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I sat on the cliff, watching as the door opened and a single being walked out. I held my bow notched but loose as I carefully examined the entrance. I wasn't going to fire but instinct had me eager to do something. The figure turned slightly and said something before the once empty entrance was filled with a flood of similarly dressed figures all carrying some form of gun at their sides.

This just got ten times harder.

I counted over a hundred and there was still more on the ship that continued to trickle out. I figured Clarke was doing recon and writing down guns and keeping track of the mathematical stuff. I just needed to size them up. And I couldn't really do that from up here. My eyes trailed to the small group of three that stood together. Two wearing the same uniform and one wearing an all-black outfit. He had to be someone of importance. Especially if he was standing with the female who had walked out first.

I decided I'd meet Clarke at her cave, no longer wanting to sit back and wait. We needed to act now or else something bad may happen.

I kept my bow ready as I took a secluded trail to the backside of the cave. Slipping in through the rocks, I aimed my arrow towards the path and continued down it until I found a source of light.

I gave a soft low whistle that could easily be mistaken as the wind. Creeping slowly closer. The response was a two-note bird whistle back.

I lowered my bow and returned the arrow to my quiver before loading my bow over and around my torso, left shoulder to right hip.

"We loading everything?" Clarke hummed in response as she clicked together one of the rifles.

"Yes. We will store it all in the Rover. We need to make sure Madi is still safe in her spot. They were going towards the village when I left." I nodded and helped load the counted bullets.

"Clarke. I think it may be a good idea for you two to stay here." The blonde stopped and looked up at me.

"No. I agree we need to keep Madi out of harms way, but-" I stopped her.

"Clarke. You and Madi together are stronger. I need you two to take care of each other so I can take care of other things. I'm not going to let these people come in and take this place over. Not when this is the place we've made into our home. I don't know these people. And as far as I'm concerned these people are dangerous invaders who have no right to this land." Clarke sighed and rubbed her hands together.

"So they're us and we've become the grounders."

"Yes. Only they don't have a secret weapon." Clarke turned her journal towards me. Pointing at a sketch where she had a question mark and an exclamation above it. "Point proven. But still. They don't know we are here. I have the element of surpri-" A gunshot echoed in the forest.


Well shit. There goes my surprise.


"How about I put one in your leg so you know how it feels."

I released the arrow as I slid to a stop using the tree as my shield. Clarke running up behind me as I notched another arrow and stalked forward into the clearing after checking for anymore intruders.

The arrow had gone straight through the throat of the man who held a gun to Madi. My eyes blazed at my new target as the arrow pointed directly at the man who stood with his hands up. His gun on the ground. Clearly the arrow had shocked him as I approached. He was alone as I moved to get in front of Madi.

"Wait. He tried to help me. He may be a good guy." I ignored the young girl and stared the man in the eyes.

I seemed to have forgotten to teach Madi a lesson on nativity. While being merciful is kind. Good guys and bad guys don't exist. Only the naïve, the bystanders, and the monsters.

I was the latter.

As soon as I heard the crackle of his walkie talkie I sent the arrow straight through his throat. I wasn't going to let him call for back-up. Nor was I going to let these two get found. I turned back towards where Clarke held Madi in her arms as Madi stared at the dead bodies shocked.

"We have to go." The walkie cut me off.

"Jenson, Baines, we heard two more gunshots in your direction. Report." I turned around and walked to the corpse before grabbing the walkie from his belt and flipping it in my hand.

"Here." I tossed it to Madi. "You take care of that. You listen to all of their movements and you report. Do you understand?" I asked placing a hand on the young girl's shoulder, hoping to pull her from her mind.

"I understand, Seda." I nodded and turned to Clarke.

"Let's go. Quickly. We don't have much time. Let's get back to the cave and recoup. Madi needs a minute and we need to finish prepping."

I turned and began to walk back towards the cave.

"We have some traps to set. We will go at dark."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now