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Octavia walked out of the bunker entrance, her eyes darting around the crowd as she moved towards us. Everyone armed to the teeth as they conversed, waiting for the signal. Her eyes met mine and flashed with a silent emotion.


The sea parted for her as she moved silently, grabbing a backpack and moving on. Miller following her lead as he lifted a pack into the air.

"We got rations here for everyone, six days' worth. That's enough to make it to The Valley. Move out!" The crowd followed Miller's orders. Surging forward to march across the desert. I slid down from the rubble to stand behind the crowd as they ventured away. My feet taking me to Indra as Bellamy and her spoke.

"Keep an eye open." I warned as I grasped her forearm. Indra had only gone so far in the desert, I on the other hand had traversed it enough to know signs of danger.

"I doubt I'll find any sleep. As I told Bellamy. A warrior's death awaits." Then she was gone following the herd. Their leader walking them towards slaughter.

I set my hands on my hips as I watched Bellamy grab two packs for Monty and Harper.


"Yeah." Harper grabbed the pack, Monty right behind her.

"Come on, our family is waiting." Bellamy urged as he threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"You still got my rations in there." I asked as I nudged him, attempting to make light of the situation.

"Yeah, I've got your rations. Don't be surprised if I eat them." He teased back quietly making me gasp.

"You wouldn't."


"Bellamy, Harper, and Monty are somewhere in the middle of the pack. I told them I'd be coming to the back." I told Lyla as she passed Spring over to me.

"Oh my goodness. How have you been carrying her for this long?" I joked bouncing the young girl on my hip.

"It wasn't easy. But we managed." Molly voiced as we climbed up a hill.

Instead of there being two groups like we had originally thought, we marched as one long snake. Those too slow to keep up ended up in the back along with those unable to fight.

I looked at the older woman, a small smile on my face as I looked at how strong she was being- despite how weak she must be feeling.

"I can carry her for now. Bellamy has my rations in his bag, and I've gotten used to their weight." I gestured at my weapons with my free hand.

"Really?" I laughed, grabbing the makeshift carrier Lyla and Molly had made for Spring.

"Yeah, just let me get this set up."

That's how I ended up walking the next several miles with a giggling Spring strapped to my chest. Thankfully she had some control of her bladder and only went once before we stopped to set up camp.

"Thank you." I pat Lyla and Molly on the shoulders then waved at Spring.

"If you need me again, just call. One day down, five more to go." As I left the tent I looked around the sandy area. A scoff left my lips as I shook my head. At least the scouts are competent enough to have stopped us just a hundred yards shy of a spider pit.

My mood darkened when I finally found Bellamy. His face alone told me shit had happened.

"That little blonde rat!" I hissed as I kicked the pack Bellamy had been carrying. "You would think, that after years of us having to stick together to survive- she actually would want me on her side. But no. And now, we're walking into a fight with a significant disadvantage. There are about 15% of Wonkru who cannot fight, we have the low ground, they have weapons built for mining rock, Diyoza is a freaking military strategist, yet she isn't running the operations it's the psycho McCreary, and we still have to cross this wretched dessert for another four days." I stopped to breathe as the words had just flown out of my mouth. "But Echo has a way in? We have to go speak with her. Now."

"We were already planning on it. We just figured it would be easier if you were there this time." I glared pointing a finger at Bellamy.

"Don't you sass me, I'm about ten seconds away from swinging on someone." He threw his hands up defensively before opening up the tent for us to walk out.

"Indra, you are going to need to inform Octavia about the strategy. Cause unfortunately anything I say will enter one ear then blow up in her head." Indra nodded as I left the tent.

My feet leaving glass behind as I burned through the sand. Bellamy right behind me as I marched to Octavia's tent.

"We need to speak with Blodreina." Bellamy spoke as we reached the guards at her tent.

"She's in a meeting." I rose my eyebrows at the guard who spoke. I remembered this blockhead. I stepped up closer to him.

"Skit, either you let us in or I swear I will burn a hole in your sternum then use it to split you down the middle." He gulped his tough guy act failing as he realized how serious I was.

"Look, we really need to see her, now." Bellamy voiced again, this time loud enough for Octavia to hear him.

"Let him in!" Skit was very quick to open the tent flaps, his partner curiously staring at the two of us I turned to glare at him.

"Mind yourself, Whatcher." I threatened following Bellamy inside the tent. Bellamy sighed while I moved around him to see what was going on.

"You don't need that." Bellamy pointed at the map.

"The spy found us a way in?" Octavia glanced my way but quickly looked back to her brother.


"Everyone else out." I addressed those at the table as I walked towards it. "Now." I ground out. Their body's naturally taking a step towards the tent exit before they caught themselves.

Octavia nodded for them to leave, but I had already found the plot twist located in her inner workings.

"Before I tell you this, we need to set somethings straight." Bellamy began while I walked around the tent stopping to stand across from Octavia at the table.

"I'm listening."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now