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If tensions weren't high enough already, they rose much hotter to the point they began to further heat up the planet. I'm pretty sure this was as hot as it was when we bust through the concrete and rock at Becca's lab.

"Maybe you should fight someone who isn't scared of you."

"Cooper give him your sword." I stopped Cooper by pulling out my own sword from across my back. The sharp metal gleaming in the light. I held the base of the hilt, offering my sword to Bellamy. His eyes meeting mine in surprise.

"I never give my weapons to anyone, don't take this offer lightly." I warned under my breath as I extended my elbow fully, ordering him to take it silently.

He smiled and gently took the sword from me. His eyes gleaming like a kid who had gotten a new toy. He spun it twice in his hand, tossing it to get the feel of the weight.

"It's light?" I smirked as he eyed the glimmering blade.

"It's a wind-carver, specifically designed for me. Light, swift, sharp, and two times as more deadly in any hands than a basic sword." Bellamy gave the blade one last spin before walking to the mat to take Cooper's place.

"I once had a play date with a kid named Cooper." I began as I watched the two siblings fight.

"Oh, interesting." I chuckled.

"Yeah. By the end of it, he was dead." I didn't need to look at her to hear her gulp. Her heart beat racing at the underlying threat in my words.

"You fight like Azgeda." Octavia spat. I rose an eyebrow, I thought Azgeda didn't exist anymore?

"Not a lot to do up in space for six years."

Their grunts and breaths filled the training room as I watched both of them carefully. Silently critiquing their form and style.

"Let's get something straight. If Echo leaves, I am going with her." I masked my face as I felt a pain in my chest. It was the spark of jealousy that threatened to catch fire.

I watch as the enraged Octavia dove forward with a few spins and sent Bellamy towards the ground after kneeing him in the chest.

She took the time to walk away from him as he stood back up.

"She is not your enemy. You don't even know her." It was the simple sentences that often hurt the most. It was true that Octavia didn't know her, but neither did I.

I kept my face blank as a new character joined my internal battle- Doubt.

"I know what she's done. Gina at Mount Weather," Octavia attacked as she spoke, listing all of Echo's wrong doings, "Ilian in the Conclave." Metal on metal hissing as they collided with the siblings's swings. "She tried to kill me on that damn cliff. She kidnapped you, Bellamy!" Octavia roared as she swung down. Bellamy catching her blade and tossing her backwards before spinning and kicking out beneath her.

Octavia hit the mat hard as Bellamy stood over her. A harsh cough leaving her throat.

"But worst of all. She almost killed the woman you love. Or is that past tense now." I blinked, my eyes trailing from Octavia to Bellamy. His stare unyielding as he refused to look at me. And for once, I was lost in trying to read him.

"We all have things to answer for. Things that shouldn't be forgiven but are. Because we did them for our people, our family. Echo is no different. She was an Azgeda spy, but now she's with me, your brother who is trying very hard to understand who you are now compared to who you were six years ago. All I'm asking is for you to do the same."

He spun the sword in his hand before walking up to me, his eyes cast down as he extended the weapon hilt up.

Look at me.

"Thank you." I blinked. My hand wrapping around the hilt before sliding it back in its sheath.

Look at me!

I watched him, I was confused as he continued out the door without so much as a glance.

"Octavia. I need to go catch up to your brother, but when I get back you and I need to talk about something." I voiced as I followed Bellamy out the doors.

"Spare me your lectures, Persphyni."

"It's not a lecture. It's a plan."

The door to the training room slammed shut before she could say anything else.


Look at me, asshole!

"Bellamy Blake." I growled as he continued to ignore me.

"Hey Dumbass!" I nearly roared as I stalked towards him. His figure slowing down as he stopped moving.

"Damn you Bellamy Blake. I know you aren't deaf." I hissed as I moved around to get in front of him.

"Is that it? You're not even going to look at me? You're just going to leave me standing there acting like a love-sick puppy whose owner kicked her to the curb after breaking her heart?" I put my finger in his chest to drive the point across. "If something has changed you let me know now. Because I'm not going to play this guessing game. One minute I feel confident in us, the next someone's driving a knife through this bond, then during the third minute I'm coming with bandages and ointment while you just stand by as if it's an inconvenience. You haven't even looked me in the eye yet, you, ugh!" I breathed in getting ready to start another tangent.

"Bellamy Blake, you need to be honest with me or so help me I'l-"

My words were cut off as hands embraced my face. The large warm palms pulling me in as his lips effectively shut me up. I kissed back with aggression and went to hit his chest because I was still angry, but his hand slipped down to my balled up fist and held it on his chest, right over his heart. I glared up at him as I waited for his brown orbs to meet mine. And when they did I felt some anger fade. I saw sorrow and regret buried within them. I feel like such an ass. He pulled away slightly, our breaths mingling.

"Pers, no one makes me feel the way you do. I'm sorry if me standing up for Echo has bothered you. But she's been a vital team member for all of us up on that Ring. I owe it to her to fight for her." I sighed, my right first unclenching to lay flat on his chest.

"I understand. I feel like an ass. I just, I hate feeling like I always need to validate us. And I guess now you could say I now know what Jealousy and Doubt look like." I heard him laugh as it mumbled the last part.

"I'm sorry, what was that last part? I didn't quite catch it." I glared at him as he pecked my forehead. A simple gesture that meant the world. "I only want you."

I weakly smiled and pecked his nose. Glad we could get over the moment I just created.

"I only want you."

It really was the simplest things which made all the difference.

And I swear that I'll work to keep from having these detrimental thoughts. And I don't want that to just become another sentence full of empty words and a broken promise.

Because I really need him to help me through this. We may not have seen each other for six years, but that doesn't mean I love him any less. In fact, learning to love the six year older him is part of the journey. And the headache.

I feel strongly that if this wasn't meant to be then I wouldn't be so adamant about holding on.

And all I want to do is never let go.

Someone give me the award for cheesiest one liners.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora