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Bellamy held my chin as he examined my neck. Marks from the shock collar that have burned into the skin. It would fade in time, as most things do.

"I should have gotten there sooner." I smiled.

"Bell. Until a few hours ago, you didn't even know I was alive. I did what I had to. I'll take a hundred more if it meant protecting those I care about." Bellamy frowned at my sentence and pulled me in for a hug.

"I don't want you to ever have to do that." He murmured as I chuckled softly.

He wouldn't have the chance to stop me.

"So. Does that reach to Raven and Murphy?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug and we began to walk out of my holding cell. Bellamy had given me a brief rundown of what's happened but we didn't want to share too much while still on board.

"Yes. In fact-" he trailed off as he unclipped the walkie and brought it to his lips. "Raven, can you hear me? Come in."

"Tell me everyone's ok." At her voice I got excited. A smile on my face growing as I listened to Bellamy's response.

"Everyone's ok. We reached a deal with the people from that ship, and by the way, the laser-comm's an open line. They can hear every word we say."

"Nice to meet you. We're not bad people w-" I choked out a laugh as I covered my mouth. My smile growing wider. This was real. Six years gone and now we can finally all be together.

"Raven, keep him away from the radio." Bellamy rolled his eyes and frowned. I scrunched my eyes in confusion and nudged him with my hip as we continued to walk.


I only nodded and stayed quiet.

"Copy that."

"Anyway, they know the rules, but just to be safe, Colonel Diyoza, here they are again. If anyone tries to get around your security, you pull the plug. If anyone does anything that wasn't agreed upon, you pull the plug. And if you don't hear from me every hour on the hour, you pull the plug."

You pull the plug. I mouthed mockingly as Bellamy said the words out loud.

"Is that all?" I shook my head and pointed towards myself. Bellamy nodded and quickly responded.

"No, not quite." He passed the walkie towards me and I took a deep breath. What do I even say.

"Bellamy?" Bellamy motioned with his hands for me to go on and say something before Raven panicked.

"No. It's the more beautiful half." A gasp trickled in through the comms.

"Pers? How?" Raven breathed out in shock.

"Hey, Raven. Murphy."

"Oh my gosh." His laugh echoed through the walkie, "and they call me the cockroach."

"Oh no. You're still a cockroach." I laughed as Murphy huffed. "I hope to see the both of you soon. Just take care of each other." My tone soft as I mothered them. "Murphy, don't be an ass. And Raven, if he starts being an ass you can push him into space."

"Haha. Funny." I laughed at the dry tone from Murphy.

"I didn't lose my sense of humor these past six years. But I did miss you guys. When this is over, I'll see you both again."

"Thank you for saving our lives. Until then, Pers." I smiled.

"Until then, Raven." I passed the walkie back to Bellamy as I tried to block the sound of Raven sniffling.

"Raven, stay safe. We'll talk soon."

"Yeah, every hour on the hour. We'll be waiting."

I felt the ship moving below us as we walked through the hallways. My eyes scanning everything as I skeptically examined the abandoned hallways.

"Something isn't right." I muttered as the ship roared beneath us. "Bellamy, what's going on?" I asked as I steady myself and looked at his cool demeanor.

"We're going to get through the bunker." I felt like an idiot.

"Oh. Well then never mind." I brushed it off and we kept walking though something nagged at my thoughts. No something wasn't right, but I didn't know what.

However, I'm certain I was about to find out.


The crunch of the rock as they manipulated a hole in the ground deafened the air. My hands held tight to the black harness rope around my legs and waist. My fists white from my grip and my jaw clenched in anticipation.

Once that hole was large enough, I was returning to a place I had tried to forget. A place that I had found in order to save my people. A place that was shown to me by the memories ALIE had placed in my head.

Oh how wicked the fates did turn.

The sunlight streamed through the hole as I stared down into the darkness below. My eyes catching a stain of darkness on the concrete floor, the color of it I couldn't not tell as I tightened the straps of my weapons out of habit.

"You ready?" I glanced up to Bellamy as he stood beside me. I took a deep breath in and steeled my features as I looked out towards the vast desert horizon.

"I've been waiting to do this for six years."

"All clear, descend when ready." I nodded towards Shaw as he stood beside the rope spinner. He's the only person I allowed to spot us. Since I knew Bellamy wouldn't have let me go down by myself I knew I needed someone else's help. Thank goodness for autopilot to keep us hovering.

Shaw's the only one whom doesn't have a vendetta to kill me, yet.

I took the step first. The soft whirling of rope as Shaw guided my descent to the ground. The spotlight blinded me as I made my way to the concrete first. Dust rising from the rubble as I landed on two feet. Bellamy a second behind. Clarke behind him. We had met her just outside the holding room, apparently her and Madi were the gunshots I heard when they were threatening to kill the five new inhabitants.

I stood and unclipped the rope from my harness before looking around. The strong smell of metal and iron filled the room alongside the taint of blood.

Flashes of the dark nightmares I had gotten of this place came to life in front of my eyes as I blinked away the visions.

I kept my hands ready as I turned slowly. Eyes adjusting to see bloodied walls and weapons adorning the chains.

I turned again to see Bellamy staring at someone, but I was too caught up in what I was witnessing. We were in the middle of a pit.

A fighting pit. A smaller version of the one I had told Octavia stories about. My past I had used as an example of horrible acts have been let out to live again.

This was outrageous. This was mad. And this was all my fault. Because I left them.

I would have time to be angry later. Now I needed answers.

"Who is in charge?" My voice echoed in the silence as I turned to the sound of whispering. My hand twitching as I saw a dark headed female hugging Bellamy.


Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now