clearly she had the intention to climb the tree but couldn't find a foothold.

"Do you need a boost up." Madi turned around looking for my voice as I moved across the trees. The soft rustling of branches alerting her I was above her.

I swung down and sat on the lowest branch facing her.

"You should run, little one."

She listened. Because all I saw was a streak of brown and she was gone. I smirked as she ran in the direction Clarke was in. This plan was moving very swiftly.


I slung a rock in the direction of Clarke as Madi moved not so quietly. The brunette's ears picking up the sound and moving towards it. I weaved through the trees and reached Clarke who was setting up something. It wouldn't help her now anyways.

I grabbed another stone and flung it at the woods where Madi was currently moving towards. The sound didn't faze Clarke as she continued to finished her net. So I sent a second and a third, the noise finally reaching her as she stopped and slowly looked in that direction.

(I was trying to alert the both of them of the other in order to get them to move from their comfort zone. I had to have Madi find Clarke before I got them both in my trap.)

Clarke maintained her even breathing as she looked towards the woods where Madi would be coming out shortly.

I took that as my go to make a lot of noise and drag the blonde towards me. I grabbed a sharper stone and scratched it against the ground, the stone finding a rock that had been buried into the ground. The noise sharp and piercing as I did it again.

A smirk on my lips as Clarke snapped her head towards my direction then back to where Madi was making her way over. Clarke's emotions were slowly weighing her control as she set the net down and rose slowly. Hand on her walking stick. The one she grabbed from the back of Lexa's throne when we were in Polis four years ago.

I dragged the stone once more as I heard Madi approach the clearing. I loaded the stone onto the slingshot and fired at the ground by Clarke's feet. Before firing at the ground by Madi's once she came out into the clearing. The two jumped back as they looked in my direction before looking at the other.

Clarke's eyes widened as Madi smiled devilishly. Madi thought she had Clarke. But she forgot I was there too.

"Hey Clarke." Clarke began to back up her hand discreetly grabbed the net as she walked backwards.

"Madi." Madi matched Clarke's steps backwards with one step forward.

It was a good intimidation stalk, but not good for this scenario. I fired my last stone towards the ground at Madi's feet, reminding the both of them I was there and watching.

Madi froze and turned while Clarke took the opportunity to throw the net over the young girl and make her way over towards where I was. Her hands grabbing something from a tree trunk as she jogged over towards me.

I grinned and tucked my slingshot into my belt, my hands tightened my ponytail as I stepped out and made myself more noticeable. Now I was directly in Clarke's line of sight. Her grin on her face told me many things.

One, Clarke forgot who she was dealing with. Two, Clarke thought she had the upper-hand. Three, I played the 'oh shit' card well.

I widened my eyes and turned. My feet lightly running as I stayed away from a sprint to avoid Clarke getting discouraged. And so I could make sure Madi also caught up with us. The two softer footsteps running at a faster pace behind Clarke signaled I had done a good job.

I slowly weaved through the trees, pretending to lose the blonde. A smirk on my lips as I continued forward. Only turning once or twice with a fake worried look on my face.

If we weren't playing a game I'd feel silly. Running away from the prey. The only reason would be to do this.

I changed to a sprint and left Clarke's line of vision quickly. Slipping behind the trees as I waited and listened to the two sets of footsteps approach. One more slowed and frantic then the other as the owner looked all around the small outlet I had taken her towards. The softer set was faster and approaching very quickly.

I tossed a stick towards the large target zone. The blonde's head turned and she began to approach the area as Madi slowed down to stalk Clarke.

The two both quietly reached the target zone and I smirked at the little mice.

I gave one swift pull of the rope and watched as Clarke and Madi, who was about to jump on the blonde, got swooped up and thrown into the air by a net. The top of the net pinched leaving the two hanging in the air.

"Oh come on!" Clarke cried out as Madi groaned.

I laughed lightly as I stepped out behind the tree my hand holding the rope as I smiled.

"I win."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now