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"Is he still in there?" I asked as Harper came around the corner. I had asked her to go check on him.

"Yes. He hasn't left the monitor." I pushed off from the wall, stepping into the light.

"Okay. I'll go switch with him."

"No," she cut me off, "I will. Just come with me to convince him. You both need rest."

I didn't argue. She was right. While everyone slept, I was up running around and Bellamy was down here watching the monitor.

"Okay. But don't be surprised if I use force." Harper laughed as I tapped my dagger and moved past her. Her footsteps following as we rounded the corner and headed straight to the server room.

I threw open the door and marched in. Stopping at the edge of the desk.

"Bellamy. Harper is here to switch out with you. You've got to rest." Harper nudged me. "We, we have to rest. We're no good to anyone if we don't."

"It's been 8 hours. Raven could have built a cathedral." Bellamy spoke softly as he narrows his eyes at the screen.

"They'll get it done." Harper encouraged.

"I know. I just, wish it was me over there." I set a hand on Bellamy's shoulder.

"Then you'd have me right next to you. And Diyoza doesn't like me, so the mission would be difficult." I informed as he shook his head and rose his hand. His fingers on mine as he squeezed my hand on his shoulder.

The door behind us opened, my hands on my daggers as I move to step in front of the two, my body a wall.

"Well?" Octavia asks when she steps inside, Indra right behind her. "Any word?" I remove any emotion from my face as I stepped backwards to feel Bellamy's back. The simple touch enough to keep me steady.

"Look. We knew it would take some time. We can count on Echo." Harper stood up for the spy as I made eye contact with Indra. She was doing much better.

"Wouldn't be the first time she betrayed us." Octavia's eyes glared into mine, I held the stare, unwavering as Indra spoke.

"If your brother trusts her, maybe we should, too." Indra pointed. The logic behind that statement was the exact reason I was trusting Echo. Because of Bellamy.

"You're still upset we shot the traitors." Octavia had changed her stare to Bellamy as I stayed were I was. A wall in between the siblings. "I get how that must look to you, but we're fighting for our lives here, Bellamy. The hydrofarm is on it's last legs. Truth is, it's a miracle you showed up when you did." She spoke getting closer to us. Stopping a few inches away so we were almost shoulder to shoulder. "I haven't thanked you enough for that." She rested a hand on his back. His head turning as I too stared at the hand. "If we can just get to Shallow Valley, things will be better, I promise." I met Octavia's eyes as she looked my way.

"Funny, that's the same thing we said about getting back to the ground. Then we found you." Bellamy turned, moving slightly out of my body shield. Octavia's face dropped as she stared her brother in the eye.

Harper was anxiously fidgeting beside me as I tensed up. I responded to the growing tension defensively as I set a gentle hand on Bellamy to ground the both of us and hopefully keep us out of trouble.

"I think you should go."

Octavia's gaze turned to mine before she turned and walked away. My eyes straying from Octavia's head to Indra.
She nods at me before following Octavia out the door, shutting it behind them.

"We're all going a little mad." I muttered before turning back around towards Bellamy. His shoulders caving in as he sighed. I moved my hand up to his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "Come on. I'm tired."


"Look I really am not that tired." I ignored his words, pushing him in front of me. "Persphyni really. I need to do something. Sleeping isn't going to get this eye down."

"Neither is you staring at a monitor." I grumbled as I kept pushing him. My destination being our sleeping quarters. A tent with blankets and pillows galore. Items I had found in a small closet in the bunker.

"Just shut up and let's go. This beautiful lady is asking you to come sleep with her and yet you're turning her down." I huff and stop pushing him. "You know what. I've put an ass-ton of effort in getting you here, if you aren't wanting to come sleep with me then fine. Do whatever the hell you want. But I need you, so that I can go to sleep. Because if not I will stay awake wondering what's going on." I stepped in front of him. "I want to sleep and become dead to the world. But if you're really adamant, I'll find a way to get an hour of rest. Maybe even two. Wonkru doesn't start moving for another three hours anyways."

I turned on my heel and walked away. Not faltering in my steps as I pushed open the tent flap and crawled in. I pulled my boots, cloak, sword, daggers, throwing knives, my hunting knife, and silver cuffs off my body and beside me on the floor.

I put my back towards the tent flaps and closed my eyes. Counting down the minutes before I fell asleep, and the seconds before Bellamy would come in.

The pacing outside of the tent stopped and a few moments later the soft rustle of the tent being opened then zipped shut filled the early morning air. I kept my back to him as he slid off his own boots followed by his jacket and weapons.

I heard him hesitate causing me to internally chuckle before I moved the covers back, signaling him to get in.

When he finally laid down I slid over and flipped around. My arm coming around his waist as I laid my head near his shoulder.

"Thank you." I mumbled already feeling the exhaustion taking over now that I had let it. Bellamy hummed and pulled me closer so I was resting on top of his chest. His arm around my back as he hugged me to him.

In a few hours when we got up, his arm would be asleep and I'd have a tightness in my neck, but it was worth it.

My eyes shut and I curled up closer to him. Allowing myself to be vulnerable as I gave myself some needed rest. Hopefully Bellamy did as well.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now