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"Who wants to hear a story?" I asked as I walked over to the fire, Spring on my hip her mother right beside me.

The children who sat beside the fire looked at one another curiosity spreading across their faces.

"Oh come on, please tell me you've had someone tell you a story before."

"Yes, but it's been a long time." I smiled at the girl who responded to me.

"Well then, I'll make it a good one." I passed Spring back to Lyla who took a seat at the fire.

"Does anyone know the story of the Olympians? Of how these seemingly inferior gods rose to power and defeated the Titans who had created them?" I smirked when all the children around the fire shook their heads. "Good. Let's begin shall we?"

"Wait!" I rose an eyebrow at the boy who stood up. "We should all take a bathroom break now before she starts. My mom told me she regretted not doing it the last time Wanlida told a story."

I blinked laughing as I ushered them to hurry.

"Who's his mom?" I asked Lyla as she giggled.

"That's Telhe, his mom is Shari, she was on Lexa's personal detail." My eyes widened looking around the tents.

"Shari is here?" I got a little excited, she used to always entertain me with her eye rolls.

"No. She passed due to an illness a few months before you came, however Telhe heard all about you from her."

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered or concerned." Lyla giggled.

"Trust me, Shari had the utmost respect for you." I nodded, choking up slightly.

"And I her." Shari and Aesakus were two of the kindest yet ruthless people. I'm almost certain they were-"Who's his dad?"

"Shari never said. But she told Telhe he was a hero." I nodded.

"How old is he?"

"She had birth a week after the bunker closed." My eyes widened and I nearly choked.

"Shit." Lyla nodded.

"Okay! We're all back." I jerked my head and nearly fell backwards. All the kids were staring at me waiting. From six years old to 17ish, I had all of their attention.

I rose, dusting my hands off.

"Well, then I guess I should start." They nodded aggressively making me smile.

"The tale of the Olympians does not start pretty. But it does start somewhere-"

Billions of years ago there were two gods. Gaea- the ancestral mother and personification of earth, and Ouranos- the ruler of the universe and primordial deity. From these two, came 12 Titans. 6 female and 6 male. All imprisoned by their father, Ouranos, out of fear of being overthrown.

And his fear came true. When called upon by their mother, only one Titan answered the call. The youngest Titan, Krónos, with the help of his mother Gaea, was able to rise and defeat his father. Slicing him through with his sickle and ending Ouranos's
reign as ruler of the universe.

With his victory, Krónos not only took rule of the universe, but also his eldest sister Rhea as his wife.

"That's gross!" I laughed at the uproar from the children.

"That's your sister!"

"Ew! That's so weird." I rose my hands innocently.

"It's what happened. Now can I get back to the sorry?" They nodded eagerly making me smile.

From this marriage, Rhea and Krónos produced the gods and other beings alike.

However, unlike most fathers, Krónos was not happy about his children being born. For he was told of a prophecy which would be his undoing.

One of his children would over throw him just as he did to his father. Those children born before the prophecy was known, were thrown in the underworld. Trapped in the depths of Tartarus. After the prophecy, the gods were born. With the fear in his bones, Krónos vowed to beat the prophecy. So when Rhea would bestow each newborn god upon him, he would hold them for a second before swallowing them whole.

"That's disgusting!" I turned to see Telhe scrunching his face.

"Yes, it's very disgusting." I laughed. "May I continue?" He nodded eagerly.

Hestia was first, then Demeter, and Hera. Next came Hades then Poseidon.

All five of the oldest gods born and swallowed by the father which had created them.

Rhea had only one more god she was to give birth to. His name was Zeus. Rhea had grown sad and angry watching her children being swallowed.

So when it was time for her to present Zeus to Krónos, she made a decision.

Rhea walked steadily, presenting Krónos with his final child, Zeus. Hope in her heart as she gently laid the swaddled blanket in his arms. However, unlike the last five children- Krónos did not bother to look at the child and instead swallowed the bundle of blankets whole.

"Do not cry my love." Krónos whispered as he stood, holding Rhea close. "We will still be happy- now forever, my sweet Rhea." Rhea sniffled drying her tears and nodding.

"I'm going to go lie down."

"I will see you in the morning."

But Rhea had already left, this time with a dry face and a pained smile.

Years past and the gods grew within the confines of their father's belly. Along with a rock the size of a dagger.

Because unlike the first five, Rhea had known Krónos was growing impatient and he wouldn't be careful. So when he didn't look at the bundle of blankets, he failed to notice that instead of a young god it was a rock within the blankets.

Rhea instead of returning to her large magnificent chambers had ran to the bottom of the mountain and delivered Zeus to a trusted nymph who took him far away from Krónos' eyes.

So for many years as the young god Zeus was growing up, Krónos was boastfully ignorant as he ruled the universe. Each day growing more and more greedy with power.

Until one day, the young Zeus arrived at Krónos doorstep with a plan. Disguised as a cupbearer, after earning the trust of Krónos- Zeus poured poison into his drink.

This poison when ingested would cause the drinker to throw up every content of their stomach. Which is precisely what Krónos did.

The rock came tumbling from Krónos first. Shocking the table of Titans whom he was dinning with. But then Poseidon came tumbling out, then Hades and Hera. Finally Demeter and last was Hestia. Each being ejected from their father before rising to the full height of a god.

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